Donkey Kong 64 Video Game Music Compositions

Banjo Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts photo

Creepy Castle

Banjo Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts photo

Crystal Caves

Banjo Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts photo

Frantic Factory

Banjo Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts photo

Jungle Japes

Banjo Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts photo

Mine Cart

Eveline Fischer was originally doing this game as she did Donkey Kong 3 on the SNES. Quite close to the start of the game I was asked to help out. As I’ve already said this year turned out to be a mega busy year and in hindsight maybe I should’ve said no….!!

George Andreas was asked to head the team after his stint on the Banjo team with me, I got on well with George so it made my decision a lot easier.

I suppose I can’t pass up this opportunity to comment on the infamous DK Rap. Over the years I’ve had quite a bit of flak about this piece and I can say now once and for all …..IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE! Lots of people thought it was my attempt at a serious rap song, of course this total nonsense, since when has any rap song you’ve heard rap about bananas and pineapples and have slide trombones etc….!! Still, I can blame it all on George, it was his idea, I just did what he wanted, and he wrote the words and he was one of the “Rappers” (Chris Sutherland, lead programmer on the Banjo team was the other)……..there, I’ve finally put that to rest.

On the sound design front I can reveal that I was the voice of Donkey Kong, yes it’s me, actually Nintendo asked for the voice samples when they were making one of the Smash Brothers games, and they still used the DK Rap as well!

I really like the Creepy Castle music in this game, I tried to get that “Adams Family” feel to the piece. Of course I still get teased about the DK Rap to this day….aarrgghh!