Radio Taiwan International partners with the 20th annual AIBs

Radio Taiwan International partners with the 20th annual AIBs

Radio Taiwan International partners with the 20th annual AIBs Global awards for journalism and factual productions highlight the ever-increasing need for unbiased reporting and holding power to account The Association for International Broadcasting (AIB) is proud to...
Radio Taiwan International becomes AIBs 2022 event partner

Radio Taiwan International becomes AIBs 2022 event partner

Radio Taiwan International becomes AIBs 2022 event partner International multimedia broadcaster supports world’s leading factual programming awards The Association for International Broadcasting is pleased to announce a landmark partnership arrangement with Radio...

Radio Taiwan International

As a public broadcaster, Radio Taiwan International is dedicated to fulfilling its mission by providing accurate and reliable information, and promptly responding to changes in the international community. Rti prides itself on being a broadcaster that upholds the...

Public Television Service – Taiwan (PTS)

With the passage of the Public Television Act by the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation (PTS Foundation) was established as a non-profit foundation to operate the Public Television Service (PTS), which started broadcast on July 1, 1998. The...

Euronews Network now in Taiwan

Global News, the Taiwanese local satellite channel with 800,000 subscribers, to broadcast a premium Euronews information product.

Euronews Network is expanding, welcoming Taiwan as its newest partner. Euronews and Global News, a general interest channel in Taipei, have just signed an agreement for the broadcast of the Euronews programme “News of the Week Review”. 

Euronews Network is a new multi-service business line designed for media professionals. The positioning of Euronews Network is simple: It offers to its members an exclusive access to the know-how of Europe’s leading international news channel, through multiple à-la-carte services.

Global News is offering its audience the 30-minute Euronews’ programme “News of The Week Review”, a look-back at headline-making events of the week in world news, business, culture and sport, produced by Euronews‘ team of international journalists.

The Taiwanese viewers can now watch the “News of the Week Review” in English and subtitled in Mandarin. Global News broadcasts the programme 6 times, Monday and Tuesday every week.

euronews NETWORK

The Euronews Network, created by the international news group, aims to develop partnerships with media groups from around the world, giving access to Euronews content, enabling clients to benefit from the channel’s unique experience, knowledge and credibility.

The Euronews Network concept is based on tailor-made cooperation between Euronews and those partners who wish to profit from Euronews’ know-how in programmes and resources.

Euronews Network brings together 6 members reaching 23 million households.

       in Europe: Ederly TV (Hungary), First Baltic Channel (Latvia), Ictimai TV (Azerbaijan)

       in North America: One TV (USA)

       In South America: Canal 22 (Mexico)

       and in Asia: Global News (Taiwan)

(Source: Euronews press release)