4U2C sets the ice ablaze

WITH VIDEO: Yves Aucoin and Stéphane Mongeau complete each other's sentences, bicker about minutia and fill in the blanks when the other's memory fails.

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Yves Aucoin and Stéphane Mongeau complete each other’s sentences, bicker about minutia and fill in the blanks when the other’s memory fails.

Was that Céline Dion world tour really in 2008? And what happened between 2010 and 2013? Oh right, lighting design in Las Vegas and France.

Despite more than a quarter-century of friendship, though, the men, both 49 years old, have rarely been in the same place at the same time. That all changed last year, when the two professional lighting designers used their individual experiences and clout in show business to help create 4U2C. Now they sit just a few metres from each other pretty much every day.

Most people have probably never heard of this young company, but you’ve almost definitely seen their work. 4U2C is the creative force behind the stunning multimedia show that opened the Habs’ first home playoff game against the Tampa Bay Lightning.

During the four-minute show, the ice fell apart in cataclysmic sequences, cascading along to pulsating electronic music. Then, a little boy skated out and set the ice and audience on fire, completely engulfing the Bell Centre in digital flames.

The dramatic display of audiovisual dexterity whipped Canadiens fans into a roaring frenzy, although many fans watching at home had no idea it had even occurred until a video of it made it to YouTube. Since being posted on April 20, it’s been viewed more than 200,000 times.

“In February, (the Habs organization) gave us a call. They said: ‘Well, we think we’re going to make the playoffs . . . so it would be great to revisit our pregame show,’ ” Mongeau, the company’s executive vice-president, said.

He and Aucoin jumped at the chance to work with their favourite hockey team and enlisted three designers, Randy Gonzalez, Mathieu Martin and Maxim Lortie, to lead the video’s design.

“Me and Stéphane, we are big fans of the team,” Aucoin, the company’s president and artistic creator, said. “It was a special project for us.”

Because 4U2C is a joint venture between Cirque du Soleil and Solotech, a Montreal-based audiovisual company that caters to many of the city’s major cultural and sporting promoters, Aucoin and Mongeau had access to nearly any kind of equipment they needed. Considering the Habs’ success in Tampa, they knew they had to pull out all the stops — so they moved 12 projectors with 20,000 lumens each, 38 moving beam lights called sharpies and other gear and programs into the Bell Centre for 4U2C’s pregame show.

“We were a little bit lucky because they came home with two wins already, and we had the crowd on our side. It was great, but at the same time, it was more pressure because they came home with two wins! We didn’t want to jinx them,” Aucoin said.

As it turns out, it wasn’t the first time Aucoin has worked with the Habs or the Bell Centre’s in-house crew. His lighting design work closed the Montreal Forum and opened the Molson Centre (now Bell Centre) in 1996; he also did the lighting design for a private Habs centennial dinner held at the arena.

Even if the Habs’ pregame show has catapulted 4U2C into the spotlight, though, it isn’t Aucoin and Mongeau’s only claim to fame.

A graduate of the National Theatre School, Mongeau worked for Cirque du Soleil for 12 years, serving as vice-president of production for most of it. He worked on the Beatles LOVE show in Las Vegas and has also taught lighting design.

Meanwhile, Aucoin’s career has been marked by gigs with a plethora of artists and promoters — “I’ve been on the road since 1983,” he said — although none nearly as high-profile as Céline Dion. He’s been her creative right-hand man since 1989, even moving to Las Vegas for eight years during her residency at Caesars Palace.

4U2C is more than just the sum of Aucoin and Mongeau’s careers, though. Housed inside Solotech’s Hochelaga-Maisonneuve headquarters, 4U2C is composed of a small team of 16 people, 10 of whom are designers. Of the four others besides Aucoin and Mongeau, one person — the creative hunter, as Mongeau calls her — is tasked specifically with identifying trends and keeping the company ahead of the curve.

The two men revel in adapting new and upcoming technology to the work they do. “You’ve got to stay curious,” Mongeau said.

Three-dimensional design and video mapping — that is, turning irregular surfaces into illusory objects through projection — have become part of the field’s status quo.

“I always try, since Day 1, to look forward. I try to be really up to speed with new technology. That’s why I like to work with younger people; they’re quite often quicker to grab onto new trends,” Aucoin said.

“We always have the hope of creating the new trends. It’s one of our goals — to not be followers, but to be trendsetters,” he continued.

They may be well on their way. Together, the small team has produced about 30 projects in 4U2C’s one year of existence, including the Bud Light Hotel cruise ship at the 2014 Super Bowl and last winter’s edition of Igloofest in Old Montreal. The team is working on a 25-minute show to be projected on the side of a building in Campeche, Mexico.

As for the Habs, Aucoin and Mongeau are remaining tight-lipped as to other possible collaborations this year.

“We’ll be at their disposal if they need us to help them,” Mongeau said, smiling.


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