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DMCA Content Takedown
This is an automatic 4chan archive - all of the content was originally posted there! If you need a poster's details e-mail them.
This archive is using an own database - 4chanarchives's DB dump as well as newly archived threads.
Please disable AdBlock and similar addons - by doing so you insure this project's future, since I'll be able to pay the hosting bills.
4chanarchives.com differs from other 4chan archives by not using Fuuka nor Asagi, but by using custom hand-made scripts to archive data.
4chanarchives archives automatically content from 4chan and uploads it to imgur. WebM files are not archived due to their size and content.
A thread is archived once it reaches its board's archive page (except for /b/ and /trash/ - they are archived if a thread has more than 20 posts)
Currently I archive locally and every few months I add my content here. Right now I try to archive every thread from the following boards:
You can e-mail me at [email protected] if you need to contact me about information or DMCA/takedown requests and so on. If you do
send me a report, please include as much info as possible, like: link to the thread(s), post(s) number and the reason why you want it removed!
None of the images are stored on the 4chanarchives host. Every image on 4chan is automatically uploaded to imgur, and since imgur doesn't allow
pdf/flash/webm file uploads I can't upload them and thus host them. However, the WebM's thumbnail is uploaded to imgur, but the pdf/flash - not.

As of 21.Dec.2015, there are 258k threads, 27mil posts, 6.5mil images (3TB) in total.
Statistical information regarding the archived state of different boards is available here.

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
If a post contains personal/copyrighted/illegal content you can contact me at [email protected] with that post and thread number and it will be removed as soon as possible.
If a post contains illegal content, please click on its [Report] button and follow the instructions.
This is a 4chan archive - all of the content originated from them. If you need information for a Poster - you need to contact them.
This website shows only archived content and is not affiliated with 4chan in any way.
If you like this website please support us by donating with Bitcoin at 1XVgDnu36zCj97gLdeSwHMdiJaBkqhtMK