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Gaysians Are Beautiful

Advocate contributor Jimmy Nguyen takes a look at racial lookism and explains why he thinks the gay rainbow needs to embrace more colors. 


COMMENTARY: “No Fats, Femmes, or Asians.” All too often, that ominous alert appears in profiles on gay dating and matching websites. It screams that the ideal of gay male attractiveness in America is not Asian nor “fat” nor “femme.” This warning is also the provocative title of a comedy show from Alec Mapa, the self-proclaimed “America’s Gaysian Sweetheart.”

Like Alec, I am also a gay and Asian double-minority. With the title No Fats, Femmes,, or Asians, Alec succinctly raises questions I have faced my entire adult life: Are Asian men unattractive to much of America’s gay community? Are we ostracized like others with “undesirable” traits? The truth is neither black nor white, but some shade of grey. Yet this much is clear: It’s time for gay men to embrace a more universal vision of beauty, one that appreciates every color of our rainbow.

Let’s begin by defining the problem: The gay world has a mixed relationship with race. Because LGBTs are a historically oppressed minority, you would think we easily accept other minority groups. But the gay male community, especially in its most elite social circles, is predominantly white. In part, that’s because racial minority groups still are not fully integrated into the queer sphere. It’s also because power in America (gay or straight) has historically been concentrated in white hands. But mostly, it’s because the men considered most attractive, by the most people in our country, are “all-American” white.

Gay men are not necessarily racist; instead, we are “lookist,” perhaps even more so than our straight counterparts. And the idealized vision of gay Adonis in the United States is white. Of course, some men are attracted to Asians, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other ethnicities. But Asians seem relegated to the bottom of the attractiveness spectrum. (My African-American friends might claim they deserve the title of worst-treated.) This is racial lookism.

I have no hard proof from surveys, statistics, or Gallup polls. This is just my opinion based upon personal experience as a gay man growing up in Los Angeles and travelling to major cities across the United States. It’s also supported by comments from my gaysian friends and observing how Asian men are treated in Gayville.

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Reader Comments
  • Name: Mike
    Date posted: 8/16/2011 7:25:46 AM
    Hometown: Vancouver


    I agree with Tom from San Jose. The author of this article clearly stated that he's predominantly attracted to white men, so why does he have any right to complain when a white man is predominantly attracted to other white men? Hypocrisy at it's finest folks. Absolutely disgusting!

  • Name: mariov
    Date posted: 3/16/2011 12:51:30 PM
    Hometown: new britain,ct


    Oh god",thanks for writing about this issue! I am a 58 year old retired man, Black of Puerto Rican descent. I lived in Los Angeles from 1972 to 2006. I was young, handsome and ex-marine with a killer body then. I am now living in Connecticut, much older,and heavier 225 lbs. and I have no gay friends,with some minimal family ties. I stay away from the typical gay circles, and the few gay people I have met are for the most part are in denial and pretend that they are straight while sucking everything and anything you put infront of them. I am unable to connect to people, who have that much drama",and that cannot be honest to a least to themselves to be who they are! I remember, how difficult it was even during the 70"s, for a color/minority to go to a gay bar. It was public knowledge that some bars would harass, and required minorities to provide additional id,s as compared to what was been asked of our gay white brothers. I love, and enjoy all kinds of Azian men, young/fat/old, hang on!

  • Name: Brian
    Date posted: 3/15/2011 9:21:05 PM
    Hometown: New York


    This article makes me mad. First, how dare the writer dismiss "rice queens" while admitting that he is a "potato queen?" I think it's also quite telling that he says he has historically not embraced his Asian-ness---in other words, tried too hard to falsely blend into what he perceived as a white-heavy culture. THAT is what is unattractive----Asian is beautiful. I think he needs better friends---or move to New York?

  • Name: Drew
    Date posted: 3/15/2011 8:21:29 PM
    Hometown: NY


    next personal ad i write "no people who get offended by people who don't want to fuck you because of your race." lol

  • Name: Timothy (TRiG)
    Date posted: 3/13/2011 8:37:21 PM
    Hometown: Tullamore, Offaly


    Physical attraction is outside of our direct control, but outright stating "No Asians" sounds racist to me. Even if you're absolutely certain you'll never ever be attracted to an Asian guy (or a fat guy, or whatever), you can state your tastes in terms of what turns you on, not what turns you off. As I once said elsewhere on a blog post about racism and sexual attraction: I’ve tried to analyse whether I’m racist in terms of who I’m attracted to. I don’t think I am, but I’m not sure. I like pretty boys, not muscle studs. This can translate to racist if you don’t stop to think about it (Filipino guys are pretty; black guys are handsome), but there are plenty of exceptions to that and I try to keep myself aware of them. TRiG.

  • Name: Peter Gregory
    Date posted: 3/12/2011 5:23:20 AM
    Hometown: Kuala Lumpur


    There's a really funny TV clip which went around the emails recently- a serious and pushy but anti-racist Aussie TV presenter knocked on the door of a guy whose "house for sale" advert stated " no Asians" There was a tense exchange at first and then the vendor said with a straight face"I told the telesales girl 'no AGENTS no agents' ". Both collapsed with laughter!

  • Name: Peter Gregory
    Date posted: 3/12/2011 5:04:37 AM
    Hometown: Kuala Lumpur


    1- You seem to sneer at "rice queens" yet it's like being born gay or lesbian. I only fancy Asians, hence my living in Malaysia. You seem hypocritical on this point. 2- A statement "no Asians" is illegal in the UK, where I was born. You can sue for discrimination. 3- I worked for gay newspapers in the UK before and found it sad that the papers perpetuated stereotypes and gays followed them- clones, then muscle marys. Let's all allow each other to fancy who we like- a very skinny Malay or a big hairy white leather guy. 4- I used to be skinny and very fit. Now I'm old and chubby. Guys still fancy me here, yet in the UK there is HUGE ageism.

  • Name: lawyergrrl
    Date posted: 3/8/2011 7:52:49 PM
    Hometown: NYC


    also, this does nothing to intellectually further the conversation in any way but jimmy, i would also eat you with a spoon. *fans self off

  • Name: lawyergrrl
    Date posted: 3/8/2011 7:40:54 PM
    Hometown: New York


    Hey Jimmy, I've experienced the same treatment as a black lesbian...seems that across the LGBT community, racism (yes, that's my preferred term) is consistent. I for one am very grateful for your article.

  • Name: Tim
    Date posted: 3/7/2011 3:12:41 PM
    Hometown: LA


    I submit I have no racial bias or preference, but I can't stand poor spelling or grammar. I’m a relatively good-looking white guy in good shape with a wide range of interests, so I get to meet a lot of men. However, I’m still looking for the Mr Right of any race who can parse a sentence, compose a text message without using I, r, u, 2 and 4 as words, knows the difference between there/their/they’re and it’s/its, and doesn’t use “like” as a space-filler. Call me a “literatist” or “anti-neo-wordian,” but that’s just the way I am. :-/ To Peter N in Calgary: I don't think the problem you describe has anything to do with race; it sounds like you need a different group of "friends." The people you encountered seem like a bunch of back-stabbing homewreckers.

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