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The Sydney Morning Herald: national, world, business, entertainment, sport and technology news from Australia's leading newspaper.

Wikipedia added to child pornography blacklist

Asher Moses
December 8, 2008 - 3:23PM

Wikipedia has been blacklisted by a British online child pornography watchdog, causing almost every internet user in Britain to be blocked from contributing to the site anonymously.

The British Government-backed Internet Watch Foundation blacklisted Wikipedia over an article on the 1976 album Virgin Killer by German heavy metal band Scorpions.

At issue was a screen shot of the album cover, published with the article, that featured a naked, young girl with her genitals obscured by a simulated tear in the photograph.

After hearing of the blacklisting, Britain's six main internet service providers blocked their users from accessing the article.

But the method they used means users of each provider now access Wikipedia as a whole through the same IP address.

Usually all internet users have a unique IP address, allowing Wikipedia to block users who vandalise the site or otherwise break its rules.

Wikipedia dubs itself the "free encyclopedia anyone can edit".

But Daniel Bryant, a Wikipedia administrator based in Australia, said that, because of the technique used to block the Virgin Killer article, it was now impossible to differentiate between people anonymously editing Wikipedia from Britain.

Banning one user for breaking the rules would result in every other user of that ISP being banned from editing the site as well.

"We can't determine who's who from Britain, and so that's causing trouble with people vandalising [Wikipedia] from Britain and we can't work out who it is and can't block just them. We have to block a lot of people to do it," he said.

As a result, Wikipedia, which contains 2.6 million articles all written by its users, has instituted a blanket ban on anonymous edits from the six ISPs, which account for 95 per cent of British residential internet users.

"It's causing massive trouble for people trying to edit from Britain - normally you can edit anonymously but for people in Britain they must have an account to edit because those six IPs have been blocked," Bryant said.

Sarah Robertson, spokeswoman for the Internet Watch Foundation, told the Associated Press that the picture was flagged by an internet user late last week. The foundation concluded, after consulting British police, that the picture could break child abuse laws.

Wikipedia administrators have refused to remove the album cover on the site, saying they do not censor articles.

"We have no reason to believe the article, or the image contained in the article, has been held to be illegal in any jurisdiction anywhere in the world," said the Wikimedia Foundation's general counsel, Mike Godwin.

"We believe it's worth noting that the image is currently visible on Amazon, where the album can be freely purchased by UK residents. It is available on thousands of websites that are accessible to the UK public."

Ironically, the banning of the image has only made it visible to more people as news sites publicise the issue and the image spreads across sites other than Wikipedia.

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