



.: Biography

My name is Kevin Steen.

I was born on May 7th, 1984 in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.

I grew up in Marieville, Quebec, Canada.
When I was born my parents already had a cat, Blacky. Black from head to toe. He was two at the time and we instantly became best buds. He died when I was 10 and it pretty much destroyed me. My parents got a another cat, this one, white from head to toe. I called him Snow. He, however, did not become my best bud immediately. You see, he was a kitten when we got him. He had this bad habit of running like a f****** maniac all over the house and jumping over my bed several times a night. I couldn't stand him! Thankfully, about a month later my dad decided to take the cat to the vet to get its nuts cut off and that calmed him down bigtime! Then we became best friends, probably because of the fact that we now had something in common. I was born without testicules you see...

Anyways, I played a lot of sports when I was a kid. Hockey, soccer, baseball, polo. I kind of never liked hockey but my bother was amazing at it and my parents really like it, so I took it up too. I was alright at it I suppose but it was never a passion. I played until I was 13 or so and then decided to stop. Soccer is something else I was alright at. I played for a few years until a horrible accident when I was 11.

I was at practice, our last one before the season started. I was running towards our goalie with the ball when he decided it would be a good idea to slide towards me with his spiked soccer shoes. He basically dropkicked me in the shin while I was running. I got back up and started walking when I saw one of my friends freak out. I looked down and noticed my left foot was facing up and that everytime I'd put my foot down, what would actually touch the ground was the middle of my shin. I saw down, took my shoe off, rolled down my stupid long ass soccer sock to come face to...bone with my tibia. Apparently it got bored inside my leg and decided to step out for a while, along with his best friend the flesh. It was gruesome, very much like Sid's WCW injury. I would later bond over this with Sid, and also over the fact that I had the same haircut as him when I was in 4th grade. That was the last time I ever played soccer.

Baseball I was not good at. And I hated it. I played because my buddy played and quit after 15 or so games because I was sick of missing Monday Night Raw because of the games. Plus the pants were way too tight.

I never played polo. I'm not entirely sure what it is.

I first saw wrestling when I was 11. My dad rented a tape of WrestleMania 11 at the video store and asked me if I wanted to check it out. I declined, only to end up sitting on the couch with him to watch the whole thing twenty minutes later. My favourite wrestler for about an hour and a half was the British Bulldog. Then Shawn Michaels wrestled Diesel with Johnathan Taylor Thomas as the guest timekeeper and I was hooked. Watching Shawn Michaels perform made me want to be a wrestler and I'm like, 80% sure it's not because of his striptease entrence. 75%.

It took three years before I could find somewhere to train. This dude named Serge Jodoin, who had had limited success in wrestling locally, ran a wrestling school out of a barn about 30 minutes from my house. An actual barn. That should have been enough to make me question the quality of the training I was going to receive but I didn't care. Plus, legand had it Jodoin had once jobbed to Macho Man Randy Savage! I was sold. I trained with him for about a month and to his credit, he wasn't bad at all. I didn't have the time to learn much from him but what he did teach me, he did it well. Then the barn collapsed on top the ring. Luckily nobody was in the ring at the time. One guy was next to the ring, and was killed. But he was an asshole so it's fine. Think I'm joking?

A year passed before I could get back on track with wrestling training. One day in 9th grade, I was in computer class doing anything but what I was supposed to do when I stumbled upon an article on a local wrestling website announcing the grand opening of the Jacques Rougeau "I was the Mountie and was Intercontinental Champion for 3 days so respect me!" Wrestling School.

My parents took me there on a Saturday morning and after listening to about two hours of complete bulls*** from Rougeau, we decided to sign me up. The amount he was charging was pretty crazy, for my family's means anyway, but my parents were always extremely supportive of anything I ever wanted to do and backed me up 100%. Of course we didn't know Rougeau or his less-than-respectable personality at the time so we thought we were making a good decision.

It didn't turn out to be a bad decision but we probably would have been more careful with our money if we had known what we know now back then.

Let me get this straight, Rougeau isn't a crook or anything like that. And he did train me to the best of his ability I think. But he's a complete ass. Ask anyone who truly knows him and they'll tell you. Like Mick Foley once told me, dealing with Jacques feels a lot like dealing with a used car salesman. You know you're getting f***** but you're not quite sure how.

I trained and wrestled for Jacques for three years. I met a lot of good people there and made a lot of friends. But as far as getting experience and owning the craft of wrestling, I wasn't going anywhere. Jacques had a very particular way of training people and a very clear agenda for his wrestlers. He wouldn't let us wrestle anywhere except for his own company. Only problem was, he would run once every 4-5 months and wouldn't pay us. But back then I didn't know any better. I was just happy wrestling with my friends and getting to do it in front of thousands of people, because of the notoriety Jacques has in Quebec, was a blast. No other company in Quebec drew anything like that. His family's name and reputation helped Jacques quite a bit in his day, and it's what kept me and the other students of his school there.

Alright, this is not anywhere near the end of it. But this is long enough for now. You all munch on that and check back soon for the rest of it. YOU DO IT.