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1st Channel 2nd Channel 3rd Channel RUI

1st Channel

Live broadcast
The First Channel includes information and news narrating events in Ukraine and abroad; cycle programmes on political and social-economic subjects; literary and musical programmes, programmes for children and youth

2nd Channel

Live broadcast
Information-musical youth channel deals with the most urgent problems of young people in Ukraine, in particular it helps to get oriented towards choosing one's trade, informs of the most important events in the life of youth, acquaints with modern Ukrainian music.

3rd Channel

Live broadcast
UR Third Programme - "Channel of spiritual rebirth Radio "Kultura" which is basically aimed at creating in domestic radio space a special environment of high spiritual culture involving mass listeners' audience.

Radio Ukraine International

Live broadcast
RUI acquaints foreign listeners with all diversity of political and social-economic life in Ukraine.
1st Channel 2nd Channel 3rd Channel RUI
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97 soldiers of "Donbas" battalion break siege near Ilovaisk

01-09-2014 11:50

97 soldiers of "Donbas" battalion have broken the siege near Ilovaisk, Donetsk region, Anton Heraschenko, advisor to the Ukrainian interior minister, wrote on Facebook.

He said the ongoing negotiations on the exchange of prisoners are underway .The battalion  is being replenished by soldiers and heavy machinery. As the head of the Interior Ministry adviser Anton Heraschenko said, soldiers of the "Donbass" battalion will be presented to awards for the military action in Ilovaysk.