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Friday Final Ratings: 'Shark Tank' Adjusted Up, 'Blue Bloods' Adjusted Down + No Adjustment for 'Grimm' or 'Dracula'

Categories: 1-Featured,TV Ratings: Nielsen Final Broadcast TV Show Ratings

Written By

November 4th, 2013


Shark Tank was adjusted up a single tenth and Blue Bloods was adjusted down a tenth among adults 18-49 versus Friday's preliminary ratings. 

Want to know why adjustments occur to the preliminary ratings? Read this.

Final broadcast primetime ratings for Friday, November 1, 2013:

Time Net Show 18-49 rating 18-49 Share Viewers Live+SD (million)
8:00 PM CBS Undercover Boss 1.4 5 9.05
ABC Last Man Standing 1.4 5 6.36
FOX MasterChef Jr 1.3 5 4.01
NBC Why We (Heart) Vampires 0.7 2 2.59
CW The Carrie Diaries 0.3 1 0.89
8:30PM ABC The Neighbors 1.0 4 4.50
9:00 PM ABC Shark Tank 2.0 6 7.31
NBC Grimm 1.5 5 4.96
CBS Hawaii Five-0 1.3 4 9.71
FOX Sleepy Hollow -R 0.5 2 1.69
CW America's Next Top Model 0.4 1 1.01
10:00 PM ABC 20/20 1.5 5 7.64
NBC Dracula 1.3 4 3.39
CBS Blue Bloods 1.2 4 11.01

Nielsen TV Ratings: ©2013 The Nielsen Company. All Rights Reserved.


(73) Comments - Add Yours!

  1. Percy

    I wish Hawaii Five-0 or Grimm adjusted up lol

  2. John A

    CBS line up not doing that great. Shark Tank amazing as always.

  3. Mon

    Blue Bloods adjusted down.


  4. Charmed

    Damn it I was hoping TCD would adjust up

  5. Clarke

    I think ABC should leave The Neighbors right where it is all season. The show is steadily rising in total viewers and gaining an audience. Sure, its numbers aren’t great – even for Fridays – but I think show can grow if it is given time. It also helps that the show is owned by ABC studios.

  6. Robert

    OK i get all the demo love from the advertisers but somehow i imagine a show that is being watched by 11 million viewers will produce more sales than a show watched by 4 times less people.

  7. SJ


    What is with your sick hatred for this show?

  8. HalCapone

    Not sure if The Neighbors has any influence on Shark Tank ratings. It would seem they both attract their own devoted and unrelated fans irrespective of each other. Next week’s crossover between The Neighbors and The Sharks might be the first time they ever share any of the same sampling of viewers. In any event, it sounds like it has potential to be funny whether one loves or hates The Neighbors and Shark Tank.

  9. Logan

    How does cbs get so many views but like no adults
    thats messed up!
    Blue bloods 11.01 million with 1.2 adults wtf?

  10. Matt

    Nice upward viewership adjustment for Last Man Standing. Awesome for Shark Tank and 20/20. Make that huge for 20/20.

  11. CrimTV


    It’s not 1.2 million adults, it’s 1.2% of adults aged 18-49 watching the show.

  12. Ccemerson

    Chuck and Dexter fans , Netflix has the episodes on their site !!!

  13. JR35

    Shark Tank is on Friday fire. :)

    Robert- I don’t know how they could measure direct sales from commercial watching, but yeah, the ad people love to reach that 18-49 demo.

  14. Anthony

    OK i get all the demo love from the advertisers but somehow i imagine a show that is being watched by 11 million viewers will produce more sales than a show watched by 4 times less people.

    That’s the thing about imagination though. It very rarely resembles real life.

  15. Logan

    @CrimTV I never meant 1.2 million adults

  16. HeadlessHorseman

    You don’t have to like the show, but don’t go out of your way to bash. People think less of you for it.

    Usually a drop in the second half hour (.4, .3) doesn’t lead to an upward adjustment. However, its cancellation isn’t a certainty yet.

    I know that’s not the determining factor but I don’t remember a show that’s dropped in the second half that gets an adjustment up. Does anyone else?

  17. HeadlessHorseman

    Bash it*

  18. Alan

    Damn Carrie Diaries! I was hoping an adjustment, but it’s still nice.

  19. AllOfHerTw!st

    Go Tim Allen!

    Viva H50!

  20. Alan

    And it’s amazing how steady ANTM is with demo and viewers.

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