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クエリ検索: "50/50"
44,772件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 伊東 明子, 阪本 大輔, 杉浦 俊彦, 森口 卓哉
    2021年 20 巻 2 号 207-215
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    ニホンナシにおける耐凍性の簡便な評価法の開発を目的に,茨城県つくば市(農研機構果樹茶部門),鳥取県東伯郡北栄町(鳥取園試),福岡県筑紫野市(福岡農林総試),熊本県宇城市(熊本農研セ果研),熊本県八代郡氷川町(現地圃場),および鹿児島県薩摩川内市(鹿児島農開総セ果樹北薩:当時)に植栽の ‘幸水’,‘新高’ および ‘二十世紀’ 成木を用い,道管液糖含量と耐凍性(半数致死温度:LT50 (°C))の関係を2011~2017年度の12月から2月(‘二十世紀’ は12月から1月)のサンプルを用いて調査したところ,両者の間には品種ごとに異なる負の相関があることが明らかとなった(‘幸水’:LT50 (°C) = –0.516A–0.417,‘新高’ LT50 (°C) = –0.342A–4.55,‘二十世紀’:LT50 (°C) = –0.268A–9.84,ここでAは道管液糖含量(mg・mL–1)を示す).またその相関から外れたサンプルの一部については,ポット樹を用いた温度制御実験により,急激な温度変化が起こると道管液糖含量は温度変化に反応して比較的速やか(1~2日)に変化するのに対し,LT50 (°C)の反応は遅い(10日以上)ことが示され,両者の温度変化に対する反応の早さの違いが要因である可能性が示された.また,道管液の糖含量は果実糖度計など簡易的な示差屈折計を用いてもおおよそ把握できることが示された.本手法は,品種ごとに異なる検量線の作成を要すること,また糖含量はLT50 (°C)を決定する重要な要因の一つではあるが唯一の要因ではないことから,使用場面に一定の限界はあるが,たとえば耐凍性が問題となる地域において,当該期間中に定期的に道管液を測定することで,耐凍性の脆弱な園地や年次を把握するツールとして使用できるものと考えられた.

  • Nobuaki Tamagawa, Susumu Harasawa
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
    1970年 28 巻 3 号 564-569
    発行日: 1970/03/05
    公開日: 2007/06/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    Measurements of the magnetic anisotropy induced by irradiation of reactor neutrons or 1.47 MeV α-particles at 563°K in a magnetic field of about 2000 Oe were made on the evaporated Fe–Ni (
    %) thin films of single and polycrystalline structures. The observed induced uniaxial anisotropy was a few times larger than that of the bulk alloys. The temperature dependence of this anisotropy was measured at temperatures from 77°K to 663°K and fits quite well with the third power of the magnetization. Above 573°K, the magnetic anisotropy decreases with increasing temperature and time of heat treatment. The temperature dependence is well described by assuming the activation energies of 0.55 eV between 573°K and 773°K and 2 eV about 773°K.
  • 中谷 隼
    2023年 19 巻 3 号 106-116
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/07/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    近年、プラスチック資源循環による環境負荷の削減効果を LCA で評価するための方法が改めて問われているが、それには以下の要因があると思われる。すなわち、①脱炭素社会とサーキュラーエコノミーの実現が同時に求められている社会的背景、②評価方法に不確定な要素が残されていること、③資源循環の評価において「廃棄物処理」の視点に加えて「原料生産」の視点が強調されてきたことである。そのため、資源循環による社会全体としての負荷の削減効果を、どのように再生原料の供給側と需要側に割り当てるかという議論が避けて通れなくなっている。その評価には様々な手法が提案されているが、どういった条件を満たす循環利用に対して、どの手法を適用するべきかについては議論が煮詰まっていない。本稿では、プラスチックの資源循環を念頭に、リサイクルを含む循環利用のオプションを LCA で評価および比較する方法について解説する。まず、カットオフ法および負荷回避法と、負荷と削減効果の割当手法について、プロセスフローの図解によって説明する。また、プラスチック資源循環の評価に残された課題として、評価手法の選択、負荷を控除するプロセスの特定、資源循環の効果の表示に関わる問題について述べる。

  • 玉井 惟正, 杉浦 義一
    1966年 1966.1 巻 2p-A-3
    発行日: 1966/10/01
    公開日: 2018/03/22
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 玉川 惟正, 原沢 進
    1967年 1967.3 巻
    発行日: 1967/10/14
    公開日: 2018/03/22
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Masamichi Nonaka, Tsutomu Kishi
    The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
    2018年 64 巻 2 号 99-102
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/05/21
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2018/02/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Hirotaka Watada, Makoto Imori, Pengfei Li, Noriyuki Iwamoto
    Endocrine Journal
    2017年 64 巻 7 号 705-717
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2017/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Japan, premixed insulins are commonly used as starter insulin for type 2 diabetes. This subpopulation analysis assessed the efficacy and safety of twice-daily LM25 (25% insulin lispro/75% insulin lispro protamine) and LM
    % insulin lispro/50% insulin lispro protamine) as starter insulin in Japanese subjects, and compared these results with the whole-trial populations of East Asian subjects. In this subpopulation analysis of an open-label, phase 4, randomized trial (CLASSIFY), Japanese subjects received LM25 (n = 88) or LM50 (n = 84) twice-daily for 26 weeks. The primary outcome was change from baseline at Week 26 in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Results for Japanese subjects were generally similar to those for the whole-trial population. Similar changes from baseline in HbA1c were observed for LM25 and LM50 groups (least squares [LS] mean difference [95% confidence interval] of LM25 - LM50 = 0.13 [-0.16, 0.41]%, 1.42 [-1.75, 4.48] mmol/mol, p = 0.388). More LM50-treated subjects than LM25-treated subjects achieved HbA1c targets of <7.0% (59.5% versus 43.2%; p = 0.034) or ≤6.5% (45.2% versus 28.4%; p = 0.027). The reduction in postprandial blood glucose concentrations after morning and evening meals was statistically significantly greater for LM50 than for LM25. The incidence of both hypoglycemia and treatment-emergent adverse events were similar between treatment groups. Both LM25 and LM50 twice daily appear to be effective and well tolerated as starter insulin, although LM50 might be more effective for Japanese type 2 diabetes patients.
  • Michiru YASUHARA, Seiji WATANABE, Kazutaka KITAGAWA, Tetsuya YASUE, Mitsuru MIZUTANI
    JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering
    1996年 39 巻 2 号 287-293
    発行日: 1996/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    Head-on collision of a planar shock wave with open-cell materials was studied experimentally. Three kinds of polyurethane foam are treated: foam 350×70×70, which is of low porosity (φ≒0.76) and high density (ρc=290kg/m3); foam
    , which is of high porosity (φ≒0.98) and low density (ρc=26kg/m3); and foam 13×13×13, which has the same density and porosity as foam
    , but has a different internal structure of foam material. Stress-strain curves of foams show high nonlinearity and hysteresis. The maximum stress value behind the foam just in front of the solid end wall, is larger than the reflected shock pressure at the normal solid wall. When a shock wave hits a foam surface, part of the shocked gas penetrates into the foam and interacts with the foam material. Measured stress histories at the foam base of the shock tube show stress which is significantly higher than that due to the pressure behind the reflected shock wave at the solid wall. In the high-density foam 350×70×70, the peak stress is the highest, the mobility of gas in the foam is very low, and its dynamics can be approximated by a single-phase problem. In the foam
    and low-density foam 13×13×13, peak stresses are low and the peak value depends on the internal structure of the material. In these cases, the mobility of gas in the foam is high, and the dynamics must be treated as a two-phase problem.
  • 橋本 宏治
    1956年 26 巻 2 号 25-
    発行日: 1956/02/01
    公開日: 2020/07/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • T. Ganmoto, M. Honda, T. Konishi, M. Mizumoto, H. Matsunari, Y. Takeuchi, H. Nagashima, M. Aizawa
    Phosphorus Research Bulletin
    2012年 26 巻 1-3
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/09/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have successfully synthesized single-crystal apatite fibers (AF) by a homogeneous precipitation method with urea. The AF has a higher solubility than isotropic HAp powders. Thus, using the AF, we developed apatite-fiber scaffolds (AFSs) that enables three-dimensionally cell culture and induces differentiation into osteoblasts. Recently, we have successfully enhanced mechanical properties of the AFSs using carbon beads (CB) with a diameter of 150 μm and 20 μm, together with uniaxial pressing of the green compacts. In this study, we fabricated the AFSs with enhanced mechanical property (AFS700(
    )), and then implanted them into tibia of pig to evaluate a biocompatibility to a hard tissue. The porosity of the resulting and compressive strength of typical AFS700(
    ) were 93.5% and 128 kPa, respectively. The AFS700(
    ) had a number of micro pores, macro-pores and interconnected pores. In the histological observation after 13 weeks implantation, newly-formed bone and cells were invaded into pores of the AFS700(
    ), and the scaffolds were incorporated into a cycle of bone remodeling. The AFS700(
    ) was also observed to be replaced with autologous tissue. The present scaffold may be expected as a high performance scaffold for bone regeneration.
  • Kazutaka Kitagawa, Tetsuya Yasue, Seiji Watanabe, Tadamasa Jyounouchi, Michiru Yasuhara
    JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering
    1996年 39 巻 4 号 721-730
    発行日: 1996/11/15
    公開日: 2008/02/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    One-dimensional interaction between a planar shock wave and porous material with various porosity φg are investigated numerically. As the result of numerical investigations, it is deduced that the dynamic behavior of gas-foam interactions strongly depends on the porosity φg of the foam. Four kinds of porous material are treated : rubber which is of no porosity (φg=0); foam 350×70×70 which is of low-porosity (φg=0.76) and high density (ρc=290kg/·); foam
    which is of high-porosity (φg=0.98) and low density (ρc=26kg/·); and foam 13×13×13, which has the same density and porosity as foam
    , but has a different internal structure of foam material. In the no porosity (φg=0) and low porosity (φg&ap0∼0.76) cases, comparisons of numerical results with experimental ones show that the mobility of gas inside the materials is very low, and its dynamics can be approximated by a single-phase elastic motion. Results of single-phase analysis are compared with the shock tube experiments, which show essentially same stress variations with experimental results. In the high-porosity (φg&ap0.95) case, the mobility of the gas inside the foam is higher, and the dynamics must be treated as a two-phase flow. Results of two-phase analysis simulate experimental stress variations in high-porosity foam well, while the single-phase analysis for high-porosity foam dose not simulate experimental results well.
  • 村上 昌三, Elinor L. BEDIA, 〓谷 信三
    2000年 49 巻 12 号 1263-1269
    発行日: 2000/12/15
    公開日: 2009/06/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Structural, thermal and mechanical properties of the blend of poly (ethylene naphtalate) [PEN] and poly (ethylene terephtalate) [PET] were investigated using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and tensile testing machine. The PEN/PET blends were obtained by melt blending (mixing for 2min at 310°C and quenching with ice water). Structural formation in unoriented amorphous (
    ) PEN/PET blend films during drawing at 85°C, 100°C and 130°C was studied by In Situ X-ray measurements, and the results were discussed by comparing with those of PEN and PET themselves.
    PEN in blend films was partially miscible with PET partly due to the formation of copolymers by transesterification during blending. This miscibility is estimated from the findings, that is, the blend film exhibited a single glass transition temperature (Tg) and the Tg increased linearly with increasing PEN content. The heat of crystallization by cold-crystallization and the heat of fusion by melting were the lowest value in (
    ) PEN/PET blend film among the blends. The (
    ) blend showed the highest degree of transesterification (ca. 6%). The tensile stress at the yield point and the tensile modulus of PEN/PET blend films increased with increasing PEN content. Though PET film could not be drawn above 100°C at a lower drawing rate, PEN/PET blend films was drawable. In (
    ) PEN/PET blend film crystallization proceeded gradually with the drawing at 100°C which was under Tg (117°C) of PEN. The crystallization was evidenced by the α-form crystalline reflection of PEN which was detected by In Situ X-ray measurements.
  • *小林 舜典, *堀川 由人, *垂水 竜一, *渋谷 陽二
    2017年 2017.30 巻 060
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/03/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    Stress fields around a dislocation has been investigated within the framework of the first strain gradient elasticity. Dislocation is modeled by a continuous distribution of force dipoles which is implemented into the weak form equilibrium equation through the local body force. Numerical analysis is conducted on the basis of NURBS-based IGA where the cuboidal elastic domain Ω includes C1 -class NURBS basis functions spanned by the
    knots. Present analysis revealed that the stress fields around an edge dislocation show non-singular behaviours even at the center of the dislocation core.
  • Kotaro Onizuka
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
    1975年 39 巻 2 号 527-535
    発行日: 1975/08/15
    公開日: 2007/06/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    A site percolation model of
    sites is examined by computer to treat the generalized conductivity characteristic of a two-phase material with random structure (porous material). An enumeration of clusters of one phase (pores) in the model provides cluster-size distribution, percolation probability P(p) and an estimate of the critical probability 0.31<pc<0.32 for the site percolation problem in a simple cubic lattice. A direct calculation of the bulk electrical conductivity of the 3D random resistor network derived from the model reveals a special relation between the conductivity k and the concentration p of the one phase (porosity p of the model): k=Const. (ppc)1.725±0.005 in which pc=0.318±0.002. The above power law indicates a critical nature of the phenomenon.
  • 前田 知貴, 堀田 篤
    2013年 2013.19 巻 10212
    発行日: 2013/03/14
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    The styrene-isoprene-styrene (SIS) triblock copolymer nanofibers were fabricated for the dispersed phase of a composite using electrospinning. A mixed solvent of toluene and N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) was selected and used, and the mixing ratio of toluene/DMF was varied from 100/0 to
    . Nanofibers with an average lowest diameter of 350 nm were obtained at the mixing ratio of
    . The solution used in the electrospinning was rheologically investigated, which became gel as the amount of DMF increased. This could be attributed to the increase in the interaction between SIS molecules with the increasing amount of DMF that was a poor solvent for SIS. In addition, the electrical conductivity of the solvent remarkably increased as the amount of DMF increased. The slightly stronger interaction between SIS molecules and the high electrical conductivity could contribute to the formation of homogeneous and thin fibers.
  • Kyohei SAWADA, Meikan CHIN, Naoto USAMI, Motoki KIMURA, Akihiro KUBOTA
    2016年 14 巻 ists30 号 Pf_45-Pf_50
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/07/29
    ジャーナル フリー

    DESPATCH (DEep SPace Amateur Troubadour's CHallenge) is the second spacecraft in the Art and Satellite (ARTSAT) project. The size of the DESPATCH is

    cm and the total mass is about 33 kg. DESPATCH consists of a sculpture (made by 3D printer) and other structural elements made of aluminum. The mass of this sculpture is about 15 kg and it occupies half of the mass of the spacecraft. DESPATCH's technical and structural mission is to verify the utility of 3D-printed spacecraft. After one year of development, DESPATCH was launched into an Earth escape trajectory on December 3, 2014, along with the Hayabusa-2 asteroid probe. In this paper, the development of DESPATCH is described, as well as the structural design, vibration test, and structural analysis.

  • 山本 拓也, 中野 修, 平澤 裕, 片岡 卓
    2000年 3 巻 3 号 228-233
    発行日: 2000/05/01
    公開日: 2010/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    Most of the printed circuit boards are produced by subtractive method. In order to achieve fine lines & spaces (under L/S=
    ) by subtractive method, it is essential to reduce thickness of copper. This paper describes an experimentally obtained relation between allowable thickness of copper and pattern pitch on subtractive processing. Empirical formula were introduced to simulate the progress of etching. Simulated result showed good conformance with actual etched pattern. To form fine lines & spaces of under L/S=
    , copper foil of thinner than 5μm is needed.
  • Ying HE, Wei WANG, Xuyan TANG, Xin LIU
    Dental Materials Journal
    2017年 36 巻 3 号 325-332
    発行日: 2017/05/30
    公開日: 2017/05/31
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2017/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー

    A novel chitosan/polycaprolactone (CS/PCL) nanofibrous membrane by electrospinning was developed for guided tissue regeneration (GTR) to improve mechanical properties and to promote osteogenic differentiation. Firstly, chitosan and PCL solutions of different weight ratios (0/100, 30/70,

    ) were mixed and then electrospun. Our data demonstrated that the CS/PCL (30/70) nanofibrous membrane promoted an increased rBMSCs proliferation when compared to the CS/PCL (
    ) membrane and pure PCL (0/100) membrane. The highest ALP activity and extracellular calcium deposit were observed on the CS/PCL (30/70) nanofibrous membrane, followed by the CS/PCL (
    ) and pure PCL nanofibrous membrane. Furthermore, the expression of osteocalcin (OCN) and Runx2 were also significantly higher on the CS/PCL (30/70,
    ) nanofibrous membrane as compared to the pure PCL nanofibrous membrane. In conclusion, the electrospun CS/PCL nanofibrous membrane was found to be a biocompatible material that could stimulate osteogenic differentiation, suggesting that the novel CS/PCL membrane has an interesting potential as use for GTR.

  • Ryohei Takahashi, Akihiro Nishioka, Akira Ishigami, Takaya Suzuki, Shotaro Nishitsuji, Tomonori Koda, Yuji Aoki
    2012年 40 巻 4 号 171-177
    発行日: 2012/10/15
    公開日: 2012/10/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Blend systems of Polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene-co-(ethylene-propylene)-block-polystyrene(SEEPS) tri-block copolymer and three kinds of paraffinic oil having different molecular weight (MW) were prepared. Styrene content of the SEEPS was 30 wt%. The oils used in this study were Oil-1 (MW=750 g/mole), Oil-2 (540 g/mole), and Oil-3 (410 g/mole). Dynamic viscoelastic properties, the storage (G') and loss modulus (G"), of the blends were measured as a function of temperature (T) and angular frequency (ω). SEEPS/oil = 100/0 and 75/25 (in weight) blends exhibited gel-like behavior over the entire experimental T window below 300°C. On the contrary, the viscoelastic properties of SEEPS/oil =
    and 25/75 blends depended on the MW of oil. For the SEEPS/Oil-1 =
    and 25/75 blends having high MW oil, the clear order-disorder transition (ODT) was observed showing a sudden change of G' at elevating T and the ODT temperature (TODT) was found to shift to lower T with increase in oil content. For the SEEPS/Oil-2 =
    blend having medium MW oil, the ODT was observed very clearly, but could not be observed for the 25/75 blend. For the SEEPS/Oil-3 blends having low MW oil, the ODT was not observed showing that there is a rather gradual decrease in G' with T. It was found that the viscoelastic properties of SEEPS/oil blends changed with the content and MW of oil.
  • 吉村 武, Susan Trolier-McKinstry
    2004年 124 巻 4 号 117-123
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2004/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of Pb(Yb1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3 (PYbN-PT) and BiScO3-PbTiO3 (BiScO3-PT) epitaxial films were investigated. The PYbN-PT(
    ) and BiScO3-PT(
    ) films showed a curie temperature near 380 and 450 °C, respectively. For 1 μm-thick PYbN-PT epitaxial films, the highest remanent polarization (29 μC/cm2) and effective piezoelectric coefficient e31,f (-14 C/m2) were observed in the (001) PYbN-PT (
    ) film. A 3 μm-thick (001) PYbN-PT (
    ) film exhibited a higher e31,f coefficient of -19 C/m2. (001) BiScO3-PT epitaxial films also had well saturated hysteresis loops with a remanent polarization of 36 μC/cm2. The e31,f piezoelectric coefficient was -9 C/m2. The obtained piezoelectric properties of BiScO3-PT films were comparable to that of Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 or relaxor ferroelectric-PbTiO3 films.