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The Inevitable Steve Jobs Vs. Dennis Ritchie Discussion

Updated Oct 19, 2011, 11:32am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

While we mourned the death and remembered the life of Apple CEO Steve Jobs last weekend, Dennis Ritchie -- the developer of the software that facilitated the Apple interface we know -- died alone. The New York Times obituary summarized Ritchie's impact quite well and included this:

The Unix operating system ... serves as the foundation of operating systems, like Apple’s iOS, in consumer computing devices.

So it is inevitable that the comparisons would begin. But give credit to Lucas Mearian at Compterworld for creating a thoughtful analogy instead of knee-jerk morality tale.

After witnessing the media fervor and outpouring of praise on social networks by tens of millions for Jobs, and nothing close to that for Ritchie, one name came to my mind: Nikola Tesla. ...

Tesla's inventions have been kind of a big deal for the past century or so, but they're things you just don't think about. It's kind of like a programming language on which most computers were built and an operating system that is used on servers and workstations to power worldwide commerce and the Internet. They're things we just take for granted, but we shouldn't.

Mearian is right, of course, but it's awfully easy to start disregarding what was important about Jobs in the light of this point. It's true that without the under-appreciated work of people like Ritchie, Jobs' impact on the world would likely not have existed. Or it would have impacted an entirely different revolution. So the story began to boil down to comments like this:

Dennis Ritchie - Innovator and pioneer
Steve jobs - Used car salesman doing consumer electronics.

Reasonable people will let that go, but Mearian has a bigger point to make here -- he compares Jobs to Edison.

Both men were technological and business visionaries -- arguably geniuses -- who advanced the world of technology through their dogged perseverance and single-mindedness. But do they deserve the praises heaped on them or did they stand on the backs of greater inventors?

The answer to that question is yes. And the reason is very simple. The job of invention does not complete the cycle of disruption that advances our world. How frustrating it must be to know of important breakthroughs -- the long history of e-paper is an excellent example -- that cannot find their way into our everyday lives because our collective imagination is lacking or slow. Why do we still use printers? Because a false concept about the permanence and credibility of tree pulp persists.

Jobs' role was that of translator. His ability to understand the change that technology made possible, to package it in ways that attracted the broader world, and, yes, to sell that new vision was not important to progress. It was essential.