Top 50 Mortal Kombat Characters

We count down the best Mortal Kombat characters. Who do you think belongs in the top 20? Top 10?

The time has come to once again do UGO's countdown of the top 50 characters in Mortal Kombat. It's obvious that some entries (like Scorpion) will be high and others (like Mokap) will be low. But which will be number one? Mind you, this number one is UGO's number one, which means you might not agree with it. If you don't, tell us who you think should be number one. Johnny Cage? Khameleon? Those two might seem stupid, but we guarantee that someone out there loves them dearly.

So let's start the countdown!

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Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.


Nightwolf made his first appearance in Mortal Kombat 3, as an Apache warrior aligned with the good guys. Nightwolf uses the magic of the shamen to ward off evil-doers and to bring peace to the realms... By kicking everyone's ass. And he can shoot green arrows. I wish I had green arrows.

Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.


Kabal, one of the series's most mysterious characters, combines brutal moves and super speed to make himself one of Mortal Kombat's deadliest kombatants. First introduced in Mortal Kombat 3, he learned that he survived an attack from Shao Kahn's extermination squads and was destined to defeat him. Although Kabal is kept alive by artificial respirators, he is not an easy foe to beat. His abilities were actually toned down after Mortal Kombat 3 due to fan complaints of him being too powerful.

Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.


Stryker first came onto the fighting scene in Mortal Kombat 3, packing heat and sporting a 90's appropriate backwards hat. He has since updated his look to look more like Iceman from Top Gun in deep-sea diving gear. You might consider it an upgrade, but we're nostalgic for the more hip look.

Stryker, one of the series's good guys, seeks justice at all costs. After defeating Blaze in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, this ex-cop becomes unbound by law. He eventually takes the path of a vigilante, kicking bad guy ass on his own terms.

Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.


One thing that Mortal Kombat has in spades is hot babes in slutty clothing. It was hard to pick a favorite, but we had to go with tradition and choose the masked Mileena, personal assassin to Shao Kahn. Created as a clone to virtuous character Kitana, the process went awry and the new girl was left with a massive maw lined with razor-sharp teeth, much like fellow demon, Baraka. Because she's a woman, Milena keeps her nasty grill hidden behind a seductive purple veil, but for her Fatality she takes it off, allowing her to suck up her fallen foe in like a gigantic Dyson vacuum and spit their bones out all over the floor. Mileena was the very first evil female character to show up in the series, an uncommon move in an era where portraying women as villains was somewhat frowned upon. She quickly became a fan favorite both for her brutal attacks and her ultra-revealing outfits.


Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.

Shao Kahn

Mortal Kombat is all about the eternal war between the Earthrealm, where you and everybody you know lives, and Outworld, a shadowy hellhole filled with demonic marauders who like to organize tournaments and perform fatalities, usually in that order. The leader of those cross-dimensional jerks for most of the series was a dude named Shao Kahn, who was responsible for many of the failed invasions throughout the franchise's timeline. Initially hiding behind his underling, Shang Tsung, Kahn became playable in Mortal Kombat II, where his sprite was digitally resized to make him tower over the other characters. Like many end bosses, he's got a number of cheap attacks under his belt, but our favorite thing about Shao Kahn is that his speaking voice is the voice of the announcer heard throughout the series – so when you hear "Finish Him," that's Shao Kahn talking, baby. You'd better do what he says... or else. On top of that, if he beats you without losing health, he will stand over your mangled corpse and say "Flawless Victory!" What a badass!

Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.

Shang Tsung

Shang Tsung entered the world of Mortal Kombat as the boss of the first game. Since then, the evil sorcerer has been the primary villain throughout the series and an integral part of many of the evil plots conceived throughout. He is known and loved by fans for some his vicious finishing moves, such as entering his foe's body as a spirit and making it explode or making a bed of spikes rise from the ground and impale his enemies. His age tends to fluctuate, depending on the particular circumstance. Consuming more souls makes Shang Tsung more youthful, so stay far, far away.

Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.

Quan Chi

Like Shinnok, Quan Chi also made his debut in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero while only becoming playable in Mortal Kombat 4. He is the necromancer responsible for reviving Onaga, and is one of the prime villians of the series. On his belt, he wears Shinnok's amulet.

Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.


You might've spotted this dark, mysterious man popping out from behind trees in the Living Forest while playing MKII. Smoke was a ninja assassin for the Lin Kuei Clan and was friends with Sub-Zero. Both he and his friend were loyal members of the Clan until they discovered their superiors' plan to turn them into cyborgs in order to make them fully obedient. Faced with the choice between betraying the Lin Kuei and losing their free will, both ninjas tried to flee. Sub-Zero escaped, but Smoke was not so fortunate. He was soon turned into a cyborg and programmed to go after his best friend.

Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.

Noob Saibot

Mortal Kombat is all about the secrets and hidden characters -- starting with Reptile and continuing with Smoke, Ermac, Jade, etc. Our favorite is the ludicrously-named Noob Saibot, who made his first appearance in Mortal Kombat II -- or did he? At first, he was nothing more than a palette-swapped Scorpion, even sporting the same moves. Saibot was billed simply as a "lost warrior" from the first game. Who was that lost warrior? None other than Sub-Zero, of course. If you read our entry on that frozen hero, you'll remember that he was killed in the first game by our favorite undead asskicker and replaced by his younger brother. But his soul wasn't consigned to the afterlife. Instead it was enslaved by Shinnok and turned into the undead warrior, Noob Saibot (named after the last names of creators Ed Boon and John Tobias spelled backwards). As the character developed, he gained some unique special moves, including a fireball that disabled his opponent's special attacks.


Mortal Kombat Characters
Mortal Kombat Characters Credit: Warner Bros.


A telekinetic ninja created from souls, Ermac was originally a slave of Shao Khan. Due to the fact that he is comprised of many souls, he speaks in plural, referring to himself as "we" (essentially the Venom of the Mortal Kombat universe). After gaining freedom in Mortal Kombat: Deception, Ermac switches to the side of good in order to repent for his past misdeeds. Many of his moves involve the use of teleportation and telekinesis, making him a very lethal foe.

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See More: Mortal Kombat | characters | Arcade | Ed Boon | Fighting | John Tobias | Midway | video game
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Pat Domonia - Tue. Jul. 10, 2012 at 01:21:12 AM


I too wish that Sindel would have been ranked within at least the top 20. She's a great character, and sometimes overlooked. I'm very pleased with the #1 spot.

Jason Oberg - Mon. Jul. 2, 2012 at 01:02:59 PM

Frozen in Shock

The top ten couldn't have been more predictable if I were Nostrodamus.

Shaqille Hart - Fri. Jun. 29, 2012 at 02:05:33 PM

who should me first secondand third

1st shuold be SMOKE 2nd should be lui kang 3rd should be JONNY CAGE

Kison Markle - Wed. Jun. 27, 2012 at 01:56:25 AM


ITS THE END OF THE WORLD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Bradley Eggz Bliss - Sun. Jun. 17, 2012 at 10:43:03 AM


So when both sub zero and noob are in a game.. how does that work :L

Bradley Eggz Bliss - Sun. Jun. 17, 2012 at 10:42:01 AM


I have new found respect for Noob now that i know that but.. if subzero and noob are in the same game, that means it's sub zeros body with his brother and noob with subzeros soul? :|

Lewis Dupe - Wed. Jun. 6, 2012 at 06:21:20 AM

Baraka get's respect

Finally Baraka get's in the top 10 at least I don't know why most people hate him he is my second favourite character

Baraka Adam - Mon. Jun. 4, 2012 at 09:54:46 PM


Sonya is de best she really knws how 2 kick someones a$$

Mopar Guy - Thu. May. 17, 2012 at 01:32:36 AM

How about Sindel?

I like most of the MK characters but one of my favorites is Sindel I even named my Daughter after her :-)

Mark Kalu - Mon. Apr. 9, 2012 at 06:46:37 AM

up cage

johnny should be first 3-5

Kyle Starkweather - Mon. Mar. 19, 2012 at 09:38:50 PM

Johnny cage in top 5

Johnny cage in top 5

Julian Hernaiz - Fri. Mar. 9, 2012 at 07:32:42 AM

oh yea

johnny cage should be the top three

Sunny Aaron Day - Tue. Mar. 6, 2012 at 09:29:56 AM



Johnny Roy - Wed. Feb. 29, 2012 at 04:07:19 AM

Popularity owns

There are no surprises, but one or 2. In my opinion Nitara belongs in the top 20 at least. But when i see Mokap or even Meat but no Li Mei or Mavado? This is a pretty weird fact.

francisco rada - Tue. Feb. 28, 2012 at 05:50:57 PM

Bo' Rai Cho

In spanish the way you pronounce Bo' Ray Cho is the same as "Borracho" which means Drunken.

Colin Knapp - Tue. Feb. 28, 2012 at 02:28:19 PM

Mokap, the reason behind many other broken controllers

When Deadly Alliance came out my friends and I played it to death. When we unlocked Mokap, I had already been using Sonya (who is the same except for the last art) so I went to him. His 3 7-hit combos are game breaking. I ended up with a record of 375-16 and my friends swore off the game haha. There are 2 combos that are identical except for the last button press. The difference being a high kick or a low kick, requiring a different block; my friend got SO good at timing this that we would frequently have 10-15 minute rounds just blocking back and forth. I will forever love Deadly Alliance more than any of the other versions, simply because of Mokap and his 3 martial arts and lack of weapons.