BTS: Jin’s voice receives praise from top music critics


Jin has received multiple compliments from top music critics, who consider his voice to stand out from the BTS members.

One of the reasons why BTS stands out in the music industry, in addition to its charisma and attitude, is because of the great talent that its seven members possess; That is why it is not at all surprising that important critics praise idols, especially Jin, whose voice is considered very special.

According to information collected by an account dedicated to supporting Jin on Twitter, the oldest member of BTS has received multiple compliments from the most important critics of the music industry, who assure that the idol has a great voice, which stands out for the sentiment that impresses your performances on stage.

What is said about Jin’s voice?

The 27-year-old idol is considered by the Grammys panel as a “Silver Voice”, while KMA critics say that Jin sings with heartbreaking emotion, but at the same time is fiery, because when he sings the part After the love in ‘Fake Love’, the effectiveness of the song is perfectly achieved.

On the other hand, NME mentions that the best moment of ‘Dionysus’ is when Jin performs a chilling falsetto in the final section, which is capable of making more than one scream with emotion. MTV is not far behind and believes that the voice of the Worldwide Handsome rises to the sky, and they even name him the vocalist of the nation.

One of the most important compliments that the greatest of the Bangtans Boys has received throughout their musical career was the one that TIME magazine wrote in one of its past issues and that says: “Jin’s bright tone, in particular, shines by conveying the bittersweet emotions of the wrestling between holding on and letting go, the internal struggle described in the lyrics. ”

Do you think Jin has a talented voice? Do you agree with the opinion of these critics? Leave your answer in the comments.


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