The Mandalorian: Every Force Power Baby Yoda Has Used

Baby Yoda has demonstrated that he's already adept with the Force, having used various abilities throughout the Star Wars TV series, The Mandalorian.

Baby Yoda Force Custom

Despite his age, Baby Yoda is already adept with the Force in The Mandalorian, as indicated by the Force powers he's used so far. The Disney+ Star Wars TV series confirmed as early as episode 2 that the newest member of Yoda's species is Force-sensitive. Based on what Baby Yoda has been able to accomplish in just one short season, Baby Yoda may have the potential to be as powerful as the original Yoda.

Baby Yoda was introduced in the cliffhanger ending of The Mandalorian's first episode. Though carefully hidden from the early marketing of The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda quickly became the breakout star of the Disney+ series. Baby Yoda has become the subject of numerous theories and fan art. The character's popularity has led to a high demand for Baby Yoda merchandise. Suffice to say, Baby Yoda is easily the most talked-about new character to come out of the first live-action Star Wars TV series. Part of this appeal is due to the character's adorable appearance, but another aspect drawing the attention of viewers is the character's remarkable Force abilities.

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The Mandalorian has avoided revealing too much about Baby Yoda's background, but as the series has progressed, viewers have gradually learned more about Baby Yoda, and what makes him so special. The character's ability to use the Force has grown just in a few short episodes, and will likely to continue being a key aspect of the show's plot going forward.

Force Levitate

Baby Yoda using the Force on The Mandalorian

One of the most basic uses for the Force is levitating objects, which is something that's been used by multiple Jedi and Seth, going all the way back to the first Star Wars movie. Baby Yoda force levitates a Mudhorn in episode 2 to save Mando (Pedro Pascal). This is the first demonstration of Baby Yoda's connection to the Force, and the experience is so draining for the Child that he is unconscious for the rest of the episode.

Force Choke

When Mando is arm-wrestling with Cara Dune (Gina Carano) in episode 7, Baby Yoda seemingly regards her as a threat to his friend and begins to use his force choke ability to strangle her. It was famously used by Darth Vader in Star Wars when one of his imperial officers reported a failure. This Force ability is typically associated with the dark side, but not every known use of it has been for evil purposes.

Force Heal

Baby Yoda in The Mandalorian Chapter 5

In episode 2, it appeared that Baby Yoda was going to use the Force to heal an injured Mando, but the bounty hunter stopped him. Another opportunity to use his Force heal ability came in episode 7 when Greef Karga (Carl Weathers) is wounded by one of the flying creatures; the creature poisoned Karga, who was quickly succumbing to the venom despite Cara's first aid. Everyone present was shocked when Baby Yoda placed his hand on Greef Karga's arm and healed the wound using the Force. Interestingly, this power was never in Star Wars canon; it actually originated from the Cade Skywalker character in Star Wars Legends.

The Mandalorian has shown Baby Yoda using the Force in the above three ways. What other powers does the young one have up his sleeve? As the series continues, more abilities may still come to light.

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