Dates and News

SUMMER 2010.


Please note that the personal schedules of all invited guests to Power Morphicon are tentative and subject to their own availability. The status of invited guests are subject to change without prior notice.


An acclaimed author, philanthropist and children's advocate, Cheryl Saban was one of the earliest writers for Power Rangers, penning such classic episodes as "Food Fight" and "Grumble Bee".


Beginning his work for PR as Jason Frank's acting coach, Doug Sloan charted a number of roles over the series including Kimberly's Uncle Steve and the voice of Prince Gasket, as well as writing and directing several classic episodes before returning to helm PR's first two seasons under Disney stewartship.


The man behind the mic for PR's first ten seasons, Scott Page-Pagter was PR's ADR director and coordinator as well as the voice of such memorable monsters as the Peckster, Pirantishead, and the indominable Porto.


Rajia is best known for her roles as Delphine, the White Aquitian Ranger in MMAR and PRZ, as well as Jara on Big Bad Beetleborgs.


Known most as the rotund half of Bulk and Skull, Paul played the role of Farkas Bulkmeier for 7 solid seasons, from MMPR, through PRZ, PRT, PRiS, PRLG, and not to mention both movies. He's also the show's first and only actor to also direct whole episodes of the series.


Ow, his back! Steve has the distinction of being, as Rocky DeSantos, the second MMPR Red Ranger, the only PRZ Blue Ranger, and as the role of Rocko, the first Red Ranger of Earth. An accomplished martial artist, Steve especially loves pachinko, which is, as he refers to it, "Too fun!"


Over the course of two feature films and more than two hundred episodes, Jason Frank has played the longest tenured Ranger in series history, Dr. Tommy Oliver. For those unfamiliar with the character: welcome to Power Rangers!

A vocal auter supreme for decades, Robert is the one and only voice of Lord Zedd, the emperor of all he sees. In addition to his role as Finster in MMPR, Robert has also starred in countless classic Saban Entertainment programs and even lent his voice talents to PR's spiritual ancestor Robotech!


Perpetually beloved as the multitalented Eugene Skullovitch, Jason Narvy is a riveting performer and teacher who can compel an audience with equal parts vaudevillian shtick and Shakespearean oratory.


Best known as Zack Taylor, the original Black Ranger, Walter Emanuel Jones has also charted a memorable television career with such roles as Harlan on Space Cases. These days Walter tears up the dance floor as a salsa instructor.


The skinless physical half of Lord Zedd, Ed Neil began his career on Power Rangers as part of the show's original stunt team. He continued for almost ten seasons in a number of roles from the morphed Red MMPR Ranger, to Deviot's suit actor, and out of costume as the recurring Lost Galaxy trooper Jasper.


As brainy Billy Cranston, David Yost was one of the original "teenagers with attitude" who propelled MMPR to monumental success around the world. David also spent one of the longest unbroken tenures on Power Rangers for main cast members.

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