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IGN64 returns from a much too short vacation. Oh, and Donkey Kong returns from a much too long one.

A lot has happened in the time we were gone. Nintendo has released the first-ever screen-shot of Donkey Kong 64 in its monthly Nintendo Power Magazine. South Park 64 and BattleTanx have hit stores. IGNPC has discovered the concept of humor (whaaa?).

It's been a long vacation for us, folks, and now it's back to work again.

Well, for some of us... Half of the staff of IGN64, editor creature Matt Casamassina, is still off eating deep-fried food in Simi Valley, CA. Industry insiders suggest that Casamassina may have simply forgotten about his job and will only return when prompted.

For IGNPC's version of what has transpired at IGN64 during the winter holidays, check their site at www.ignpc.com:
New IGN64 Editors 'Working Out Well'
Fight for IGN64 Editorship Continues

Oh, the picture... Well, as you can see Donkey Kong 64 is shaping up nicely. Unfortunately, asides from the shot, nothing is known about the upcoming platformer. It's got Diddy, it's got Kremlings, and it's got a mine cart level.