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Facts and Figures

Dam monument

There are almost as many bikes as inhabitants in Amsterdam. Some claim the number is even higher. Attention trivia buffs, the numbers are in: 2,500 houseboats, 654 gable stones, 6 windmills and 1 Skinny Bridge.

Amsterdam and Mokum

Founded in the late 12th century, Amsterdam’s name originates from a dam on the Amstel River. The city’s nickname, Mokum, is derived from the Hebrew word ‘Makom’, which means ‘place’. The city is also often called ‘Venice of the North’, due to the many canals.

Amsterdam in Numbers

Inhabitants: 747,290
Inhabitants in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area: 2,158,592
Nationalities: 175
Mayor: 1
Bicycles: 600,000
Trees: 220,000
Flower bulb in parks and public gardens: 600,000
Parks: 28
Trams: 232
Ferries: 9
Markets: 21
Floating flower market: 1
Shops: 6,179
Antique shops: 165
Diamond polishing factories: 24
Canals: 165
Bridges: 1,281
Wooden drawbridges: 8
Skinny Bridge: 1
Glass-topped canal boats and saloon boats: 110
Houseboats: 2,500
16th, 17th and 18th century buildings: 6,800
Gable stones: 654
Royal Palace: 1
Statues and sculptures: 302
Windmills: 8
Museums: 51
Art galleries: 141
Paintings by Rembrandt: 22
Nightwatch: 1
Civic Guard Gallery: 1
Paintings by Van Gogh: 206
Wax statues at Madame Tussauds: 140
Animals at Artis Zoo: 6,100
Barrel organs: 4
Carillons: 9
Historical church organs: 42
Concerts and theatrical performances per year: 16,000
Concerts and theatrical performances per day: 40
Theatres and concert halls: 55
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra: 1
Muziektheater: 1
Cinemas: 61
Cafés and bars: 1,215
Discotheques: 36
Restaurants: 1,250
Hotel beds: 41,000
Campsites: 5



Due to the influence of the nearby North Sea, Amsterdam has a moderate climate with mild winters, cool summers and a fair bit of rainfall. It can become quite windy, especially in the spring and autumn. During the summer, daily highs are an average of 68°F / 20°C, and you can expect some rain. Days with temperatures in excess of 75°F / 24°C are considered hot. Click here for the weather forecast.

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