Pussy Riot team up with TV On The Radio’s Dave Sitek – watch ‘Chaika’ video

Russian punk group release new protest track

Pussy Riot have collaborated with TV On The Radio man Dave Sitek on a new track.

The Russian punk protest group have unveiled protest single ‘Chaika’, penned about Russia’s Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, who has been the subject of corruption allegations as highlighted in a recent documentary film.

In a statement released with the track’s video, the band say: “Pussy Riot demands an immediate investigation against General Prosecutor Chaika and his family, as well as against all the top officials in his office. We hope that the ‘Chaika’ music video will help to convince people that we cannot live in a country where its top law enforcement official is the brightest symbol of corruption and murder. Pussy Riot hopes that people around the world will help us voice our outrage and turn Russia into a country where people like Chaika can no longer exist.”

Watch the video beneath. The song was produced by Sitek, who has previously worked with acts like Foals, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Beady Eye.


Pussy Riot rose to fame in February 2012 when he staged a “punk protest” performance against Russian President Putin in a Moscow church.

Three members of the group, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich, were jailed over the incident later that year.


Samutsevich was released after two months, while Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina remained in jail for over a year.

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