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28 May 2006
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End Day: End of the Universe

Documentaries & Arts
End Day: End of the Universe

Deep within the bowels of a particle accelerator on the East Coast of the US, an extraordinary experiment is being prepared. Scientists are pursuing their quest to understand the nature of matter itself. On the streets, the public holds a protest to stop their work...

Scientists are experimenting with the very nature of reality itself; building ever larger and more powerful particle accelerators in what could turn out to be a game of total annihilation.

In a 600 million dollar laboratory, within a vast ring of magnets miles across, atoms can be made to travel at the speed of light then crashed to create particles that haven't existed since the Big Bang… and possibly some that have never existed at all.

Scientists accept that black holes can be created but these are small enough to evaporate before they can suck in all surrounding matter. They have also calculated the precise risk of another terrifying possibility: a phase change of space-time leading to the complete breakdown of the universe as we know it.

But most frightening of all is the creation of a group of strange quarks called ‘dangerous strangelets’. These are so dense they could burrow to the centre of the Earth, transforming everything they touch into anti-matter, condensing our planet into a tiny lifeless sphere.

They are experimenting right now...

Do you feel safe?

End Day: End of the Universe
It's End Day and within a deep underground chamber physicists have briefly created exotic particles and space-time warps by violently smashing atoms.

But something unforeseen happens. ‘Strangelets’ appear. Suddenly, the normal laws of physics cease to apply. Reality warps and alters. Atoms are transformed into totally new forms of matter.

The singularity burrows into the Earth, twisting the atomic structure of the surrounding rcoks as it falls into the planet's centre.

A wave of total destruction expands outwards, consuming everything in its path. Life ends. The Earth vanishes...

The universe as we know it ceases to exist.

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End Day

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