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Hellenic Air Force Publications

“History of the Hellenic Air Force”, Vol. III, 1930-1941

The period between the two Wars, from the establishment of the Air Force Ministry to the beginning of the 2nd World War and the Hellenic – Italian conflict in Albania.

The Air Force Ministry was established in 1930, the Air Force Academy in 1931 and the Hellenic Air Force General Staff in 1934, while new types of aircraft were received, according to the modernization plan.

At the beginning of the Hellenic-Italian War the Air Force managed to hold back the action of the powerful Italian Air Force, with the incomparable self-sacrifice of its crews.

It managed also to gather information for the enemy movements, to destroy important enemy re-supply lines and to protect friendly troops.

The spotting from the air of the Italian Division “Julia” and the accomplishment of 1st Lieutenant Marinos Mitralexis, who rammed an Italian airplane with his propeller, after consuming his ammunition, are two of the most important achievements of the Hellenic Air Force at this period.