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Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 September, 2004, 08:00 GMT 09:00 UK
Billy Joel in Walk of Fame honour
Billy Joel
Joel has sold more than 100 million records around the world
Pianist, singer and composer Billy Joel has been awarded a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.

The 55-year-old's name was inscribed on a plaque in front of the Pantages Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard.

Joel had more than 24 hit singles in the US but is best known in the UK for his 1983 chart-topper Uptown Girl.

"I had not considered this when I wrote Say Goodbye to Hollywood," he said on Monday. "It looks like I'm always going to be here."

Piano Man

Joel, who formed his first band at 14, has said he was inspired to a musical career after seeing The Beatles perform on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964.

His song Piano Man, which was released in 1973 and became a hit the following year, became his signature tune in the US.

He went on to sell more than 100 million records around the world, winning six Grammy awards and being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999.

His Hollywood star was unveiled outside the theatre where Movin' Out, the Tony Award-winning musical based on Joel's songs, is being performed.

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