Record ID:
49863558 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
Authority type:
  • Name.
LC number:
  • n 87883336
Associated with:
Lived/located in:
  • Inventor Entrepreneur
Used for:
  • Jobs, Steven Paul, 1955-2011
  • Steve Jobs, c1988 p. 8, etc. (Steven Paul Jobs, b. Feb. 24, 1955)
  • WW in Amer., 1986-87 (Jobs, Steven Paul, 1955- )
  • Washington Post, Oct. 6, 2011 (Steve Jobs dies; Apple co-founder was 56; Jobs died Wednesday (Oct. 5, 2011); an original thinker who helped create the Macintosh, one of the world's most influential computers, Mr. Jobs also reinvented the portable music player with the iPod, launched the first successful legal method of selling music online with iTunes, reordered the cellphone market with the iPhone and jump-started the electronic-tablet market with the IPad)
Local system number:
  • (AuCNL)884500
Cataloguing source:
  • DLC eng DLC DLC