
1. What are the invisible clip on earrings?




Invisible clip on earrings are innovative Japanese resin made clip on earrings. They look like pierced earrings and comfortable to wear. They are one of the popular style clip on earrings in Japan.


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✨Compared with normal clip on earrings, these are 2/3 of size. These are very small but hold earrings safely.


1) Pierced look clip on earrings
Earring findings are made from resin and they are clear and soft. The distinctive difference from the normal clip on earrings is that they are pierced look since earring findings are clear. So the clip on earrings will be blend into your skin color and become invisible. You can enjoy pierced look clip on earrings. They are perfect clip on earrings for photo-shooting.



✨It is hard to find minimalist style earrings with normal clip on earrings since brass earring findings are thick and visible. But invisible clip on earrings enable us to have pierced look clip on earrings.


2) Comfortable clip on earrings
Since the earring findings are soft, they fit your earlobes perfectly. You will be free from the pain of pinching and can wear them for entire day! When you have a big event like wedding and cannot take them off during the events, these invisible clip on earrings are inevitable items!

If you want to know more about invisible clip on earrings, please read this post.

Perfect solutions for clip on earrings! The most up-to-date and comfortable non pierced earrings


✨We can enjoy totally pierced look double sided style with invisible clip on earrings!



These are my customer’s testimonials about invisible clip on earrings.

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“The earrings are an art, so pretty and exquisite. Best part of all – it is the only pair of earrings I own so far that I can wear for an entire day without feeling uncomfortable. Practically been searching for such clip ons for years. Seller was sweet and personalised. Kudos!”


I LOVE these earrings. I wear them all day and literally forget I’m wearing them. I have received numerous compliments.”


“These earrings are very classy and much more dainty and refined then most clip-ons. Best of all the invisi-clips really work – you wouldn’t know they were clip-ons unless you look very closely. A great find if you are tired of clunky clip-ons!”


“I love everything about this shop and product. The seller seems so sweet and caring for her customers. The product is beyond great. I used to have pierced ears but got allergic to basicly every material I put into them, which left me with some kind of scar tissue thing inside the ears. Making it impossible to ever have them pierced again. I didnt dare to hope for much when I ordered these earrings but to my surprise they are great. They dont hurt due to the fact that they are very, very light and they look like real earrings. Been getting ALOT of compliments. Definitely buying more in the future. Thank you alot Jennifer.”


All the items are available at Miaybi Grace

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My name is Jennifer and I am designer and creator of cotton pearl jewelries.

I live in Osaka and I would love to introduce up-to-date style Japanese jewelries.



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