Another Hopeful Sign

Another Hopeful Sign March 16, 2013

“The idea that celibacy produces paedophiles can be forgotten,” he says. “If a priest is a paedophile, he is so before he becomes a priest. But when this happens you must never look away. You cannot be in a position of power and use it to destroy the life of another person.”

Bergoglio says he has never had to deal with such a case, but when a bishop asked what he should do, he told him the priest should be sacked and tried, that putting the church’s reputation first was a mistake.

“I think that is the solution that was once proposed in the United States; of switching them to other parishes,” he says. “That is stupid, because the priest continues to carry the problem in his backpack.” The only answer to the problem, he adds, is zero tolerance.

I would love to be wrong in my prediction about him not kicking butt and taking names.  This gives me hope that I am. But we’ll see.  What I want plus five bucks will get you a cup of coffee.  On the other hand, the article is wishfully and delusionally titled, “Pope Francis’ Book Reveals a Radical Progressive in the Making”. Uh huh.  The English press seems to have a penchant for projecting fantasies on to him.  So proceed with caution.

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