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Last Updated: Sunday, 21 November, 2004, 12:59 GMT
Swapo man wins Namibia landslide
Hifikepunye Pohamba
Pohamba is expected to follow Nujoma's policies
Hifikepunye Pohamba, the candidate of Namibia's ruling Swapo party has won a landslide victory in presidential elections, officials results show.

Mr Pohamba, backed by incumbent leader Sam Nujoma, won 76% of the votes.

"I'm from now on a full-time servant of the Namibian people," he said as the result was announced.

The largest opposition party - the Congress of Democrats - has denounced the election as flawed. Its candidate came second with 7.3% of the vote.

Swapo (South West Africa People's Organisation) also secured 75% of the vote in the general election held on Monday and Tuesday - 55 out of 72 seats in the next parliament.

The election to replace Mr Nujoma is the third since independence and is seen as an important landmark in the country's history.


At an official ceremony announcing the result, Mr Pohamba said he was "gratified and humbled by the five-year mandate entrusted to me to continue the social-economic struggle for our country and its people".

Swapo supporters
Hifikepunye Pohamba: 76.4%
Ben Ulenga: 7.3%
Katuutire Kaura: 5.1%
He said he wanted to encourage foreign investment in the mineral-rich country.

"Our doors will remain open for foreign investors to invest in our country and assist our economy."

Incumbent President Sam Nujoma is formally standing down after nearly 15 years in power. Correspondents say Mr Nujoma will remain head of his Swapo party, and will still wield considerable power.

Mr Nujoma and Mr Pohamba are both founding members of Swapo, which led an armed struggle against apartheid South African rule for more than three decades.

Namibia, formerly South West Africa, gained independence in 1990 and Mr Nujoma has been the country's only leader.


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