


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ntacles of a jellyfish appear to be randomly arranged.
2 s formed are spatially isolated and linearly arranged.
3 e and RNA-free FluC polymerase are similarly arranged.
4 ap junction plaque) can be stably or fluidly arranged.
5 nically infected patients, 158 had follow-up arranged (52%), of whom 97 attended their appointment (6
6 , a person dying before health care could be arranged (all countries: 32%-43%), no health care facili
7  domain formed by six cyclohexyl side chains arranged along one side of the 14-helix.
8    Furthermore, these nanosensors can now be arranged along open detection surfaces, and in dense arr
9   They can form abundant multiple small RNAs arranged along precursors in a tandem and phased or half
10                         Oligonucleotides are arranged along the edges of pyrene-based helical polymer
11      Human CatSperepsilon is quadrilaterally arranged along the flagella, similar to the CatSper comp
12                                     Randomly arranged, amorphous nanoparticles are initially deposite
13 y markers indicating a glial lineage and are arranged anatomically adjacent to blood vessels, pericyt
14            In the arrays, the porphyrins are arranged around a central benzene ring.
15  organoids in mice yield developing nephrons arranged around a symmetrical collecting duct tree that
16 elical barrel, which comprises seven helices arranged around an accessible channel.
17  each lobe comprised of two domains that are arranged around the active site.
18 how the mammalian supernumerary subunits are arranged around the core enzyme, and provide insights in
19 f cap mesenchyme cells, which are abnormally arranged around the ureteric bud tips, and impairment of
20 omeric state in which a fused EF hand domain arranges around the catalytic PPase domain.
21 t that, when this unit is missing, molecules arrange as multilayer stack structures.
22 -shaped conformations while Abeta42 can also arrange as S-shaped three-stranded chains.
23  to the ligand-binding domain (LBD) which is arranged as a dimer of dimers as exemplified in homomeri
24 -length ERdj3 shows that these tetramers are arranged as a dimer of dimers formed by distinct inter-s
25                Corneal endothelial cells are arranged as a monolayer on the posterior surface of the
26 ses five immunoglobulin-like domains (D1-D5) arranged as a triangle, with an interface between ligand
27 ormationally intact L1 protein, likely still arranged as capsomeres, remains associated with the inco
28 ings, we propose that the L1 protein, likely arranged as capsomeres, stabilizes the viral genome with
29 ase II (CaMKII) is composed of 8-14 subunits arranged as pairs around a central core.
30  a peculiar distribution of ZnSt2 aggregates arranged as rounded and larger particles was also docume
31 bited T-shaped presynaptic densities, mostly arranged as tetrads.
32 totactic cocci contained magnetosomes either arranged as two or four chains or as a disorganized clus
33 dings demonstrate that a nucleobase tetramer arranged as two stacked base pairs accurately captures t
34                  Follow-up examinations were arranged at 3 and 7 days and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months.
35 o two parallel cables of the lateral element arranged at a distance of approximately 220 nm.
36 a rectangular grid of discrete LA positions, arranged at interspacings smaller than the dimensions of
37                     The native sites are not arranged at optimal intervals, and subtle changes in the
38  lead to differences in how the subunits are arranged at the dimer interface.
39 al entorhinal cortex whose firing fields are arranged at the vertices of tessellating equilateral tri
40 rol of 100 optical tweezers, which we use to arrange atoms in desired geometric patterns and to maint
41 i/Mn/Fe cations of similar atomic number are arranged, both within the perfect structure and within d
42 emplates and/or noncovalent interactions can arrange building blocks has also enabled the synthesis o
43                             This overview is arranged by catalyst class where the photophysics and el
44 eins and its cap-binding pocket is similarly arranged by critical amino acids: Trp56, Trp102, Glu103,
45 all three samples, we compared the marriages arranged by parents with the non-arranged ones in terms
46  with which multiple metallic components are arranged can greatly alter optical properties, including
47 and establish the use of the DNA scaffold to arrange carbon layers in homogeneous, rapidly synthesize
48 34(-), there are multiple, nonhierarchically arranged CD34(+) and CD34(-) LSC populations.
49 ynamic tissues comprising two concentrically arranged cell types.
50 an cells or used bioengineered constructs to arrange cells in an organ-like configuration.
51  are composed of highly adherent and densely arranged cells with properties distinct from those of fr
52  material is folded into stable non-randomly arranged chromosomal structures that are tightly associa
53 y-dependent processes that establish orderly arranged cochleotopic maps throughout the central audito
54 y-dependent processes that establish orderly arranged cochleotopic maps throughout the central audito
55 howed higher calcium and phosphate deposits, arranged collagen fibrils and increased expression of Ru
56                Rather, our results show that arranging commitments is not always desirable, but that
57 h stage and found consistent topographically arranged connectivity between identified neurons.
58        The binding interface is organized to arrange contacts between positively charged ACPS residue
59  chiral 'buckybowl' hemibuckminsterfullerene arranges copper surface atoms in its vicinity into a chi
60 eciprocal connections between hierarchically arranged cortical regions, how are increases in sensory
61 , evening up, checking obsessions; ordering, arranging, counting, writing-rewriting compulsions, repe
62 ur simulation results show that periodically arranged defects in Si/Ge H-SNW lead to a ~38% reduction
63 eement with either parallel- or antiparallel-arranged dimer structures when spin labels were placed i
64 eterotetramer, the LBDs could potentially be arranged either as a GluK2 homomer alongside a GluK5 hom
65  Stimuli consisted of colored Gaussian-blobs arranged either mirror-symmetrically or quasi-randomly.
66 oid use disorder, clinicians should offer or arrange evidence-based treatment, such as medication-ass
67 ted around a polymeric shell in a rationally arranged fashion with a surface glycoprotein coated on t
68 id, which in T. gondii comprises 14 spirally arranged fibers that are nontubular polymers of tubulin.
69 , immune complex-like deposits, and randomly arranged fibrils morphologically intermediate between am
70 ional cell type in the MEC, have hexagonally arranged firing fields that tile the surface of the envi
71                    An experimental setup was arranged for a cohort of 92 urine samples from patients
72 MV) US12 family consists of ten sequentially arranged genes (US12-21) with poorly characterized funct
73 rized fluorescent protein on the dynamically arranged GJs and the organization of plaques composed of
74               It contains four symmetrically arranged glycine residues suggesting that flexibility is
75 ite of transcriptional and epigenetic inputs arranged hierarchically in a gene regulatory network.
76 emble at low temperature into hierarchically arranged, highly flexible ceramic-based papers.
77 s, including an introvert with pentaradially arranged hollow scalids.
78 -related cell adhesion molecule (NrCAM)] can arrange in a more complex, 2D hexagonal-like lattice but
79 n hampered proliferation and causing them to arrange in a normal-appearing scaffold around the regene
80 tely 50-80 nm) within an organic matrix that arrange in fibre-like polycrystalline configurations.
81 ometric resolution, we show that E-cadherins arrange in ordered clusters, providing the first demonst
82 ved from the zebrafish pallial germinal zone arrange in outside-in, age-related layers from a central
83  of which contain direct Mo-Mo bonds and are arranged in 1D chains.
84 composed of two chemical domains (CdS:CdSe), arranged in 7 alloy and (core)shell structural classes.
85 olution, to reveal two double hotdog domains arranged in a back to back configuration.
86 ten electrodes printed on flexible sheet and arranged in a c-shape to fit around the ear.
87 low xanthophores, and shimmering iridophores arranged in a characteristic pattern of golden and blue
88          Rather, focal adhesion proteins are arranged in a circle subjacent to cortical fibers of act
89 n the assumption that cellular regulation is arranged in a circuit-like structure.
90 ing that different classes of astrocytes are arranged in a circuit-specific manner and that tiling do
91 ies having three alpha and two beta subunits arranged in a counterclockwise beta-alpha-beta-alpha-alp
92 een MCT2 and CAII, but the cluster had to be arranged in a fashion that allowed access to the binding
93 that consists of short cylindrical particles arranged in a helical architecture.
94  fascicles on the ventral surface of LES are arranged in a helical/spiral fashion.
95 is a two-dimensional crystal of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, has attracted a great a
96 t they are still composed of capsid proteins arranged in a hexagonal lattice.
97  by GH/STAT5-regulated transcription factors arranged in a hierarchical network and by the dynamics o
98                                 Pathways are arranged in a hierarchical structure that largely corres
99 be involved in visual object recognition are arranged in a hierarchy.
100 o as Xanes, are comprised of group IVA atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice - similar to graphene bu
101     Freestanding silicene, a monolayer of Si arranged in a honeycomb structure, has been predicted to
102 r N-terminal immunoglobulin domains (Ig1-4), arranged in a horseshoe conformation.
103 th two to four prolines and three disulfides arranged in a knotted motif.
104 t a large number of intact IBDV virions were arranged in a lattice surrounded by p62 proteins, some o
105 t was composed of band-pass filtered letters arranged in a layout similar to the ETDRS acuity chart.
106 , the cytosolic carboxy termini are uniquely arranged in a left-handed alpha-helical bundle, directly
107 ht filaments in which flagellin monomers are arranged in a left-handed helix.
108  Chains of tethered HIV-1 virions often were arranged in a linear fashion, primarily as single chains
109                  Tethered HIV-1 virions were arranged in a linear fashion, with the majority as singl
110  reveal four thioredoxin-like (TRXL) domains arranged in a long arc that terminates in two beta-sandw
111 beta-strands in a S-shaped amyloid fold, and arranged in a manner that generates two hydrophobic core
112 ater interface while lignin and microbes are arranged in a more hydrophobic interior.
113 e and double Au nanoparticles ( 100-200nm), arranged in a periodic metamaterial lattice, in direct a
114                                 TAG crystals arranged in a planar-layered organisation at the slower
115 ly organized into two compartments spatially arranged in a polarized manner in individual chromosomes
116 ells that need to perform multiple tasks are arranged in a polygon or polyhedron (line, triangle, tet
117 l aromatic residues of the pilin monomer are arranged in a potentially electrically conductive geomet
118 les are 1) composed of 13 protofilaments, 2) arranged in a radial array by the centrosome, and 3) bui
119 ylation of histone H3 at Lys 4 (H3K4me3)] is arranged in a radial hair-like loop pattern emerging lat
120 cortex, basal ganglia (BG), and thalamus are arranged in a recurrent loop whose activity guides motor
121 d a primary sequence that is almost entirely arranged in a rigid conformation, and confirm a beta-she
122 ypothesis that architecturally distinct TOGs arranged in a sequence-specific order underlie TOG array
123 is disk contains four Apaf-1/pc-9 CARD pairs arranged in a shallow spiral with the fourth pc-9 CARD a
124 s where both songs contained "similar sounds arranged in a similar pattern." Songs appear to be learn
125 n protein monomer and 89 coat protein dimers arranged in a T = 3 icosahedral lattice.
126 ng closely packed approximately 10 mum cells arranged in a thick sheet further reinforce the interpre
127 , chromosome replication origins (oriCs) are arranged in a three-dimensional array throughout the cyt
128 f corner-sharing (XeO6) and (NaO6) octahedra arranged in a three-dimensional rocksalt order.
129 ur structure shows that two single hexamers, arranged in a tilted and twisted fashion through interdi
130 pathologic analysis of 161 prostate biopsies arranged in a TMA and marked with biotin-labeled CG3-apt
131 2IrO3 phase which, in spite of having the Ir arranged in a tridimensional (3D) framework instead of t
132 ype 2 (T2) and a binuclear Type 3 (T3) site, arranged in a trinuclear copper cluster (TNC), to reduce
133 te, and we show that the C-terminal helices, arranged in a zipper-like fashion, play a crucial role i
134 s possible if the monomers in the fibril are arranged in an antiparallel beta-sheet conformation.
135 the patches of suitable habitat are randomly arranged in an area (or volume).
136 sed of hyperautofluorescent stellate lesions arranged in an open or closed ring with intervening foci
137 scriminate between two sets of sound strings arranged in an XYX or an XXY structure.
138 ne or two optical signals, and triads of ANs arranged in both feed-forward and recurrent networks.
139 gus motor neurons, which are topographically arranged in both mammals and fish.
140               FMO consists of three monomers arranged in C3 symmetry where each monomer accommodates
141 ing crystallization, alpha-CD molecules were arranged in cage-type structure in which CO2 molecules w
142             These magnetosomes are typically arranged in chains, but other forms of assemblies such a
143 ent kinds of defective Mn atoms, isolated or arranged in closed cubane-like units.
144 quid crystal textures of fluid block domains arranged in closed flux loops, and makes this phase high
145 such as IP3 receptors or ryanodine receptors arranged in clusters (release units) containing a few to
146 ely implanted as inclusions, and can even be arranged in coherent arrays, this microphone can detect
147 eral organization of four floral organ types arranged in concentric whorls exists across all flowerin
148 mbers of actin-filled stereocilia, which are arranged in defined rows of precise heights.
149 s are columnar resonators that can be easily arranged in dense arrays of several thousand sensors in
150                    The deposited fibrils are arranged in different networks, and depending on the rel
151 cation and differentiation of TSSs which are arranged in different spatial patterns along the chromos
152 etwork of cell bodies and synaptic neuropils arranged in distinct layers.
153 nz anatomy, whereby photosynthetic cells are arranged in encircling layers around vascular bundles, i
154 d in two 4 Mbp-long arrays of tandem repeats arranged in head-to-tail fashion separated by an interge
155  of melanosomes of two distinct morphologies arranged in layers, forming retinal pigment epithelium,
156                                 Patches were arranged in localities (sets of two patches), which cons
157 endothelial cells and SMA-positive pericytes arranged in macro- or microlobules.
158  of different sizes within a super-unit-cell arranged in mirror symmetry.
159 se can be simultaneously tracked from larvae arranged in multi-well plates.
160                 Social media communities are arranged in myriad ways and without standardization, rai
161 oles are composed of long-lived microtubules arranged in nine triplets.
162 ls exhibited repeated fields in compartments arranged in parallel, but not in compartments facing dif
163 helix barrel that contains eight D4 peptides arranged in parallel.
164 that are formed from nanoparticles spatially arranged in pre-determined positions can be thought of a
165 on of living tissues that allows cells to be arranged in predetermined three-dimensional (3D) archite
166 ple optoelectronically active components are arranged in productive ways.
167 ia, the microvilli-like projections that are arranged in rows of graded heights.
168 hat involves periodic soft and hard elements arranged in series and that appears in a vast array of i
169 ationship between unequal subcellular forces arranged in series within the neuron and the net overall
170 rian dolomite and Ketton limestone (calcite) arranged in series.
171 s and one plastid-encoded subunit, which are arranged in several ring-like structures.
172  while they tracked static targets that were arranged in specific geometric configurations and which
173 ment, material screens and bioassays must be arranged in specific ways.
174                     These photoreceptors are arranged in stacked pairs with identical fields of view
175 y designed; the Zr6 clusters in this MOF are arranged in such a fashion that, by replacement of termi
176 specific interaction (CSI) motifs, which are arranged in tandem.
177                               The genes were arranged in terms of stability and normalisation was det
178 main contacts three actin subunits helically arranged in the actin filament, bridging over two protof
179  up to 800 K, features MgO6 octahedral units arranged in the anatase-TiO2 structure.
180 , regardless of how densely the elements are arranged in the device.
181      In M. dorsalis, all sequenced genes are arranged in the putative ancestral insect gene arrangeme
182 iosynthesis of almost all capsular types are arranged in the same locus.
183 3 metal core covered by a layer of Ag44S32P8 arranged in the shape of a box.
184  armadillo repeats, each consisting of 42 aa arranged in three alpha-helices, build an elongated supe
185 one or more atoms of a catalyst surface that arrange into a configuration offering a specific electro
186 gests that neurons in primary sensory cortex arrange into competitive groups, representing stimuli by
187 tro In these networks, neurons spontaneously arrange into local clusters with high neurite density an
188 ntitative predictions on how atoms spatially arrange into molecules.
189  dehydration, PSII complexes are observed to arrange into rows and semicrystalline arrays, which corr
190 nd homologs in the seven model organisms are arranged into a concise output.
191 rithms, which allow up to 66 spheroids to be arranged into a gel-based array directly from a culture
192 ty, we demonstrate that C60 molecules can be arranged into a quasi-1D C60 chain structure with widths
193 pherical micelles of five discrete sizes are arranged into a tetrahedral close packing, with exceptio
194                                         When arranged into arrays, resonances are shifted and pronoun
195 he topic of hierarchical organization: atoms arranged into crystalline nanoparticles, ligands arrange
196  on nanoparticle surfaces, and nanoparticles arranged into crystalline superlattices.
197 ain consists of individual protein complexes arranged into large macromolecular structures, termed re
198  comprised of alphabeta-tubulin heterodimers arranged into linear protofilaments and assembled into t
199 ents contain indole-based tetramers that are arranged into porphyrin-like domains.
200 n analysis of the total fluorescence spectra arranged into three-way arrays using N-way partial least
201 ifferent GAS strains suggest that SKs can be arranged into two clusters, SK1 and SK2, with a subdivis
202  not random pixels), the model spontaneously arranges into competitive groups of reciprocally connect
203 cover the variation they contain but also to arrange it onto chromosomal haplotypes.
204 volving the iodine atom and the two linearly arranged ligands.
205 aphragm which form the esophageal hiatus are arranged like a "noose" around the esophagus.
206 imensional array of transparent microspheres arranged like the atoms in a diamond crystal.
207             The Ag band counter electrode is arranged longitudinally in a microchannel while the fron
208 ed coat proteins are the most asymmetrically arranged major capsid proteins yet observed in virus str
209               Moreover, they have abnormally arranged matrix adhesion sites.
210 on, comprised of the LBD and NTD, is loosely arranged, mediating complex allosteric regulation and pr
211  a set of clearly defined and hierarchically arranged motor nuclei that are selectively responsible f
212 r density at scaled-up BMFCs was explored by arranging multiple anodes in sediment.
213 peri-arylenes with the alignment of six peri-arranged naphthalene units, were prepared by Suzuki cros
214        The consortium consists of a radially arranged, nine-taxon structure organized around cells of
215                                  Genomes are arranged non-randomly in the 3D space of the cell nucleu
216 d by the glomerular accumulation of randomly arranged, nonbranching fibrils (12-24 nm) composed of Ig
217                              These colonies, arranged north to south, are located such that breeding
218 la H3S (sulfur trihydride) with sulfur atoms arranged on a body-centred cubic lattice.
219 opsin (bR), a light-driven proton pump, were arranged on a common hydrogel surface in lipid-containin
220                 In the TumorMap, samples are arranged on a hexagonal grid based on their similarity t
221 ereal crops, is the way in which flowers are arranged on an inflorescence.
222 homeobox containing genes are the Hox genes, arranged on chromosomes in the same order as their expre
223 sional arrays of randomly coupled waveguides arranged on linear and ring topologies, we are led to a
224     Partially condensed chromosomes were not arranged on metaphase plate and chromosomal perturbation
225 nged into crystalline nanoparticles, ligands arranged on nanoparticle surfaces, and nanoparticles arr
226 carce, so atomic details of how S-layers are arranged on the surface of cells have remained elusive.
227          Here, carbon monoxide molecules are arranged on the surface of Cu(111) one at a time to form
228 ly compressed TiO5 square pyramids which are arranged one over the other to form infinite ...Ti-O...T
229 e marriages arranged by parents with the non-arranged ones in terms of number of offspring.
230 ecombination events are dispersed evenly and arranged optimally for genetic exchange and efficient ch
231         EEG was measured from 128 electrodes arranged over occipitotemporal brain regions (14 mm spac
232          When beta-strands of an amyloid are arranged parallel and in register, side chains from the
233 fter Synechocystis 6803), the thylakoids are arranged parallel to the plasma membrane and occasionall
234 ultiple response fields are not periodically arranged, peak amplitudes vary across fields, and the me
235 sitive pyramidal cells across these species, arranged periodically according to analyses techniques l
236 i-O(*) (oxyl) and Ti-O(*)-Ti (bridge) groups arranged perpendicular and parallel to the surface respe
237 of its constituent parts are interrelated or arranged plays an important role for determining the env
238 eighbor estimation of cell event density and arranges populations by marker-based classification.
239 nolate groups on four peripheries of eclipse-arranged porphyrin macrocycles, are successfully constru
240 ivo under mild conditions with its precisely arranged proteins.
241 rence of neurons in the rodent appears to be arranged randomly, in what is termed a salt-and-pepper m
242 s and signal transmission lines by spatially arranging reactive DNA hairpins on a DNA origami.
243  "hole" hopping typically involves spatially arranged redox-active tryptophan or tyrosine residues.
244 eference of cells for stimulus parameters is arranged regularly on the cortical surface.
245 precisely positioned nuclei and the linearly arranged sarcomeres, yet the relationship between these
246 uate the screening test accuracy of radially arranged sectors affected by hard exudates in the detect
247 s calculated within predetermined circularly arranged segments (qAF8).
248      The grey levels (GLs) from 8 circularly arranged segments positioned at an eccentricity of appro
249 te stamens each, and more than five spirally arranged separate carpels.
250 ns are usually characterized by a vertically-arranged sequence of ecological belts, which, in contras
251 ith a set of drift-diffusion models that are arranged sequentially and that are resetting in each SCT
252 ound that the C-terminal domain of RSV CA is arranged similarly to HIV-1 and M-PMV, whereas the N-ter
253 e shafts are primarily composed of helically arranged single pilin-protein subunits, with a unique bi
254 50%, or 100% of cells; identified as loosely arranged small myocytes positive to HCN4 immunostaining,
255 heir patients to quit and 25% less likely to arrange smoking cessation follow-up.
256 h each consist of four short binding domains arranged so that the bricks can interlock.
257                    The auditory periphery is arranged spatially by frequency, not spatial location.
258 tochore and envisioning kinetochore linkages arranged such that they distribute forces across them, w
259 om the archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum are arranged such that, on average, two of the seven termini
260 ds evolved a highly textured, hierarchically arranged surface pattern that affords mechanical robustn
261 ted masker conditions, the four maskers were arranged symmetrically around the target at +/-15 degree
262  have five MHC class I genes in the complex, arranged TAP1-TAP2-UAA-UBA-UCA-UDA-UEA The UAA gene, sit
263 y, follow a common organizing principle that arranges thalamic axons with similar retinotopy and ON-O
264 documented analytical data for vitamin D and arrange the data into two datasets - European (8 Europea
265 cting equilibria, rates and selectivity, pre-arranges the reactants for desired reactions and alters
266 e novel phenomena because of the easiness of arranging them and modifying their properties accordingl
267 enforced, and on the other hand, the cost of arranging them is justified with respect to the benefits
268 s larger than the pore size are retained and arrange themselves according to the micropore pattern.
269 roteins are all identical, they nevertheless arrange themselves into a largely asymmetric structure m
270                                 The monomers arrange themselves to create a hydrophilic core made of
271                                           We arrange these processes in order of the steps that occur
272 nts as bits of probabilistic information and arranges these bits in a fractional positional system.
273 irs on the dual to the honeycomb lattice; by arranging these defect pairs properly with respect to ea
274 er cell types, T cells do not form spatially arranged tissues, but move independently throughout the
275  corn and soybean crops, with prairie strips arranged to arrest run-off on slopes.
276 rrangements of optical scatterers rationally arranged to control optical wavefronts.
277 ans, specialized receptors are strategically arranged to enhance detection sensitivity and acuity.
278 n using a dynamical model of competing modes arranged to evoke hierarchical Winnerless Competition (W
279          Neurons of the mEC are anatomically arranged to express functional dorsoventral gradients in
280 positively-charged residues on each becoming arranged to form a continuous interface for binding RNA
281          Orthogonal band microelectrodes are arranged to form at their intersections an array of thre
282 ered with arbitrary magnitude and phase, and arranged to introduce nontrivial Berry phases in the spi
283 e introduced CBS as a technology that can be arranged to perform either rapid diagnostics (single via
284 inations, compositions could be specifically arranged to preclude the formation of undesirable sequen
285 commonly referred to as meta-atoms) that are arranged to produce a collective optical response spanni
286 luid within a magnetic field gradient-can be arranged to provide a near-linear gradient in effective
287                                    Cells are arranged together to form hexagonal photonic crystals.
288                            These bundles are arranged topographically and contain projections, not on
289 phed program, culminating in seven spatially arranged unilineage progenitors within TACs of mature fo
290 cation, possibly in order to concentrate and arrange viral replication machinery for efficient viral
291 asicrystalline materials, where tiling units arrange with local but no long-range order, remains chal
292  respective layer thicknesses of 6 and 4 mm, arranged with a 1.27-mm pitch, resulting in a useable fi
293 he individual antibody binding sites are not arranged with appropriate geometry to simultaneously eng
294  complex (i.e., nearest the membrane) and is arranged with its C-terminal domain (FliGC) resting on t
295 hes of hair cells with stereociliary bundles arranged with morphological mirror symmetry that are mec
296 ubmicron-sized physical structures spatially arranged with periodic geometry and are usually associat
297 wever, the nature of how these compounds are arranged within an aerosol droplet remains unknown.
298 ale information about how the components are arranged within cells.
299 ent meiotic cohesin complexes are distinctly arranged within the axes: Although cohesin complexes con
300 f functionally defined cortical networks are arranged within the dendrites of individual neurons rema

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