米、ロシア産原油価格上限巡り初の制裁 タンカー船主に

米、約30カ国の船舶管理会社を調査 ロシア産原油価格上限巡り
 米財務省外国資産管理局(OFAC)は船舶管理会社に対し、主要7カ国(G7)などが制裁措置としてロシア産原油に設定した価格上限に違反した疑いがある約100隻の船舶に関する情報を求める通知を送った。2022年3月撮影(2023年 ロイター/Dado Ruvic)
[ワシントン 12日 ロイター] - 米国は12日、主要7カ国(G7)が設けた価格上限を超えるロシア産原油を輸送していたタンカーの船主に制裁を科した。価格上限措置を巡る初の制裁となる。


私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab


Timothy reports on energy and environment policy and is based in Washington, D.C. His coverage ranges from the latest in nuclear power, to environment regulations, to U.S. sanctions and geopolitics. He has been a member of three teams in the past two years that have won Reuters best journalism of the year awards. As a cyclist he is happiest outside.


Daphne Psaledakis is a foreign policy correspondent based in Washington, D.C., where she covers U.S. sanctions, Africa and the State Department. She has covered the rollout of U.S. sanctions on Russia after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Washington’s efforts to enforce its sanctions and the U.S. response to the conflict in Ethiopia, among other issues. She previously covered European Union politics and energy and climate policy for Reuters in Brussels as part of an Overseas Press Club Foundation fellowship in 2019. Daphne holds a Bachelor of Journalism in Print and Digital News and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies.