It's a case of cracking premise, lacklustre execution in this excursion to the planet Messaline. The Doctor is joined by both Donna and Martha as he is confronted with a serious case of "dad shock" after encountering a young blonde lady called Jenny. We'll spare you a full on rant about the disappointing quality of the episode (check out the full review on Digital Spy immediately after the episode has aired) and instead serve up a few spoilers (and two red herrings)...

The Doctor is "processed".

Donna refers to The Doctor's daughter Jenny as "GI Jane".

Martha falls into a bog.

The Doctor puts a gun to a man's head.

There is talk of a being called 'The Great One'.

The Hath are genetic descendants of a race known as the Haemovores.

Martha puts a fish's shoulder back in place (or perhaps in plaice?).

The Doctor doesn't need a female to spawn a daughter - he is capable of doing it all on his own.

Jenny tells The Doctor that she saw someone called Susan die in the Time War, which upsets him greatly.

After putting a stethoscope to Jenny's chest, The Doctor is surprised by what he hears.

> Click here for our review of 'The Poison Sky'