ASEAN-UN Partnership

ASEAN-UN Meetings



  • 09 April 2018 - ASEAN-UN Secretariat-to-Secretariat Meeting
  • 10 April 2018 - Interface Meeting between the Committee of Permanent
                                Represenatives to ASEAN (CPR) and the UN Delegation

      New York

  • 27 September 2018 - ASEAN-UN Secretariat-to-Secretariat Meeting
  • 28 September 2018 - ASEAN-UN Senior Officials Meeting 
  • 29 September 2018 - ASEAN-UN Ministerial Meeting (AUMM)


  • November 2018  - 10th ASEAN-UN Summit


    "ASEAN’s observer status at the UN, in particular ASEAN’s close relationship with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) as the regional development arm of the UN and convener of the UN Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), and with the UN Development Programme (UNDP), as well as ASEAN’s cooperation with the various UN bodies, specialized agencies, programmes and funds, provide opportunities for the two organizations to elevate the cooperation through a comprehensive partnership." from the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the UN, 2011

    Almost from its inception, ASEAN has worked with the United Nations. The first ASEAN-UN Summit in 2000 discussed peace and security, human resources development and South-South cooperation. The second Summit in 2005 focused on broader cooperation between the two organizations with the increased involvement of specialized United Nations agencies in key development issues, in particular poverty eradication and achievement of the MDGs, prevention and control of infectious diseases, transnational issues, trade and investment, and peace and security. In 2007, ASEAN and the United Nations signed a Memorandum of Understanding providing for regular consultations on matters of strategic importance, with a further joint pledge in 2008 to intensify cooperation. At the 4th ASEAN-UN Summit in 2011, the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership Between ASEAN and the UN was adopted. Since then, joint planning and reporting have been undertaken to ensure a productive partnership.

    The United Nations system has supported ASEAN in virtually all its endeavours, including in the establishment of a common market; regional connectivity; rights of migrant workers; disaster risk reduction, preparedness and response; environmental sustainability and climate change; food security; health systems; prevention and control of communicable diseases, including HIV/ AIDS; education; gender equality; human rights and governance; and data collection, monitoring and review of key development indicators.

    The Plan of Action to implement the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the UN 2016-2020 was adopted at the ASEAN-UN Ministerial Meeting (AUMM) in New York, September 2016. Examples of joint work plans that have been developed under the umbrella Plan of Action include the Joint Strategic Plan on Disaster Management 2016-2020 and the ASEAN-UN Environment and Climate Change Action Plan 2016-2020.


    ASEAN-UN Plan of Action

    This Plan of Action is aimed at implementing the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the UN, which was adopted by the Leaders of ASEAN and the UN Secretary-General at the 4th ASEAN-UN Summit on 19 November 2011 in Bali, Indonesia. It will continue to pursue the goals and objectives set forth in the Declaration in the next five years (2016-2020), within the framework of the Comprehensive Partnership, building upon the achievements in the implementation of the ASEAN-UN Work Plan for 2015;



    ASEAN-UN Joint Strategic Plan of Action on Disaster Management

    Global developments that will influence and shape the humanitarian landscape for the next decade and more converged in 2015. The Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction was agreed in March, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by the UN General Assembly in September, and the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was agreed in December.




    Almost from its inception, ASEAN has worked with the United Nations. The first ASEAN-United Nations Summit in 2000 discussed peace and security, human resources development and South-South cooperation. The second Summit in 2005 focused on broader cooperation between the two organizations with the increased involvement of specialized United Nations agencies in key development issues, in particular poverty eradication and achievement of the MDGs, prevention and control of infectious diseases, transnational issues, trade and investment, and peace and security. In 2007, ASEAN and the United Nations signed a Memorandum of Understanding providing for regular consultations on matters of strategic importance, with a further joint pledge in 2008 to intensify cooperation...
