Front cover image for The changing world of Mormonism = a condensation and revision of Mormonism, shadow or reality

The changing world of Mormonism = a condensation and revision of Mormonism, shadow or reality

Jerald Tanner, Sandra Tanner (Author)
A comparison of the Mormon scriptures with the Bible. A condensation and revision of Mormonism: Shadow or Reality?
Print Book, English, ©1980
Moody Press, Chicago, ©1980
Controversial literature
591 pages ; 23 cm
9780802412348, 0802412343
A marvelous work?
Miraculous claims
The only true church
Change, censorship and suppression
Suppression and book burning
Changes in the revelations
Book of commandments 00 Study of changes
Important changes
Important change in newly accepted revelation
Joseph Smith and money digging
Book of Mormon from the stone
Money digging and the book of Mormon
Working with the rod
Joseph Smith's magic talisman
The book of Mormon
The witnesses
Ancient or modern?
Origin of the Indians
Changes in the book of Mormon
Archeology and the book of Mormon
The Anthon Transcript
Compared with Bible archeology
Beyond the book of Mormon
The first vision
"Strange" accounts
Not unique
First history
A doctrinal change
No revival in 1820
The godhead
From one to many
The heavenly mother
The virgin birth
Serious changes
Removing the lectures
A changeable God
The Holy Ghost
No real answers
The Adam God doctrine
Not created of the dust of this earth
The only God with whom we have to do
The father of our spirits
The father of Jesus Christ
Plural marriage
Suppressed 1831 revelation
The 1843 revelation examined
Sorrows of polygamy
Number of wives Taking other men's wives
Strange marriages
God and Christ polygamists?
Essential to salvation
Lying about polygamy
The Manifesto
Mormon leaders yield
After the Manifesto
Manifesto a deception
The dilemma
changing the anti black doctrine
Black skin and the pre existence
Descendants of Cain through the flood
One drop disqualifies
Objections to doctrine
Blacks and the gospel
Rooted in prejudice
Slavery in Utah
Civil rights
The new "revelation"
Brigham Young misrepresented
Better late than never
Problem in Brazil
New "revelation" evades the real issues
Does the revelation really exist?
Impact of revelation
Fall of the book of Abraham
The Papyri rediscovered
No gift to translate
Nelson's Work
Source of the book of Abraham
Only the book of breathings
Three witnesses against the book of Abraham
Destroys basis for anti black doctrine
Complete confusion
The facsimiles
The moment of truth
Mormon scriptures and the Bible
Paine's influence
Evidence compared
Dead sea scrolls
Evidence for New Testament
"130,000 different readings"
"Inspired revision"
"Drastically changed"
Changes in Joseph Smith's history
Written by Joseph Smith?
New discoveries
Over sixty percent after Joseph Smith's death
Rocky mountain prophecy
Selected changes
Joseph Smith's diaries discredit history
False Prophecy
The Canadian revelation
The Lord's coming
A temple in Zion
The Civil War
Suppressed material on Civil War
The arm of flesh
No new revelation
The priesthood
Added later
Aaronic priesthood
Melchizedek priesthood
High Priests
Joseph Smith
A fighting prophet
General Smith
"The greatest egotist"
Smith ordained king
Joseph Smith for president
Greater than Jesus?
Destruction of expositor
Like a lamb
The word of wisdom
Origin of the revelation
Joseph's example
Joseph Smith's bar
Brigham Young's distillery
Wine an divisions
Old Testament practices
Wine and curses
Animal sacrifice after Christ
Blood atonement
crimes worthy of death
Blood atonement in actual practice
The hereafter
Mormon purgatory
Degrees of glory
Temple work
Baptism for the dead
Temple marriage
Connected with polygamy
A secret ceremony
Changes in the temple ceremony
Facing reality
Exalts the pride of man
Church not lost
Our own testimony
Mormonism a shadow Freely available online