Tecate Michelada
Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, S.A. de C.V.

Tecate MicheladaTecate Michelada
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Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, S.A. de C.V.
Fruit and Field Beer
Ranked #393
Ranked #27,634
2.74 | pDev: 33.94%
Mar 24, 2024
Oct 29, 2012
Our master brewer follows the traditional brewing process for Tecate® and then adds a hint of tomato juice, lime, salt, and spices with a touch of chili pepper for a zesty, flavorful taste that is sure to stimulate the taste buds. No artificial ingredients. Just like a homemade Michelada.
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Rated: 1.25 by mpenske from California

Mar 24, 2024
Photo of woodychandler
Reviewed by woodychandler from Pennsylvania

3.95/5  rDev +44.2%
look: 3 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
I spotted this on the CANter at the Friendly Greek Bottle Shop (FGBS) on my previous re-up & asked the owner to put one in my ~ weekly box. They love me in there since my single-O selections go into the Singles Going Steady cooler & generally fly thereafter. Apparently, there is some cachet associated with my beers! I had their hot & spicy version before, but not this one. It is a failing that The CANQuest (tm) is looking to CANrect.

From the CAN: "Cerveza Tecate Michelada"; "Beer with Natural Flavors"; "Invierta Antes de Servir (Rotate Gently to Mix)"; "A refreshing and authentic blend of Tecate (R) beer with natural flavors of tomato, lime and spice."

Bueno! I followed their directions as to a pre-Crack! CANgitation & I even toyed with the idea of a paint mixer-style shake, but I decided that such might be too much. 8=) Following the Crack! of the vent, I beCAN a unique Glug in that I kept up the agitation even during the Glug. 8=O This resulted in the formation of two-plus fingers of foamy, soapy, rocky, fandango-pink (!) head with excellent retention! 8=O Color was magenta-Pink (SRM = N/A) with a turbid cloudiness that was unabating. Nose was utterly redolent with tomato & spices! 8=O I dunned their spicy version for not being spicy enough & this was spicy enough to sustain us all! Mmm. Mouthfeel was kinda thin & watery. The taste was not equal to the nose, not spicy enough, although the tomato taste was unabating. A childhood friend is a recovering alcoholic who grooves on Bloodless Marys & this reminded me of one of them - a mixer that lacked Ooomph! No problem here at Chez Woody, where I have liquor & both a pepper & sea salt mill. The addition of the latter did wonders & when I introduced some 1800 Reposado, things really got cooking! I CAN't rate the beer based on my additions, but I CAN tell you what I have done. The problem with all of these pre-mixed "mocktails" is that they pander to the middle curve. Fair dinkum. I CAN get behind that, but it leaves me jonesing. My additions made an okay drink into a worthwhile one. Could I have drank a full CAN, unadorned? Sure. It was not unpleasant & on a hot, humid Summer's day in the yard with my new, zaftig neighbor? Hell, yeah! Even on a relatively chilly Spring day, it was pretty dang good. When thinking of it as a mixer, it beCANe even better. Finish was semi-dry & highly refreshing. Lime & tomato, both fruits & both discernible in this beer. I'm going high on my ratings, but it is definitely to style. I foresee more of this in my future. YMMV.
May 18, 2020
Photo of BeerBobber
Reviewed by BeerBobber from Nevada

3.6/5  rDev +31.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.5
First off on look my can must be newer than the picture cause the eagle looks wicked on mine. Pours a weak light red with a white/reddish tinged head that is slowly dissipating. Looks promising!

The smell is a bit odd. Smells to me like a weak pasta or pizza sauce that balance to heavy on the tomato. Not picking up beer. Still trying and seriously getting a pasta or pizza sauce smell with those type of spices associated with such in the background.

Taste is better than the smell. Reminds me of when we would visit my aunt and uncle when I was a kid. My uncle would pour my dad a beer and add straight tomato juice with a dash of salt. If I asked nicely my dad would give me a sip. Nostalgia. There is a faint pepper spice picking that up in the back. Also getting a touch of lime as I go. Picking up some points here for sure.

Mouth feel is very prickly with carbonation. That helps this finish very nicely yet there is a bit of lingering sticky tomato flavor towards the back end. Not a bad thing if you like what my uncle called red beers. Main mouth feel in the middle like I say is light and bouncy with the carbonation. Nice.

Overall I only go 3.5 just because I really love red beers, or Micheladas if you will. I think the main thing I miss is some kind of balance between the tomato, spices and beer. Seems like the spice is just O.K. while the tomato is heavy and the beer portion is to faint. This leans toward making this a little unbalanced. Damn I just got it! After sipping on this a bit I pick up in the smell and the taste an oregano note! That seems odd to me in a Michelada. Overall not bad but better ones are out there. Or make your own to suit your taste. Cheers!
Feb 02, 2020
Photo of ZenAgnostic
Reviewed by ZenAgnostic from Texas

4.03/5  rDev +47.1%
look: 3 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
24oz can poured into Duvel tulip. Picked up from the grocery store for $3. BBD SEPT 2020 printed on bottom of can. So this has another 8 months of freshness left in it apparently. Strange for such a low ABV beer at 4.1%. I wonder how it survives that long. Maybe salt? It says tomato, lime, spices.

Appearance - Pours paper thin head that dissipates quickly. Opaque ruby orange body with some floating red particulates of various sizes, though much fewer than I usually see in this style. A bit syrupy it seems. 3

Smell - Clamato, a bit lighter than it would be straight. And some faint peppery spice. No off tones. Appetizing enough. 3.75

Taste - Noticable spices. Not in the spicy -ot way, but in the flavor way, that pulls itself up next to the clamato instead of being hidden by it. Getting some faint metallic tones in the aftertaste, but not too bad. I was expecting something more lime forward and less spice forward but got the exact opposite, though the lime is still noticable at times. 4.25

Mouthfeel - Nice, crisp and effervescent. Though the beer sort of appears syrupy, I guess that's just because it retains its effervescence well. The body is a little thinner than typical though. 4

Overall - This was better than I thought it would be. Refreshing. Drinkable. Though I don't know why I underestimated a Michelada made in mexico. I really enjoy this beer but I rate it as low as I do only because it has stiff competition within the style. Micheladas are my not-so-guilty pleasure and this one is pretty decent. 4.25
Jan 30, 2020
Rated: 2.73 by mamaraza from Texas

Dec 22, 2015
Rated: 2.18 by BEER88 from North Carolina

Nov 11, 2015
Rated: 3.1 by Sandlin73 from Ohio

Aug 31, 2015
Photo of Spikester
Reviewed by Spikester from Oregon

3/5  rDev +9.5%
Pours dark gold with almost no head. Smell is unusual to say the least.
Taste is lime spices and a slow burn from the peppers.
I think this might be alright mixed with some tomato juice.
Otherwise think salty lime and spices that probably include chili powder.
Novelty beer for sure. Nothing quite like it.
Dec 13, 2014
Rated: 3 by carlmoberg from Illinois

Oct 09, 2014
Rated: 2.5 by KristijanG from Slovenia

Aug 21, 2014
Photo of IvanJ126
Rated by IvanJ126 from Texas

1/5  rDev -63.5%
this is a weird brew but theres nothing positive about it
Aug 21, 2014
Rated: 1.75 by TejasMtnBiker from Texas

Aug 20, 2014
Photo of illy44
Reviewed by illy44 from California

1/5  rDev -63.5%
look: 1 | smell: 1 | taste: 1 | feel: 1 | overall: 1
I like Corona or Pacifico with a lime but this stuff is just awful. You taste a little bit of lime but it's not refreshing or even tastes like beer. Seems like someone mixed randomly lime and spices together. Tecate itself is drinkable but this beverage went down the drain.
Aug 05, 2014
Rated: 3.25 by warpedrevolution from Illinois

Aug 03, 2014
Photo of Richterscale
Reviewed by Richterscale from California

4.68/5  rDev +70.8%
look: 3 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Tecate's Michelada is a winner for me. It is usually customary to drink your Tecate beer with lime and salt sprinkled on top of the mouth of the can. This is how my father and uncles always drank this and only this particular brand of beer in Mexico. The Tecate Michelada is not diluted with Tomato juice. It has the lime and a bit of saltiness and a bit of spice. You taste the beer with a suttle hint of lime, salt and spice. It enhances the beer and takes nothing away from it. The bud chelada is intolerable after half a can. I can drink multiple Tecate Michelada's without tiring of the taste. It is complete as it is. Awesome product.
Jul 06, 2014
Photo of RonaldTheriot
Reviewed by RonaldTheriot from Louisiana

3.06/5  rDev +11.7%
look: 3 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Tecate Michelada has a thin-to-medium, white head, a mostly clear, but with lots of roiling particulate matter, burnished gold (from the added caramel color), bubbly appearance. There is a thin lacing sheen left behind. The aroma is bold- Tecate lager with an overriding chili pepper, or even more so, chili powder smell, which fills the nose. There’s also a lime component, here. Taste is of the same, and the chili powder and lime ride side-by-side with this one. Mouthfeel is between light and medium, with some sliminess. Tecate Michelada finishes semi-dry and easy drinking. Overall, this is an interesting novelty beer. Check it out!

May 03, 2014
Rated: 2.25 by Gagnonsux from Texas

Oct 24, 2013
Photo of Zorro
Reviewed by Zorro from California

2.81/5  rDev +2.6%
look: 3 | smell: 2 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
Good amber colored beer with a puffy white head that doesn't last. Way darker than regular Tecate.

Smell is strange, lime and malt.

Starts out malty and salty. Salt and lime but not super strong like the Budweiser versions. Lightly tart but not to strongly flavored. Decent enough beer better than regular Tecate.

Mouthfeel is good.

Not what I would call a Michelada but it is inoffensive and quite drinkable.
May 04, 2013
Photo of emerge077
Reviewed by emerge077 from Illinois

2.81/5  rDev +2.6%
look: 2 | smell: 2.75 | taste: 2.75 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3
Huge Michelada fan here, but never met a good pre-mixed one.

This beer pours a dull amber, crystal clear with tons of champagne streamers and nucleation points in the glass. Hmm. Zero head, after the pour the foam fades in 3 seconds to headless. The salinity will do that...

Vague lime aroma, like a splash of Sprite and beer together in unholy matrimony.
Light sulfur when swirled.

Tastes good and salty, also there's lime in it. An uncomfortable tingle in the back of the throat signifies "spice flavors added", but there's no chile flavor in here, just dull insipid industrial lager. Fizzy but slick with the saltiness, gives it a briny feel that begs for some Clamato (notably absent). Worth trying on a lark, as long as your expectations are low.

I've had better Micheladas using Tecate at Mexican bars. Without any V8/Clamato or Maggi spices, this doesn't hold a candle to homemade Michelada.
Apr 28, 2013
Rated: 3.75 by PatGreer from Massachusetts

Mar 19, 2013