Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, announced that it aims to build an IoT network with 10 billion connected devices within the next five years. The announcement was made at this year’s Cloud Computing Conference held in Shenzhen on 28 March 2018.

At the conference, Alibaba’s operating system AliOS also announced a major partnership with NXP Semiconductors N.V., the world’s largest supplier of automotive semiconductors to jointly install automotive infotainment solution in millions of vehicles in China by 2020.

Alibaba’s internet car is one of the main focus of its IoT initiative. AliOS joined hands with SAIC Motor, Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën Automobile, and Ford Motor to develop internet automobiles. As of today, 500,000 AliOS-powered internet cars have been rolled out. Apart from connected cars, Alibaba Cloud’s IoT solutions have also covered the household, manufacturing, smart city, leveraging its cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and computing,

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Eva Yoo

Eva Yoo is Shanghai-based tech writer. Reach her at