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Doctor Who - Listen
The chalkboard is working overtime and the Doctor is losing it. Photograph: Adrian Rogers/BBC
The chalkboard is working overtime and the Doctor is losing it. Photograph: Adrian Rogers/BBC

Doctor Who recap: series 34, episode four – Listen

This article is more than 9 years old

After a divisive foray into Robin Hood territory, this week’s episode is phenomenally good, with possibly one of Moffat’s best ever scripts

SPOILER ALERT: This weekly blog is for those who have been watching the new series of Doctor Who. Don’t read ahead if you haven’t seen episode four – ListenRead Dan Martin’s episode three episode blog here

‘Fear is a superpower, and fear can make you faster and stronger and cleverer … fear can make you kind.’

You have to admire Steven Moffat’s honesty. Speaking in the current issue of Doctor Who magazine, he said: “It was really down to an entirely selfish desire. I remember the first thing I said about this year’s run is: ‘I’m going to do a chamber piece, with no money, in the middle, because I haven’t done one in ages and I’d like to prove that I can actually write.’”

There speaks a man who sounds as if he actually reads what some people say about him on the internet, never mind takes it to heart. But let’s be clear, Listen is destined to sit close to Blink as one of his best ever. It is phenomenally good. But, but … it’s slightly unfair to judge things according to that yardstick, because the episodes everybody remembers tend to be the off-kilter ones that you can’t do every week.

Of course, limitation is the root of creativity – making the best of a bad budget is one of Doctor Who’s great hallmarks, and by deliberately choosing to do the cheap one, Moffat is allowed to take his favourite subject, fear – the thing in the corner of your eye and the monster under the bed – and push it to the ultimate conclusion. A story where the monster is fear itself.

But Listen is in a different space altogether, which is signalled from the start of the pre-credits as the Doctor sits cross-legged on the top of the Tardis, in space, like an angry cosmic buddha, with musings on evolution and survival, surrealist tableaus and the chalkboard working overtime. Travelling on his own, the Doctor is sort of losing it, fixating over a dream in the absence of anything else to do. And for all the Dark Doctor stuff, it’s still shocking when he loses it with Clara – we know he’s absolutely terrified.

And then to throw all those story bombs in there as well! The one and only downside of doing this job is that before we get access to the episode we have to agree not to reveal certain key plot points, so I had an email agreeing not to reveal that we visit Gallifrey or we meet the young Doctor in the barn before having actually watched it. Spoilers, sweetie. But I was knocked sideways by that mythology fangasm, and the callback to The Day of the Doctor, not knowing it was coming. “Audacious” barely covers it. Do we lose something of the mystery by seeing a young, scared Doctor having nightmares on screen – or does it enrich the mythology? Possibly a bit of both. As established around the 50th anniversary, we know for sure that not all Gallifreyans were Time Lords – some were sent to join the army. We also know that the Doctor’s parents spoke like estuary BBC bit-players.

‘You said you had a date. I thought I’d better hide in the bedroom in case you brought him home’

Apart from scares, of course, the other thing that Moffat does better than most is awkward romantic comedy. And here he gets to flex those Coupling muscles once again. Clara and Danny’s date is as much a masterclass in awkward as the rest is a masterclass in spooky. I’m invested in these two already, because we’ve all been on those dates where you say the absolute worst thing you possibly could. And after just a few scenes, I feel as if I know Danny – his defensiveness over the 23 wells he dug in the army, his prickliness over his past, his easily dented male pride and general decency. Of course, it helps that we know his entire life story, that the next few generations of his family have been defined by one slight and quick Tardis mishap – and when Clara realises that, her main reaction is an “oh-god-this-again-really?” shrug.

Danny, whose male pride is easily dented. Photograph: Adrian Rogers/BBC/Adrian Rogers

Already, Clara has the most complete home life since Rose Tyler, and it feels as if this is going to be an actual proper storyline. For her part, after three weeks of the writers hammering home her bossy characteristics, we see her warmth seeping through. That nannying experience comes in useful, and she’s absolutely brilliant with young Rupert and child-Doctor. And in that final sequence, she continues to fulfil her “Impossible Girl” mission, even by accident.

Last week

Circumstances meant that Robot of Sherwood got a bit of a raw deal last week, and in the end it seemed to divide opinion almost completely down the middle. Predictably, those who want Doctor Who to be like Babylon 5 After Hours every week were incandescent. But on reflection this kind of gaudy romp was exactly how Doctor Who should do a Robin Hood story. It was lovely and refreshing to just see a bit of colour, and we hadn’t a good old charismatic villain this year until Ben Miller’s Sheriff of Nottingham. The Doctor’s examination of the Merry Men was laugh-out-loud funny, and his exasperation with them actually made him more relatable, especially Alan-a-Dale, whom I wanted to slap from the get-go.

Did you spot the Miniscope reference to 1973’s Carnival Of Monsters?

Fear factor

Parenting tip: a straightforward way of assuaging your child’s fears of the monster under the bed might be to get them a divan. Meanwhile, I’m not sure that I ever had that nightmare about a hand grabbing my ankle in the night, but it would have been a long time ago. How many of you have had it? Dreams-being-real is a rich seam for Doctor Who to plough – and it would be fun to see more of it.

But as above, here was a masterclass in fright, a litany of psychological setpieces – the most effective to my mind being the thing under young Rupert’s bedspread, never completely explained – building up to the pay-off of Clara and Danny’s kiss. A tacit acknowledgement that opening your feelings up and being exposed in that way is probably the most frightening thing of all.

Mysteries and questions

It led to a bit of unpleasantness afterwards, but last week @HarryBorcus made a compelling reading of an atheist subtext this year, which could of course be co-incidental. Aside from the biggie that we’re heading for a “heaven” that will have a sci-fi explanation behind it, there was last week’s struggle over whether a bearded hero had been real or not, a lot of crucifix imagery in the dungeon and on the robots’ faces, and the six-pointed Star of David-alike when the shields crossed the beams. And molten gold, which also featured in the Bible (Exodus 32:4).

Time-space debris

Clara links psychically with the Tardis. But as we know, the Tardis doesn’t like her very much. Is that why she hurts her fingers pulling them out of the gloop?

The Doctor also spends his downtime reading Where’s Wally? books.

We should assume the chatty Coal Hill pupil we saw in episodes one and two is the Whitney they talk about in the restaurant.

“The deep and lovely dark. We’d never see the stars without it.”

Another costume amendment. That’s a very nice new jumper, Doctor.

And simply because we may never again get a Doctor Who episode that shares its title with a Beyoncé classic – here’s Beyoncé.

Who? It’s Beyoncé, that’s who.

Next week!

It’s Doctor Who does Hustle, as Keeley Hawes plays an unscrupulous banker in Time Heist.

Quick Guide

Doctor Who: all our episode-by-episode recaps


Season 1

Episodes 1 & 2: Space Babies / The Devil's Chord

Episode 3: Boom

Episode 4: 73 Yards

Episode 5: Dot and Bubble

Episode 6: Rogue

Episode 7: The Legend of Ruby Sunday

Episode 8: Empire of Death

Christmas special: Joy to the World

60th anniversary specials

Special 1: The Star Beast
Special 2: Wild Blue Yonder
Special 3: The Giggle
Christmas special: The Church on Ruby Road

Flux / Series 13

Chapter one: The Halloween Apocalypse
Chapter two: War of the Sontarans
Chapter three: Once, Upon Time
Chapter four: Village of the Angels
Chapter five: Survivors of the Flux
Chapter six: The Vanquishers
New Year's Special: Eve of the Daleks
Spring special: Legend of the Sea Devils
BBC centenary special: The Power of the Doctor

Series 12

Episode 1: Spyfall part one
Episode 2: Spyfall part two
Episode 3: Orphan 55
Episode 4: Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
Episode 5: Fugitive of the Judoon
Episode 6: Praxeus
Episode 7: Can You Hear Me?
Episode 8: The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Episode 9: Ascension of the Cybermen
Episode 10: The Timeless Children
New Year's special: Revolution of the Daleks

Series 11

Episode 1: The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Episode 2: The Ghost Monument
Episode 3: Rosa
Episode 4: Arachnids in the UK
Episode 5: The Tsuangra Condundrum
Episode 6: Demons of the Punjab
Episode 7: Kerblam!
Episode 8: The Witchfinders
Episode 9: It Takes You Away
Episode 10: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
New Year's special: Resolution

Series 10

Episode 1: The Pilot
Episode 2: Smile
Episode 3: Thin Ice
Episode 4: Knock Knock
Episode 5: Oxygen
Episode 6: Extremis
Episode 7: The Pyramid at the End of the World
Episode 8: The Lie of the Land
Episode 9: Empress of Mars
Episode 10: The Eaters of Light
Episode 11: World Enough and Time
Episode 12: The Doctor Falls
2017 Christmas special: Twice Upon A Time

Series 9

Episode 1: The Magician's Apprentice
Episode 2: The Witch's Familiar
Episode 3: Under The Lake
Episode 4: Before The Flood
Episode 5: The Girl Who Died
Episode 6: The Woman Who Lived
Episode 7: The Zygon Invasion
Episode 8: The Zygon Inversion
Episode 9: Sleep No More
Episode 10: Face The Raven
Episode 11: Heaven Sent
Episode 12: Hell Bent
2015 Christmas special: The Husbands of River Song
2016 Christmas special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio

Series 8

Episode 1: Deep Breath
Episode 2: Into The Dalek
Episode 3: Robot of Sherwood
Episode 4: Listen
Episode 5: Time Heist
Episode 6: The Caretaker
Episode 7: Kill The Moon
Episode 8: Mummy on the Orient Express
Episode 9: Flatline
Episode 10: In the Forest of the Night
Episode 11: Dark Water
Episode 12: Death In Heaven
2014 Christmas special: Last Christmas

Series 7

Episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks
Episode 2: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Episode 3: A Town Called Mercy
Episode 4: The Power of Three
Episode 5: The Angels Take Manhatten
2012 Christmas special: The Snowmen
Episode 6: The Bells of Saint John
Episode 7: The Rings of Akhaten
Episode 8: Cold War
Episode 9: Hide
Episode 10: Journey to the Centre of the Tardis
Episode 11: The Crimson Horror
Episode 12: Nightmare in Silver
Episode 13: The Name of the Doctor
50th Anniversary special: The Day of the Doctor
2013 Christmas special: The Time of the Doctor

Series 6

Episode 1: The Impossible Astronaut
Episode 2: Day of the Moon
Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot
Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife
Episode 5: The Rebel Flesh
Episode 6: The Almost People
Episode 7: A Good Man Goes To War
Episode 8: Let's Kill Hitler
Episode 9: Night Terrors
Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited
Episode 11: The God Complex
Episode 12: Closing Time
Episode 13: The Wedding of River Song
2011 Christmas special: The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe

Series 5

Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour
Episode 2: The Beast Below
Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks
Episode 4: The Time of Angels
Episode 5: Flesh and Stone
Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice
Episode 7: Amy's Choice
Episode 8: The Hungry Earth
Episode 9: Cold Blood
Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor
Episode 11: The Lodger
Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens
Episode 13: The Big Bang
2010 Christmas special: A Christmas Carol

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