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クエリ検索: "清水亘"
565件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 白身肉と赤身肉
    新井 養老, 関 博麿
    1961年 14 巻 4 号 309-311
    発行日: 1961/11/30
    公開日: 2010/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sodium and potassium contents of fishes were determined by flame photometry.
    From the standpoint on alimentotherapy (low sodium diet) of edema, the authors investigated whetherthere was any difference in sodium contents of white and lean meat.
    According to the data obtained, both the white and lean meat contained potassium more than sodium.
  • 森 一雄, 内藤 恵一, 阿武 尚彦
    1975年 28 巻 4 号 201-206
    発行日: 1975/06/30
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    水産ねり製品に“足”補強, 増量を目的として添加されたグルテン乾燥粉末の挙動およびその効果を知るために, 小麦粉原料を変えて採取したグルテンより調製したグルテン乾燥粉末を添加して作ったかまぼこの足を, フッドレオメーター, テクスチュロメーター, 圧出水分量の測定により検討したところ次のような結果が得られた。
    1. グルテン粉末の性質において, 伸展性は擂潰肉への混合性に大きな影響を与え, 伸展性に豊むものほど高い保水性を示した。
    2. また, グルテン粉末の添加効果を得るためには, グルテンの性質において伸展性と抗張性のバランスがとれたものであることの重要性が認められた。
    3. グルテン乾燥粉末の添加効果は, 擂潰肉中で網状構造を形成することにより発揮されるのではないかと考えられた。
  • 貝類のエキス窒素について(その2)
    高木 一郎, 清水 亘
    1962年 28 巻 12 号 1192-1198
    発行日: 1962年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chemical constituents, especially the fractional distribution of extractive nitrogen, were determined in the muscle of shell fishes with special reference to the taste of their fleshes. The results obtained were as follows:
    (1) Shell-fish muscle has less amount of solid matter, protein, and fat, and a larger amount of glycogen in contrast to fishes. (2) Ether-extractable acid (succinic acid) is contained in a considerable quantity in some kinds of shell-fish, but it is considered to be not related with their taste. (3) The same relationship as that mentioned above is observed between the taste and trimethylamine oxide. (4) Shell-fish muscle contains large amount of extractive- and amino-nitrogens, and this may contribute to the flavor of their fleshes. (5) Monoamino fraction nitrogen is found in largest amount in shell-fishes next to shrimps, and the amount is in the same order as that in squid muscle. (6) Monoamino nitrogen predominats in the monoamino fraction, and is found to be abundance in the kinds having a good flavor. (7) Shell-fish muscle may contain large amounts of monoamino acids including glycine in free state. These amino acids may be responsible to the sweet taste of the flesh. (8) Diamino fraction nitrogen and the subfraction nitrogens may be not related to the taste, though these amounts are considerably large. (9) Smaller quantities of nitrogenous extractives are found in limnetic species as compared with those in sea-water species.
  • 大石 圭一
    1969年 35 巻 2 号 232-243
    発行日: 1969/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 志賀 勝治, 上森 和人, 下山 真
    1984年 55 巻 12 号 917-923
    発行日: 1984/12/25
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • イカ類のエキス窒素及びグリシン含量について
    遠藤 金次, 藤田 眞夫, 清水 亘
    1954年 20 巻 8 号 723-725
    発行日: 1954/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The distribution of the extractive nitrogens and the free glycine content in the muscle of the various kinds of squids have been investigated with special reference to their taste.
    The amino nitrogen, especially the monoamino nitrogen was found to be contained in rich amount in all species, and so in larger amount in the kinds having the better taste. It seems to be a property common to the shrimps and the Mollusca.
    The glycine content in their extractives showed a tendency containing less amount in the unsa-voury kinds, and larger amount in some of the palatable kinds contained over half of the monoamino nitrogen by way of the nitrogen. It is very probable therefore that the glycine is one of the essen-tial taste stuffs in the squid muscles. However, as even in such squids having the best flavour, some of them contain the glycine in small quantity, we are to inquire into the reason why it was so occurred.
  • 池内 常郎
    1964年 30 巻 1 号 75-81
    発行日: 1964/01/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Jelly-forming ability is the most important property of Kamaboko and this ability depends exclusively upon the properties of raw fish protein. The weakness of jelly-forming ability is partly due to the species of fish but mainly to the denaturation of protein caused by decrement of freshness of fish. In such a case, some substances must be added to Kamaboko to enhance jelly-strength, and they are sometimes added also for the purpose of increasing the volume.
    When substances are added for these purposes, they must have water-binding force and jelly-forming ability. The following substances have these two properties; polyvinyl alcohol, methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, gelatin, gluten and starch. In this paper, the effects of addition of such substances on Kamaboko-jelly were discussed summarily in comparing one with another.
    The experimental results showed that the additions of viscous hydrocolloids such as P.V.A., C.M.C., M.C. and gelatin rather reduced the jelly-strength of Kamaboko, and that the addition of starch to the brayed meat affording a weak jelly increased the strength far more than gluten.
    It was inferred that substances used to enhance Kamaboko-jelly had to be dispersed uni-formly in a state of grain into brayed meat in the beginning, and that such substances had to bind a great amount of water and form irreversible rigid gels in a comparatively low con-centration.
  • 志水 寛
    1991年 24 巻 4 号 322-328
    発行日: 1991/11/20
    公開日: 2013/04/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • エビ肉エキス中のグリシン含量-味との関連について
    清水 亘, 藤田 眞夫
    1954年 20 巻 8 号 720-722
    発行日: 1954/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    From the facts that the extractive nitrogen and the amino nitrogen, especially the monoamino fraction nitrogen and the monoamino nitrogen are contained very abundantly in the muscle of the shirmps, and the better the taste of these muscles, the larger these amounts are found, moreover, a tendency shows that these nitrogens are reduced in amount in proportion to the deterioration of the flavour in the course of storage, we have suggested in the previous report3) that the palatability of the muscle of shrimps was largely attributed to the amount of the amino nitogen, especially to the monoamino acids in their extractives.
    To make sure of this assumption, we have estimated the gly cine content in thier extractives. As the result of this examination, the monoamino nitrogen was proved to be contained with the glycine nitrogen in more than a half of it. And yet the tendency to be larger in its amount in the species having the more intense flavour, and to be decreased in the course of storage was shown. By these reasons, the glycine in the meat extractive of the shrimps seems to be one of the most effective tast stuffs in their muscle.
  • 福島 清, 飯島 淑子
    1968年 1 巻 4 号 210-214
    発行日: 1968/12/10
    公開日: 2013/04/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 澱粉のゼリー強度
    志水 寛, 清水 亘
    1955年 20 巻 10 号 893-894
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The jelly strength of various kinds of starch which are widely used as an improving material of the jelly strength of kamaboko has been compared with one another. We have found that the potato starch paste containing about twice amount of water as much as it showed the maximum strength. And when it contained 1.0 to 1.5 times of water, its hardness was found to be identical with that of kamaboko.
    It was observed that there was much difference in their physical properties of the paste between both starch derived from grains and that from vegetable roots; the former showed to be brittle, while the latter to be stronger in the jelly strength.
  • 油の混入による足の変化とでんぷん
    池内 常郎, 清水 亘
    1960年 26 巻 12 号 1167-1170
    発行日: 1960/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Even in such a case when the elastic properties of kamaboko was decayed as a result of adding oil to modify the quality, it was found that starch added together with the oil not only kept the elasticity of kamaboko in good condition but also happened to strengthen it markedly.
  • 油の混入による足の変化と魚種
    池内 常郎, 清水 亘
    1959年 25 巻 2 号 141-143
    発行日: 1959/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    When oil was added to Kamaboko, a fish cake, made from fresh fish meat for the purpose of improvement of its quality, the jelly strength was not affected so much, as far as the amount of oil did not exceed the proportion of about 20%. On the other hand, when the amount of added-oil exceeded this limit, the strength dropped down suddenly. It was considered that when the amount of added-oil was within the proportion of about 20%, the oil might be enclosed safely in the net-work of fish meat protein in the state of stable oil-water emulsion, but beyond this limit, the emulsion be broken down, or the oil overflowed through the network of Kamaboko, so that the strength decreased.
    This tendency is found among different fishes, while Kamabokos made from them are unlike one another in jelly strength. And the decrease of jelly strength in excess of oil-content over the limit, differs also in extent with species of raw fish.
  • サメ肉の鮮度低下とかまぼこを形成する能力について
    高橋 豊雄, 松本 重一郎, 新井 とみ子
    1952年 17 巻 8-9 号 7-14
    発行日: 1952/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Kamaboko” is a fish meat jelly which is familiar to Japanese. To find the limit of spoilage to prepare good “Kamaboko”. the depression strength and the breaking strength of “Kamaboko” jelly were measured by a plunger type tester for each sample prepared from meat of various degrees of freshness. Both properties decreased with proceeding of spoilage of material meat, reaching a minimum value respectively, which appears to be of significance to determine the quality of “Kamaboko”. (Fig. 1)
    On the other hand the development of chemical components in the meat during spoilage was described. The characteristic curves of ammonia formation for shark meat as well as of volatile acids were observed. (Fig. 3) However the meat of two teleosts containing less urea gave none of such a curve as shark. (Fig. 4) These observations, in associations with those on other components, assured that decomposition of urea by bacteria are responsible for the marked formation of ammonia in shark meat.
    The chemical factors in the spoiling meat underlying the decrease in both the strengths of the prepared jellies appear to be sought, if any, in the change in pH or volatilc bases or in both. (Table 1).
  • (第10報)魚肉の吸水と脱水について
    清水 亘, 武田 一雄
    1951年 17 巻 5 号 132-134
    発行日: 1951/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The fish muscle increases in weight while it keeps the freshness, by absorbing water when it is cooked in water. And if this heated muscle is soaked in saline water, the increase in weight becomes more intense. The changs seems to be greater when it is cooked in higher temperature. On the other hand, if the temperature reaches to a certain limit, the muscle decreases in weight, while in the former case it increases, owing to the heat coagulation of protein.
    As a result of the composition of these opposite actions, a peak appears on the hydrating curve. the peak becomes low more rapidly in accordance with rising of the previous temperature and moves into the lower side of the temperature as the time of pickling extends.
    The maximum point of the dehydrating curve lies at near 60° which corresponds with the coagulating point of myogen. And the curve corresponding the coagulating point of myosin doesn't appear. We consider, therefore, that there is only one kind of coagulable protein in fish muscle while it is fresh.
  • 鮮度の影響
    志水 寛, 池内 常郎, 清水 亘
    1955年 20 巻 9 号 811-813
    発行日: 1955/01/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is said that the lizard fish muscle being able to make a strong jelly while it keeps fresh, may be decreased in jelly-forming ability at a great rate after losing freshness. It is also accepted as true that the shark muscle seems, on the contrary, to be rather increased in this ability with decrease of its freshness. We have studied on the reasons for these influences.
    In the present experiments, these fishes were both found to be decreased in jelly-forming ability with fall of the freshness, and be recovered in its ability with the higher staleness. One of the rcasons for the decrease of this ability in the early stage of storage, seems to be due to the denaturation of the protein in these muscles, and its recovery in the later stage to be ascribed to the increase of alkalinity accompanying the rising of the pH value.
    In the case of the lizard fish, its recovery stage of the jelly-forming ability is quite out of question, because in this stage the muscle will be so much putrefied that it is impossible to make the food products. It should be said therefore that the jelly-forming ability of the lizard fish is easily lost in the course of storage. And the rate of its loss was found to be very large.
    In the shark muscle whose jelly-forming ability is recovered with its intense alkalinity in the early stage, it may be said that the muscle shows sometimes the strong jelly-forming ability with decreasing of the freshness.
  • 凝固性蛋白の中性塩溶液中における溶解度について
    志水 寛, 清水 亘
    1953年 19 巻 6 号 753-756
    発行日: 1953/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Two maximum points were observed to exist on the solubility curves of fish muscle protein extracted with various salt solutions of different concentrations. Two peaks were also found on the coagulation-temperature curves for the fish muscle solutions extracted with salt solutions of the concentrations at which the solubility curve reached the maximum points. These results suggest two different protein-complexes to exist in a fish muscle. Estimating from the coagulation temperatures of these two proteins, one of them comes under what Furth called a soluble myogenfibrin, and the other corresponds to a myogen. The former protein is much contained in salt solutions of higer concentrations. This fact may be attributed either to the situation that this protein-complex is originally pr_??_sent in any fish muscle and is particularly liable to be extracted with salt solutions of higher concentrations, or to that it is derived secondarily from myogen under influence of salt solutions of higher concentrations.
    The effect of various ions examined on the solubility of fish muscle proteins was found to follow the Hofmeister series as follows: I'>Br'>Cl'>SO4" in anion, Li ?? >Na ?? >K ?? and Ca¨>Mg¨>Sr¨>Ba¨ in cation.
  • 遊離ベタインの定量法
    清水 亘, 遠藤 金次
    1956年 22 巻 7 号 413-416
    発行日: 1956/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have designed a method for the determination of betaine in muscle extractives using ammonium reineckate. This method is based upon the facts that betaine is precipitated with ammonium reineckate at pH 1, and according to Walker & Erlandsen the precipitate (betaine reineckate) is converted with AgNO3 into betaine nitrate which can be titrated with alkali.
    When this method was applied to muscle extractives, certain substances have been proved to interfere the results coprecipitating with betaine by ammonium reineckate and converting with AgN03 into acidic salts which could be titrated with alkali as betaine. Recently it was found by CROMWELL & RENNIE that most of these substances could be effectively removed by treatment with Ag2O. But we have been unable to remove trimethylaminoxide which gave acidic salt with AgNO3 by this method. Then this modified method of CROMWELL & RENNIE was not sufficient to determine betaine in muscle extractives which contained trimethylaminoxide.
    Trimethylaminoxide happened to be reduced to trimethylamine which gave no acidic salt, by treating with Cu powder and HCI at 100°C. for 20mins..
    We have established the method for the determination of betaine introducing the reducing process. Testing our method for the muscle extractives, we have obtained the 94.7……96.5% of recovery.
    The resulting method for determination of betaine is shown as in Fig. 3.
  • 日本水産学会誌
    1953年 18 巻 7 号 331
    発行日: 1953年
    公開日: 2008/04/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 澱粉による足の補強(その2)
    志水 寛, 池内 常郎, 清水 亘
    1955年 20 巻 10 号 898-901
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The enhancing effects of starch on the jelly strength of kamabokos made from lizard fish producing strong jelly and those of shark affording relatively weak one, have been compared.
    The jelly strength of non-starch kamaboko made from the latter was shifted by addition of water, but that of the former scarecely affected. When various amounts of starch were added to their ground muscles, the jelly strength of the products from lizard fish containing a small amount of water increased slightly with increasing starch, but in further addition of water rather decreased with increasing starch. It is probable that, although the strength of the products having a large amount of starch and a small amount of water was apparently intensive in strength owing to the hardness of starch paste, when a large amount of water was added, the own strength of fish muscle itself in place of starch paste should be shown. Lizard fish muscle having the higher jelly strength, therefore, seems to be decreased in its proper strength by the interference of starch paste.
    On the contrary, in the shark kamaboko which jelly strength largely depend upon the stiffness of starch paste, its strength was intensified with increasing addition of starch and decreased with increasing water.
    These facts seem to be attributable to the different content of soluble proteins in their fishes; lizard fish contains much soluble proteins and shark a less amount of them. Since ground lizard fish muscle may increase in amount of soluble proteins with increasing water, its strength would not be influenced so much by addition of starch and water, while in kamaboko from shark which may decrease in the concentration of soluble proteins in accordance with addition of water, its strength would be decreased and be influenced by starch paste with increasing water.