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Siemens to Supply Turbines for Yamal LNG Power Plant

German industrial conglomerate Siemens on Thursday announced a contract to supply turbines for a power plant that will feed one of Russia's most ambitious natural-gas projects, Yamal LNG.

Siemens said it was selling six gas-fired power-generating turbines to Tekhnopromexport, a subsidiary of state corporation Rustec, which is building the power plant. A Siemens spokesman declined to name the price of the turbine contract.

Adil Toubia, chief of the oil & gas division at Siemens' energy branch, said in a statement that Russia leads the world in buying this type of turbines.

Each of the turbines has the capacity to produce 47 megawatts of electricity.

The Yamal LNG project in the northern Yamal peninsula foresees construction of a plant to produce 16.5 million metric tons of liquefied natural gas, which is gas-cooled to the degree that makes it fluid and fit for transportation by tankers. It is expected that the plant will start operation in 2018.

Novatek leads the project while France's Total and China's CNPC are partners with 20-percent stakes.

Yamal LNG began tendering items with long lead times after a November decision by its shareholders.

Rustec announced at the end of last month that Tekhnopromexport won the power plant construction tender.

South Korea's Daewoo received a contract to build 16 tankers to transport LNG from the plant, Yamal LNG said earlier this month.

One other winner of these tenders was a partnership between JCG, a Japanese engineering company, and Technip, a French oil field services company. It secured a contract in April to provide cost estimates and engineering services for the LNG plant.

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