ウクライナ大統領、冬の戦いに向け武器供給要請 NATO本部で

ウクライナ大統領、冬の戦いに向け武器供給要請 NATO本部で
ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領は11日、同国に侵攻したロシアが発電所などのインフラに対して攻撃するのに備え、冬を乗り切るための武器や防空設備を供給するよう北大西洋条約機構(NATO)同盟国に要請した。4月撮影(2023年 ロイター/Kai Pfaffenbach)
[ブリュッセル 11日 ロイター] - ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領は11日、同国に侵攻したロシアが発電所などのインフラに対して攻撃するのに備え、冬を乗り切るための武器や防空設備を供給するよう北大西洋条約機構(NATO)同盟国に要請した。


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Andrew Gray is Reuters' European Affairs Editor. Based in Brussels, he covers NATO and the European Union and leads a pan-European team of reporters focused on diplomacy, defence and security. A journalist for almost 30 years, he has previously been based in the UK, Germany, Geneva, the Balkans, West Africa and Washington, where he reported on the Pentagon. He covered the Iraq war in 2003 and contributed a chapter to a Reuters book on the conflict. He has also worked at Politico Europe as a senior editor and podcast host, served as the main editor for a fellowship programme for journalists from the Balkans, and contributed to the BBC's From Our Own Correspondent radio show.


National security correspondent focusing on the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Reports on U.S. military activity and operations throughout the world and the impact that they have. Has reported from over two dozen countries to include Iraq, Afghanistan, and much of the Middle East, Asia and Europe. From Karachi, Pakistan.