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Lip-synching legally banned in Turkmenistan

The President of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, prohibited Turkmen artists to use pre-recorded audio tracks for their own performances.

According to the information, which was received from the Ministry for Culture and TV Broadcast of Turkmenistan, the use of pre-recorded audio tapes was forbidden at all cultural events, music performances organized in honor of state holidays, in state TV programs and during outdoor public holidays.

The president of Turkmenistan said the management of national television of Turkmenistan should take urgent measures to improve the quality of its work and learn from experience of both national traditions and best examples of world history of TV. “The era of national independence has become the era of true flourishing of national culture and arts. That is why we must protect cultural, musical and song traditions of the Turkmen nation from negative alien factors,” Niyazov said.

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