Human-Dinosaur Hybrids in Abandoned 'Jurassic Park 4' Concept Art

October 10, 2012
Source: Reddit

Jurassic Park 4

Well, this is something. We already know that Jurassic Park 4 is coming with a script from Rise of the Planet of the Apes writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver scripting and Steven Spielberg producing. However, years ago a completely different iteration of the project came from William Monahan (The Departed) and John Sayles (The Spiderwick Chronciles). It might be hard to believe but the story saw a secret genetics lab get involved with cross-breeding humans with dinosaurs, giving them problem-solving intelligence and the ability to fire weapons and fight crime, but controlled by human authorities. What?!

Yeah, that sounds like an interesting idea for some kind of movie, but not Jurassic Park 4. However, someone thought it was a good enough idea to make it a decent ways into development as some concept art from the failed attempt has made its way to Reddit. Here's a taste of some of the creepy concept art here:

Jurassic Park 4 - Abandoned Concept Art 1Jurassic Park 4 - Abandoned Concept Art 2

Jurassic Park 4 - Abandoned Concept Art 3Jurassic Park 4 - Abandoned Concept Art 4

Jurassic Park 4 - Abandoned Concept Art 5

Jurassic Park 4 - Abandoned Concept Art 6

Jurassic Park 4 - Abandoned Concept Art 6

If you're interested, the source who posted this on Reddit also linked to an old script review of the project and it simultaneously sounds like the most ridiculous trainwreck of all-time and one of the greatest ideas to never get out of development. For my money, I'd love to see how this film would have turned out, but at the same time, I'm all for the likely less peculiar sequel in the works right now. In fact, it almost feels like it could be a weird prequel to Minority Report. Maybe they tried dinosaur cops before predicting the future? Maybe someone can take this idea and run with it for an original film? What do you think?

UPDATE: ScreenRant has learned from ILM that this is not their concept art. A representative from ILM says, "Not sure where this stuff came from but it’s not from a production we’ve worked on. Looks like someone’s personal work – ILM doesn’t put © lines on our work like in those images – we don’t own the work – the clients do." That doesn't mean that this isn't official pre-production artwork, but it does not belong to ILM.


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Yep...there's a seed of something interesting there. Not sure if fits Jurassic Park very well, but hey, they have to do SOMETHING new. Whatever JP4 is, it CANNOT just be visitors getting stuck on another island and get chased by varying dinos.

tracksounds on Oct 10, 2012


Is it just me, or is this a complete insult to the original JP?

NG on Oct 10, 2012


Yeah, because the first Jurassic Park was a masterful piece of art that needs to be respected a great deal.

Nielsen700 on Oct 10, 2012


Lose the sarcasm and your comment is spot on.

sirdan357 on Oct 11, 2012


Wow, those are crazy. Kinda reminds me of a dinosaur version of Venom crossed with those things from I Am Legend.

Cakes on Oct 10, 2012


Only because of the internet we see this madness, I suppose it keeps concept artists in a job.

Carpola on Oct 10, 2012


Off topic, but I feel like that's what The Lizard from "The Amazing Spider-man" should've looked like. It sorta fits better IMO.

Danimal on Oct 10, 2012


Yeah, instead of the SMB "goomba" we actually got:P

RidgeRacer4 on Oct 10, 2012


I don't like the crime fighting idea, but the concept art looks great. I do like the idea of cross breeding. It would give the film a much darker presence since human testing is involved. But I agree that it doesn't belong as a sequel to Jurassic Park. But the idea is pretty interesting

Dan W on Oct 10, 2012



Dark on Nov 25, 2012


wow epic!

A5J4DX on Oct 10, 2012


I dont care if they called it The Godfather Part 4, i would watch a movie about crime fighting dinosaur/ human hybrids that can use weapons

Neo on Oct 10, 2012


They did! Its called Super Mario Brothers starring Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo! LOL!

Derek Reyna on Oct 11, 2012


Don't forget Theodore Rex! Actually, do..

Joseph Wagner on Jan 9, 2013


Great concet art for a horror flick using dino-human hybrids, but JP ?!`?

Steven on Oct 10, 2012


Seriously, the craftsmanship of this obviously preposterous idea is perplexing. Talented and passionate work for something that would have to grovel for a shot at Syfy? This must be a joke. Either that, or they were years ahead of Snakes on a Plane.

Wafffles on Oct 10, 2012


Looks like they were going into "The Island of Dr. Moreua" territory...don't ya think?

weezy1 on Oct 10, 2012


Reminds me of Image Comic's Elephant Men. http://www.mediocrityisthenewgenius.com

MITNG on Oct 10, 2012


Sounds like a syfy movie.

lolwut on Oct 10, 2012


Wow! This reminds me of dino-riders! Wouldn't mind a movie but surely not attached to the JP films.

dee on Oct 10, 2012


hah, http://i.imgur.com/piZb4.png looks more like the creature that should have been used in the movie 'Relic', instead of that creature they used.

Michael McRorey on Oct 10, 2012


That looks weird coming from a JP film but maybe another corporation arises and successfully fuses both dino / human DNA to use this hybrid as a weapon for warfare. I'm sure they have an interesting plot behind it that would be acceptable into the JP realm.

BinaryChaos on Oct 10, 2012


I want this movie.

Brian Sleider on Oct 10, 2012


I am glad it never happened.

Chris Simpson on Oct 10, 2012


I thought this was a great idea when I first heard about it and I was gutted when it failed to come to pass. No way this will be made now, the internet has declared its disgust and will deservedly be served up another tired offering of people running away from dinosaurs on an island. Excelsior. This franchise ran out of interesting ideas two-thirds of the way through The Lost World when Spielberg decided to remake King Kong. It's ripe for an idea that takes it in a new direction but that's in keeping with the original concept, that man should not play God. It's sci-fi, who says you can't have talking dinosaurs with machine guns taking on the drugs cartels? Imagination-free fanboys and skittish studio heads, that's who.

eurogibbon on Oct 10, 2012


Good SF is rooted in good science not just good fantasy...which this is not...a good fantasy that is...

I have to disagree on Oct 10, 2012


You might fantasise about dinosaurs but you should probably keep that sort of thing to yourself. It's called 'science fiction', it's to do with stories concerning science. The original idea was 'what if scientists brought dinosaurs back to life for the purposes of entertainment?' So how is it such a leap to ask 'What if scientists brought dinosaurs back to life to fight wars?'

eurogibbon on Oct 11, 2012


Just read that sentence out loud...now read it again...see how stupid it sounds?

don't troll me on Oct 11, 2012


this is really CRAP

Bartom on Oct 10, 2012


I like the idea of dinosaur/humans using weapons, but they should make them more human and give them medieval armor and also there's cat people and orks and it's an elder scrolls movie

Richie G on Oct 10, 2012


The premise of Jurassic Park always seemed kind of silly, a Zillionaire brings back dinosaurs only to open an amusement park way out in the ocean somewhere... Geeeezzz. So why make Jurassic Park IV a part of that? Start something fresh. We want to see cool F/X driven dinosaurs and a great story... start with a great story this time.

Armitage on Oct 10, 2012


Reminds me of Rise of Planet of the Apes. And the dinohumans eventually take over. I really want to see another Jurassic Park without silliness. How about they run amok in New York City!

The Truth on Oct 10, 2012


They did. It was Godzilla 1998.

Rob on Dec 9, 2012


Can anyone say "Dinosaurs for Hire"? Google it.

Typhoon on Oct 10, 2012


This is seriously the first thing that popped in my head.

LosZombies on Oct 10, 2012


Ha!ha! Yeah!

Dawn Spivey on Dec 28, 2012


Horrific. Doesn't look like a movie for kids.

castingcouch on Oct 11, 2012


This... that... I... What... am I on acid right now?

Thomas Diehl on Oct 12, 2012


So, you all mean to tell me that none of you, when hearing "dinosaur cops", remembered that this has been made before? Does anybody still remember Theodore Rex?

Lord Howitzer on Nov 13, 2012


Dino-human hybrid is a good idea for a new kind of horror. But the fact that they fire weapons and fight crime!?! Come on wtf. I expected that they stalked you , eat you, bite your head of etc.... Haha it also sounds like Turok.

Dark on Nov 25, 2012


no, most of you are a bit wrong. JP was always intended as a hidden message. dinosaurs are "reptiles". someone is giving us some clues here.

BeautyOfAsymetry on Nov 27, 2012


terrible for the humanoid dinosaur ideas and the story i would know a much better looking way for them and story if they could just ask the public once or are they just cowards not to ask the public about redesigning them plus the story

Alex freeman on Jan 22, 2013


The second last image looks like Baraka from mortal kombat!

InsignificantPlanet on Apr 18, 2014

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