米、イスラエル軍事支援加速 ウクライナと並行可能=国防当局者

米、イスラエル軍事支援加速 ウクライナと並行可能=国防当局者
 10月9日、米国防総省高官は、イスラム組織ハマスによる攻撃を受けたイスラエルに防空装備や弾薬などの軍事支援を急いでいると明らかにした。写真はガザ地区から発射されたロケット弾による攻撃。イスラエルのスデロット近くで9日撮影(2023年 ロイター/Amir Cohen)
[ワシントン 9日 ロイター] - 米国防総省高官は9日、イスラム組織ハマスによる攻撃を受けたイスラエルに防空装備や弾薬などの軍事支援を急いでいると明らかにした。


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Phil Stewart has reported from more than 60 countries, including Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China and South Sudan. An award-winning Washington-based national security reporter, Phil has appeared on NPR, PBS NewsHour, Fox News and other programs and moderated national security events, including at the Reagan National Defense Forum and the German Marshall Fund. He is a recipient of the Edwin M. Hood Award for Diplomatic Correspondence and the Joe Galloway Award.


Kanishka Singh is a breaking news reporter for Reuters in Washington DC, who primarily covers US politics and national affairs in his current role. His past breaking news coverage has spanned across a range of topics like the Black Lives Matter movement; the US elections; the 2021 Capitol riots and their follow up probes; the Brexit deal; US-China trade tensions; the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan; the COVID-19 pandemic; and a 2019 Supreme Court verdict on a religious dispute site in his native India.