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Jonah Hill in negotiations to develop '21 Jump Street' movie

May 13, 2008, 11:10 PM | by Nicole Sperling

Categories: Movie Biz

Jonahhill_l 21 Jump Street by way of...Jonah Hill?! Yes, it's true: The breakout Superbad comic and Judd Apatow acolyte is in negotiations to develop a movie adaptation of the popular '80s TV show starring Johnny Depp. It hasn't been decided whether Hill will actually star in the movie, but Sony confirms that he'll work on the screenplay and serve as executive producer. The series, which ran from 1987 to 1991 on Fox, centered on a group of young cops whose youthful appearance allowed them to work undercover in high schools and colleges and search out troubled kids. Sony declined to give any details on the tone or direction of the movie, but it's probably safe to say that this new version won't be featuring any earnest public service announcements, as the series often did. Neal Moritz (I Am Legend) and series cocreator Stephen J. Cannell will produce.

Deej Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 05:51 AM EST

21 Jump Street RIP 1987-1991.

Let it be. If the film carries the Jump Street name fans of the show will expect it to live up to the original which, without the same cast - especially Hanson and Penhall - can't be done.

As far as Johnny's involvement, it doesn't seem likely he'll go back due to his disagreements with the idea of undercover cops at highschools.

However, as jack said, there is always the possibility he'll take some small part in honor of his beginnings as (it seems) many reasons he broke the contract in the first place will not be relevant this time around.

He won't be stuck in some long term contract that will stop him from moving forward, there is more room for creativity with the script, and he doesn't have to take a role that will make him a pin up boy product.

Nevertheless, Depp and Deluise or not, it will never compare to the original. And Earl - Booker only worked because of Richard Grieco as Dennis Booker. That film will run into the same problem as Jump Street - don't give Jonah Hill ideas....

dqmzl qyiakzmgj Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 01:35 AM EST

pqhltm pgetk wpkrq zipqwas hpwo dobntuyf kunaxe

Eli Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 07:09 AM EST

JR May to play Tom Hanson;=jr+may&keyword;=

Emma Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 10:02 PM EST

There's no way they'll ever be able to match the brilliance of the original 21 Jump Street. Who would try to top it? It can't be done.

zarah Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 06:01 PM EST

i wont be watching it even though i watched 21 jump street every saturday night when i was 13.just like others comments it wont be the same.the original shows are brilliant no movies please.

Cy Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 03:29 PM EST

I always liked 21 Jump Street - can't wait until the movie comes out

Mrs. Johnny Depp Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 09:01 PM EST

i am a big fan of 21 Jump Street. but i REALLY hope they DO NOT make this movie. it would ruin it. and it would never be the same. if they do and it has totally different people playing the parts, im going to be pissed. Hanson and Penhall have to be the original Hanson and Penhall.

Zach Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:12 PM EST

This blog really provides great updates on entertainment and entertainers!

Mike Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 05:58 PM EST

Excellent blog that represents the stars!

Miss Depp Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 04:48 AM EST

It was my fav tv show ever and Johnny was the best, still is !
In 2002, there were rumors of a movie already, nothing was done as Johnny didn't want to be a part of it !
His haircut at the MTV awards last month was for his new movie, not for 21 JS !
I've dreamed of a 21 JS movie for years but without the original cast what's the point ? Nobody can play their characters as good as them so it would just ruin it !

Vanessa Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 09:47 AM EST

its not going to be the same

Ckhaos Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 05:07 PM EST

Money speaks, and by the appearance Depp had when he accepted his MTV Movie awards earlier this year (like last month or so?) he was all set to play a role in Jump Street. My wife was in shock at how much he looked like his old self. As much as he may have hated his old role, he my be doing a cameo for the film, which is always fun.

hannah Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 08:12 AM EST

he will not go anywhere near this movie
he hated playing his part back in the 80s, and was glad when his contract ran out, he is very extremely unlikely to play in this movie
the fans of 21 jump street DO NOT see this movie. it will ruin it.
i have serious doubts that johnny will play in this part, and even if he did it wouldn't be the same because he doesn't have the same young face as he did in 21 jump street all those years ago, remember
johnny was probably in his 20s when he made this show, now he's in his 40s, it wont be the same.
nor with penhall
if depp and deloiuse do not play the parts, it wont be the same, nor will it be even if they do, so whats the point?

jack Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 08:08 PM EST

Tiffany true chances of Johnny Depp joining Jump Street is almost none. however he never would off the set and break contract, he may consider it if this is made right and not as a joke as this sounds. Johnny may do it in honor of where he started and to reunite with other costars. You do Holly Robinson and Peter Delouise of course !!!

Jack Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 08:04 PM EST

21 Jump Street was not a comedy !! You can not make it funny and if it is fans of the show WILL NOT PAY TO SEE IT RUINED and if johnny Depp won't go near it neither will the fans.
If a movie is not made true to the show DON'T MAKE IT !!!!!

I won't go see it if it turns out to be corny or they ruin it.

tiffany Sat, May 31, 2008 at 09:51 PM EST

depp and deluise. the brilliance of the originally show. do not destroy this with jonah hill, no one can fill the parts of Hanson and Penhall.
And seriously, I have serious doubts that Depp would ever touch this movie if it somehow manages to make its way into production, after all, he hated the show and wanted desperately to get out of it.

SEAN CARTER Sun, May 25, 2008 at 07:39 PM EST

Hollywood needs to stop making geeky remakes of shows that were cool it didnt work for starsky an hutch, dukes and it wont work for this do it right or not at all.

Earl Thu, May 15, 2008 at 06:14 AM EST

I haven't seen Jump Street in a long time (though I have a couple of old taped episodes floating around somewhere), but I don't like the way Hill's presence is pretty much giving it away as Starsky & Hutch-ish spoof.

A movie version could actually be done as an interesting action/drama, with questions raised about should cops even be used to go undercover in schools (an issue Depp had with the show).

Yeah, Jump Street may not have been Homicide or Hill Street Blues, but the series DID tackle serious issues. An episode was about a student with AIDS, and I don't recall any series back then ever handling that topic!
Plus one show had lead female cop Holly Robinson getting raped while on assigned. Pretty edgy stuff for a "light" show.

I dig Johan Hill's movies, but lets give Jump Street some respect, huh?

Now...a movie version of BOOKER! That could be fun!

TheDon75 Thu, May 15, 2008 at 02:18 AM EST

Bad move- Jonah Hill has one note- he is awful, please stop putting him in movies Judd. He does nothing.

Betsy Nichols Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:12 PM EST

I love Jonah Hill from tit to toe, and my Members Only jacket is all a-flutter at the very idea of his spearheading a 21 Jumpstreet remake. All you naysayers stuck in caps lock will surely have to eat your limited vocabularies when this epic hits the screen. I would so give up a finger to see him star in this! The guy is such an amazing actor. Someday I want to see Jonah Hill play a role like Jerry Lewis' in The King of Comedy. I mean, sure, Superbad made me bust a gut about a million times, but the scene I can't stop YouTubing is the sleeping bag love confession. I know, I know, I'm a girl, and we've all heard the brouhaha about "Fine Bromance" and how Apatow make movies about boys that girls like 'cause it shows boys' vulnerable sides and whatevs. But for me it's not that! It wasn't that it was "cute." It was that they played it so real - it was just perfect and brilliantly acted. They totally channeled my high school friend's shy big brother and his inseparable, hilarious friend. Cera was amazing, but I think Hill's was the more difficult character to play in that scene, and he nailed it. Anyhoo, he'll bat this new bag out of the park too, no doubt. Can't wait. No Depp required.

Rob Grizzly Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:31 PM EST

Wes- you're right.
voiceofreason- good point.
But I agree with Dan. Say a few dirty words and all of a sudden Jonah Hill has serious clout in Hollywood? Comparing him to Tom Hanks is about as rediculous as this movie sounds.

What does he even know about 21 Jump Street? He was a fan of it as a kid? I'm pretty sure he and his buddies thought this up while they were high.

Jonah- "You know what show I loved?"
Judd- "I dunno. What?"
Jonah (smoking)"21 Jump Street, yo!"
Judd- "OH Yeah! I remember that s***!"
Jonah- "Dude wouldn't it be awesome if someone remade that?"
Judd- "Dude, why don't WE? We got enough money."
Jonah (choking)- "Dude! Yes, man! But I'll front it cause it was my idea."
Judd- "It's on!"

I get the feeling this gem of an idea went something like that.

Amy Wed, May 14, 2008 at 08:24 PM EST

Considering the hoops Depp jumped through to get out of the original show, I somehow doubt he'll be involved. And this movie will inevitably a) suck or b) not have anything to do with the series (and probably still suck).

Wes Wed, May 14, 2008 at 07:22 PM EST

It's odd that if you're a guy and funny, you can look like Jonah Hill and have movies developed for you. If you're a girl and funny, you better be a knockout, or you'll never work. Even the characters that are supposed to be mousy or clumsy or awkward or nerdy are played by beautiful girls with model-thin bodies. I mean, best of luck to Jonah Hill, but the double standard has never been more obvious.

Charles Wed, May 14, 2008 at 03:25 PM EST

voice of reason,

Great Post. What will Johnny D play? Pirate hat with a Stone member accent sure; but maybe a recurring principal or teacher that has fun with the girls???

andy man Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:42 AM EST

Just don't let this Hill guy touch it.....

andy Man Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:40 AM EST

Only one name and this movie will be an instant success... John Depp. Millions! Count them! All of them... there's no debate here... if he's in on this series again then this movie is already a trilogy!

Dan Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:25 AM EST

It took years-- sometimes decades for comics like Keaton, Williams, Carey and Hanks to earn enough respect and credibility to do more dramatic roles. Jonah Hill has been in like what, 4 movies? He's played the lead in 1? I'm not close to convinced that he can handle executive producing, but I suspect his decision making will likely be limited to what type of coffee they'll order on set. This is at best a marketing ploy.

voiceofreason Wed, May 14, 2008 at 09:47 AM EST

First off it's always amazing that despite Micheal Keaton, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks and countless other comic actors have transitioned to dramatic roles that fan boy posters still b--ch and moan, when a comic actor is in discussions to take on a dramatic role. Second '21 Jump Street' is not some sacred cow of TV that isn't above remaking. The only noteable things about the show were 1) It fueled Depps career, and 2) It was one of Fox's first good TV shows! That's about it. It never seriously tackled an social issues, wasn't an Emmy Favorite, wasn't even landmark in concept (Mod Squad anybody). Also they didn't say this Hill Kid was the Headliner (he could be playing the lighter 'DeLouise part' in this movie version.

Un-knott your panties people! This is the same crowd of posters that balked when Robert Downey Jr. was cast as Iron Man, or when Heath Ledger (RIP dude!) was cast as the Joker. Wait till a finished product comes out before the b--tching starts!

Frothy Wed, May 14, 2008 at 09:22 AM EST

Can we start calling it "21 Jump the Shark Street"?

Matt Wed, May 14, 2008 at 09:13 AM EST

This plan's been fucked since jump street.

llmmss Wed, May 14, 2008 at 08:06 AM EST

There is NO ONE who can fill Johnny Depp or Peter DeLuise's shoes for this movie. I repeat NO ONE.

Jennifer Wed, May 14, 2008 at 08:03 AM EST

Don't they use focus groups to determine if people even want to watch these movies? It would save them from wasting money making a movie like this, that's for sure.

Allen Wed, May 14, 2008 at 06:45 AM EST

Why won't the film be serious? Because the cadre of actors they choose for the roles can't act, and can't carry a dramatic film. Plus, we haven't had a good stoner movie in a while. Oh yeah, I almost forgot....what a stupid idea!

Elizabeth Wed, May 14, 2008 at 06:10 AM EST



Delon Wed, May 14, 2008 at 05:35 AM EST

I was a big fan of 21 Jump Street back in the day, but i have absolutely no interest in seeing this Jonah Hill remake. I just can't stand him!

aps Wed, May 14, 2008 at 01:00 AM EST

seriously. enough of this. make up some original movie concepts. hell, just dont call it a "21 jump street" movie. just call it a movie about young cops and stuff. there HAS to be something out there that can be made.
And that's not to say the movie won't be good. it's just that you'd think that someone could be a little original.


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