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Crimson Dragon: Panzer Dragoon creator hopes to make RPG sequel

Crimson Dragon is heading to Xbox One after a long development schedule, but Panzer Dragoon creator Yukio Futatsugi hopes it will be successful enough that he can make an RPG follow-up. Fans of Panzer Dragoon Saga might want to hold on to something.

Speaking with Joystiq, Futatsugi said that while his team is focused on getting the first game finished, he hopes to make Crimson Dragon a franchise.

It's worth noting that the team at Grounding Inc. is comprised of many Panzer Dragoon Saga developers, and when asked if he's like to see the Sega Saturn game re-made in HD, Futatsugi said that yes, he would, although he feels it would be a difficult game to remake.

If you want to see more of Crimson Dragon we've got some boss fight footage from E3 right here.

Would you like to see Crimson Dragon given the RPG treatment? What about a re-make of Panzer Dragoon Saga? Let us know below.

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