Snooki's going to Wrestlemania!
Lady Gaga raises $250,000 for earthquake relief

Television writer apologizes for 'insensitive' earthquake tweet

By Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY

50 Cent. Gilbert Gottfried. Haley Barbour's press secretary. And now Family Guy scriptwriter Alec Sulkin. They've all made insensitive Twitter remarks about Japan's earthquake disaster.

On Friday, Sulkin, who has written for The Cleveland Show and Craig Kilborn's late night show, tweeted: "If you wanna feel better about this earthquake in Japan, google 'Pearl Harbor death toll.'"

The next day, he decided to delete the tweet and apologize for his comment. He wrote, "Yesterday death toll = 200. Today = 10,000. I am sorry for my insensitive Tweet. It's gone."

Snooki's going to Wrestlemania!
Lady Gaga raises $250,000 for earthquake relief
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