カルタヘナ・デ・インディアスの海戦 (1741年)とは? わかりやすく解説

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カルタヘナ・デ・インディアスの海戦 (1741年)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/02/12 18:13 UTC 版)

カルタヘナ・デ・インディアスの海戦(カルタヘナ・デ・インディアスのかいせん、英語: Battle of Cartagena de Indias)はエドワード・ヴァーノン英語版中将率いるイギリス軍とセバスティアン・デ・エスラバ英語版率いるスペイン軍の間の戦闘で、イギリス軍が大敗した。戦闘は1741年3月、カルタヘナ・デ・インディアス(現コロンビア領)で起こり、ジェンキンスの耳の戦争中の大規模な戦闘となった。戦争は後にオーストリア継承戦争へと拡大した。

  1. ^ Beatson、Hart、Duncan、Lord Mahon、Humeなどの歴史家は遠征開始の時点では陸軍計1万2千人とした。中にはヴァージニア植民地の副総督率いるアメリカ植民地の海兵隊(ウィリアム・グーチ大佐(William Gooch)の第43連隊)も含まれており、この海兵隊はアメリカ海兵隊の前身とされている。
  2. ^ Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol III, Appendix pp. 25–26によると、イギリス海軍の海員は計15,398人である。彼は輸送船と補給船135隻の海員の人数には言及しなかったが、3千人から5千人程度とされる。Reed Browningは全軍の合計が3万人と概算したが、これに基づいて計算すると輸送船の海員は約2,600人となる。Hume, David. The History of England, London, 1825, pp. 108–13, "The conjoined squadrons consisted of nine and twenty ships of the line...The number of seamen amounted to 15,000: that of land forces...12,000." Samuel, Arthur Michael. The Mancroft Essays, US, 1923, pp. 236–42, 'Admiral Vernon, "...now reinforced by twenty-five ships of the line and 9,000 soldiers...".
  3. ^ Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol III, Appendix pp. 25–27. Browning, Reed. The War of the Austrian Succession St. Martin's Press, New York, (1993), p. 60によると、合計人数は恐らく3万人だという。
  4. ^ スペインはイギリス艦隊が到着するほぼ1年前にはその情報をつかんでいた。スペイン領フロリダマヌエル・デ・モンティアーノ英語版総督はモセ砦の戦いで捕虜になったイギリス兵士から「イングランドでは戦列艦30隻と上陸軍1万人によるハバナ遠征を準備している」ことを知り、それをスペイン王に報告した。出典:Letter from Governor Montiano, July 6, 1740, Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. (Vol. VII. – Part I). Published by Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Ga.両軍の情報収集とスパイ活動についてはIbañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkin's Ear, London, 2008を参照。
  5. ^ Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol III, Appendix pp. 25–26によると、ヴァーノン率いる戦列艦は80門艦8隻、70門艦5隻、60門艦14隻、50門艦2隻、フリゲート22隻だった。Hart, p. 140も22隻だとした。
  6. ^ Smollett, Tobias George and Hume, David. History of England, Vol. II, London, 1848, p.391.ヴァーノンのところに派遣されたオグル艦隊は「170隻」とされ、ヴァーノン自身の艦隊を足すとほぼ186隻に近く、ほかのところでの言及がない補給船と輸送船も含まれている。作者のSmollett自身は医者として遠征に従軍しており、艦隊を目撃していた。
  7. ^ ただし、Fernández Duroは正規軍1,100人だとした。出典:Cesáreo Fernández Duro, Armada española desde la unión de los reinos de Castilla y de León, Est. tipográfico Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, Madrid, 1902, Vol. VI, p. 247.
  8. ^ スペインの戦列艦6隻に乗船している海員の人数はイギリスの同程度の戦列艦と同じぐらいでなければならない(つまり、1隻400人から600人)ため、カルタヘナ駐留軍4千人はその大半が海員だった。
  9. ^ Hart, Francis Russel. Admirals of the Caribbean, Boston, 1922, p. 146によると、民兵は300人だった。
  10. ^ Hart, Francis Russel. Admirals of the Caribbean, Boston, 1922, p. 146. Browning, p. 60は3千人とした。
  11. ^ Geggus David. Medical History, 1979, 23:38–58., Yellow Fever in the 1790s: The British Army in occupied Saint Domingue, p. 50, "... of the 12,000 British and Americans who laid siege to Cartagena in 1741 seventy percent perished, including seventy-seven per cent of the British." つまり、黄熱病だけで8,400人が病死、うち6千人以上はイギリスの包囲軍。Harbon, John D..Trafalgar and the Spanish Navy, Conway Maritime Press, 2004, ISBN 0-87021-695-3, p. 108, "...yellow fever ... killed perhaps 9,000 sailors and troops in the British forces.". Hart, Francis Russel. Admirals of the Caribbean, Boston, 1922, p. 151. "So great were the losses to the troops through disease and battle that not over one third of the land troops appear to have returned with the fleet to Jamaica."も8千人以上とDavidと同じような記述であった。Coxe, William. Memoirs of the kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, Volume 3, London 1815, p. 24によると、ハバナに攻撃したのは"...3,000 men, the discouraged and exhausted remnant of the troops which had been repulsed at Cartagena ..."だったという。Coxeは遠征中の損失を2万人とした。Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol I. p. 111によると、ジャマイカに着く頃には3千人しか残っていなかったという。
  12. ^ Duncan, Francis. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, London, 1879, Vol.1, p. 123,"...so reduced was this force in two years by disaster and disease, that not a tenth part returned to England...'thus ended in shame, disappointment, and loss, the most important, most expensive, and best concerted expedition that Great Britain was ever engaged in'...". So too, Fortescue, J.W.. A History of the British Army, MacMillan, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 76. "Of the regiments that had sailed from St. Helen's under Cathcart in all the pride and confidence of strength, nine in every ten had perished.".
  13. ^ a b Cesáreo Fernández Duro, Armada española desde la unión de los reinos de Castilla y de León, Est. tipográfico Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, Madrid, 1902, Vol. VI, p. 250.
  14. ^ Anon..Soldados Digital, 2008, Don Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta un Ejemplo Del Espíritu Militar Españolによると、鹵獲、消失、損傷したイギリスの大砲は1,500門に上る。作者不明であるため慎重に扱わなければならないが、この出典にはリファレンスが含まれている。
  15. ^ Duro, Cesáreo Fernández. Armada española desde la unión de los reinos de Castilla y de León, Est. tipográfico Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, Madrid, 1902, Vol. VI, p. 250, "...tuvieron que incendiar seis navios y otros 17 quedaron con necesidad de grandes reparos para poder servir...".
  16. ^ "...departing May 20th, five ships were burnt due to a lack of crew. Another sank on its way to Jamaica" El desastre del ataque británico a Cartagena de Indias. Revista de Historia Naval.
  17. ^ The Hispanic American Historical Review, Volume 2, Baltimore, 1922, p. 64, gives: "... 18 of the largest... repairing considerable damage.".
  18. ^ Anon..Soldados Digital, 2008, Don Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta un Ejemplo Del Espíritu Militar Español.
  19. ^ Marley, David. Wars of the Americas: A Chronology of Armed Conflict in the New World, 1492 to the Present, ABC-CLIO (1998). ISBN 0-87436-837-5, p. 259では600人だとした。
  20. ^ スペインの損失の出典はAnon..Soldados Digital, 2008, Don Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta un Ejemplo Del Espíritu Militar Español.
  21. ^ Coxe, William. Memoirs of the kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, Volume 3, London 1815. Coxeは遠征中の損害を2万人としたが、Browning, p. 382はそれを「ありそうもない」とした。
  22. ^ Tindal, N. The continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England, Vol. VII, London, MDCCLIX, p. 511, "The epidemical sickness by this time had carried off not only the greatest part of the troops, but had made havock amongst the crews that had sailed from England...". Also, Harbron, John D..Trafalgar and the Spanish navy, Conway Maritime Press, 1998, ISBN 0-87021-695-3, p. 108, "... yellow fever... killed perhaps 9,000 sailors and troops in the British forces".
  23. ^ Browning, Reed. The War of the Austrian Succession, New York, 1993 ISBN 0-312-12561-5, p. 21.
  24. ^ Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for War: The Intelligence Systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, London, 2008, p. 16.
  25. ^ Richmond, Herbert William. The Cambridge Naval and Military Series, The Navy in the War of 1739–48, Cambridge University Press, 1920, vol 1, p. 2.
  26. ^ Harbron, John D..Trafalgar and the Spanish navy', Conway Maritime Press, 1998, ISBN 0-87021-695-3, p. 3.
  27. ^ Rodger N.A.M. The Command of the Ocean, 2004, p. 238. Also: Harbron, John D. Trafalgar and the Spanish Navy, Conway Maritime Press, 2004, ISBN 0-87021-695-3, pp. 236–37. War of Jenkins Ear”. GlobalSecurity.org. 2007年9月13日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年9月24日閲覧。.
  28. ^ Pearce, Edward. The Great Man: Sir Robert Walpole, London, 2007, ISBN 978-1-84413-405-2, p. 402–03. Also, Fortescue, A History, p. 57.
  29. ^ Ruiz, Bruce. “Admiral Vernon and portobello”. Panama History.com. 2007年10月30日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年9月24日閲覧。.
  30. ^ Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Appendix p. 17.内訳は70門艦3隻、60門艦2隻、50門艦1隻である。
  31. ^ Browning, Reed. The War of the Austrian Succession, New York, 1993 ISBN 0-312-12561-5, p. 22, "They (the British) had over 120 ships of the line in their fleet, while France had but 50 and Spain 40." Mitch Williamson's British Naval Supremacy: Some Factors Newly Considered (2002)ではオーストリア継承戦争の「終わり」のときにイギリス海軍は44,861人を有しているとされたため、ヴァーノンの海員1万5千以上は少なくともその4分の1となる。
  32. ^ Harbron, John D..Trafalgar and the Spanish navy, Conway Maritime Press, 2004, ISBN 0-87021-695-3, pp. 15–17. 18世紀中、ハバナはほかのスペイン造船所よりも50パーセント以上の戦列艦を建造した。
  33. ^ Rodger, N.A.M., The Command of the Ocean, ISBN 0-393-06050-0 New York, 2005, p. 237. "... his (Vernon's) ruthless exploitation of the army, his unscrupulous skill at claiming credit for every success and blaming the soldiers for every failure, eventually destroyed any possibility of harmonious combined operations.".
  34. ^ Rodger N.A.M.. The Command of the Ocean, 2004, pp. 237–38, "The government was unable to resist the public clamor for a major expedition to the Caribbean.". Also: Harbron, John D. Trafalgar and the Spanish Navy, Conway Maritime Press, 2004, ISBN 0-87021-695-3, p. 237.
  35. ^ Richmond, Herbert William. The Cambridge Naval and Military Series, The navy in the war of 1739–48, Cambridge University Press, 1920, vol. 1, p. 12.
  36. ^ Pares, Richard. War and Trade in the West Indies, Routledge, 1963, ISBN 0-7146-1943-4, p.85. Richmond, Herbert William. The Cambridge Naval and Military Series, The navy in the war of 1739–48, Cambridge University Press, 1920, vol. 1, p. 12.
  37. ^ Ford, Douglas. Admiral Vernon and the Navy: A Memoir and Vindication, London, MCMVII, p. 124, "Destroy their settlements in America, and Spain falls. My opinion is that a strong squadron be sent to the West Indies, to distress the enemy in their very vitals, to destroy their mines, to seize their treasures, to take their ships, to ruin their settlements. Let them be attacked in as many places as possible at the same time...If once Porto-Bello and Cartagena were taken, then all will be lost to them." Vernon at the Admiralty meeting.
  38. ^ Le Fevre, Peter; Harding, Richard, ed..Precursors of Nelson: British admirals of the eighteenth century, Stackpole Books, 2000, ISBN 0-8117-2901-X pp. 163–64.
  39. ^ Richmond, Herbert William. The Cambridge Naval and Military Series, The navy in the war of 1739–48, Cambridge University Press, 1920, vol 1, p. 101.
  40. ^ Ford, Douglas. Admiral Vernon and the Navy: A Memoir and Vindication, London, MCMVII, pp. 143–44.
  41. ^ Rodger, N. A. M..The Command of the Ocean, 2004, p. 236.
  42. ^ Pares, Richard. War and Trade in the West Indies, Routledge, 1963, ISBN 0-7146-1943-4, pp. 66, 68, 92–93. Also, Le Fevre, Peter; Harding, Richard, ed..Precursors of Nelson: British admirals of the eighteenth century, Stackpole Books, 2000, ISBN 0-8117-2901-X p. 168, "...by taking and holding some of her (Spain's) important colonies.". Similarly, Richmond, Herbert William. The Cambridge Naval and Military Series, The navy in the war of 1739–48, Cambridge University Press, 1920, vol. 1, p. 16.
  43. ^ Ford, Douglas. Admiral Vernon and the Navy: A Memoir and Vindication, London, MCMVII, p. 140, "In that way there would have been secured for Britain the whole trade with the coast of Chili (sic) and Peru, and with the western coast of Mexico, thus crippling the power of Spain...".
  44. ^ Rodger, N. A. M.. The Command of the Ocean, 2004, p. 233.
  45. ^ Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, London, 2008, p. 156.
  46. ^ Dull, Jonathan R.. The Age of the Ship of the Line: The British and French Navies, 1650–1815, University of Nebraska Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-8032-1930-4, p. 46. Also, Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, University College London, 2008, p. 180.
  47. ^ Harbron, John D..Trafalgar and the Spanish navy, Conway Maritime Press, 2004, ISBN 0-87021-695-3, pp. 13–14.
  48. ^ Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol III, Appendix pp. 24–25.
  49. ^ Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, London, 2008, pp. 185–86.
  50. ^ Brooke, James (1995年10月8日). “Cartagena, Caribbean Jewel”. The New York Times. オリジナルの2010年2月9日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20100209030954/http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html 2010年4月26日閲覧。 .
  51. ^ Robert Beatson, Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Appendix pp. 25–26.ヴァーノン配下の戦列艦は80門艦8隻、70門艦5隻、60門艦14隻、50門艦2隻、フリゲート22隻などであった。また兵隊1万2千の内訳は第15と第24歩兵連隊2,000人、海兵隊6,000人、アメリカ人2,500人などだった。戦列艦の海員は1万1千人以上だったが、Beatsonはフリゲートと輸送船の海員の人数を記述しなかった。次のページにはカルタヘナ遠征に参加したフリゲートとその会員の人数が記され、ヴァーノン艦隊とおおよそ同じだった。そのため、イギリス艦隊の海員の人数は(少なくとも記録上は)15,398人だった。この人数は兵士12,000、120隻以上の輸送船の海員、および文民の海員を含まなかった。
  52. ^ Hume, David. The History of England, London, 1825, p. 109, "...with an equal number of frigates, fire ships, and bomb ketches...". また、James Pritchard, Anatomy of a Naval Disaster: The 1746 French Expedition to North America. Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995, ISBN 978-0-7735-1325-9ではほぼ同時期の水陸両用作戦が記述されたが、こちらは戦列艦10隻、輸送船45隻、兵士と海員1万だった。この遠征とヴァーノンの艦隊を比較すると、ヴァーノンの艦隊は戦列艦数、および兵士と海員数でほぼ3倍であるため、船の合計数もおおよそ3倍,すなわち165隻以上と推定される。
  53. ^ Smollett, Tobias George and Hume, David. History of England, Vol. II, London, 1848, p. 392.
  54. ^ Richmond, Herbert William. The Cambridge Naval and Military Series, The navy in the war of 1739–48, Cambridge University Press, 1920, vol 1, p. 101, "... regiments miscalled marines ..."、つまり戦艦から派遣された海兵隊ではない。
  55. ^ Hart, Francis Russel . Admirals of the Caribbean, Boston, 1922, p. 139. またClark, Walter. The State Records of North Carolina, Vol.XI, pp. 42–45では実際に出航した輸送船は36隻で、合計3,600人だった。さらにMarshall, P.J. and Low, A.M..The Oxford history of the British Empire: The eighteenth century, Oxford, 2001, ISBN 0-19-924677-7ではp. 119が3,600人、p. 302が3,500人と記述した。
  56. ^ Letter to Torres, 13 Jan. 1741, AGS, Estado Francia, Legajo 4408: "Al mismo tiempo y por propio conducto, ha participado que por carta de 28 de noviembre escrita desde Londres se daba por sujeto apreciable que se habían mudado las instrucciones de M. Carthcart que la escuadra del almirante Ogle que conduce las tropas de su cargo en lugar de ir a la Habana ira a Cartagena, por hallarse los ingleses bien informados de que no hemos enviado más de 2000 hombres y 600 reclutas".
  57. ^ Hart, Francis Russel. Admirals of the Caribbean, Boston, 1922, p. 146では4千人とされたが、Reed Browning, p. 60では3千人とした。
  58. ^ Lemaitre, Eduardo (1998). Breve Historia de Cartagena. Medellin: Editorial Colina .
  59. ^ Fortescue, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 62, "The fleet was very sickly...". Hill, J.R., ed.. The Oxford illustrated history of the Royal Navy, Oxford, ISBN 0-19-860527-7, 1995, p. 140, Baugh, D.A. Health, Victuals, Discipline and Morale, "The worst naval typhus epidemic of the century occurred between August 1739 and October 1740 ... 25,000 fell ill and were sent to hospital ships, sick quarters and hospitals; of these, 2750 died and 1976 deserted." これは当時イギリス海軍に雇われた海員の半分以上にあたる(p. 135を参照)。Rodger, The Command of the Ocean, p. 308, "A serious epidemic (of typhus) over the hard winters of 1739–41 wrecked the Navy's mobilization, with men falling sick faster than they could be recruited." 当時、チフスは冬に多く見られる病気であった。
  60. ^ Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, London, 2008, p. 166. Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, London, 2008, p. 166, relates reports that October 1000 sailors and 400 soldiers were sick.
  61. ^ a b Fortescue, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, pp. 61–62.
  62. ^ Fortescue, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 62.
  63. ^ Hudson, Geoffrey L., ed.. British military and naval medicine, 1600–1830, Chap. 7, Krimmin, Patriaca K., British Naval Health, 1700–1800, Improvement over time?, Amsterdam-New York, 2007, ISBN 978-90-420-2272-0, p. 184.傷病委員会英語版によると、1740年だけで1万人近くが病気でイングランドに留まった。
  64. ^ Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, University College London, 2008, p. 180, "... Vernon told Cathcart that it was crucial to avoid the sickly season, which lasted from May to November."
  65. ^ Rodger, N.A.M.. The Command of the Ocean, ISBN 0-393-06050-0 New York, 2005, pp. 160–61; Fortescue, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 68. Hill, J.R., ed.. The Oxford illustrated history of the Royal Navy, Oxford, ISBN 0-19-860527-7, 1995, p. 140, Baugh, D.A.. Health, Victuals, Discipline and Morale, p. 141.
  66. ^ Anon..Soldados Digital, 2008,Don Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta un Ejemplo Del Espíritu Militar Español gives details of conflict between Lezo and Eslava.
  67. ^ Dull, Jonathan R.. The Age of the Ship of the Line: The British and French Navies, 1650–1815, University of Nebraska Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-8032-1930-4, p. 46, "... more than a third of them were needed to fill out the crews...". Also, Le Fevre, Peter; Harding, Richard, ed..Precursors of Nelson: British admirals of the eighteenth century, Stackpole Books, 2000, ISBN 0-8117-2901-X p. 169.
  68. ^ Ford, Douglas. Admiral Vernon and the Navy: A Memoir and Vindication, London, MCMVII, p. 153.
  69. ^ Hargreaves- Mawdsley, W.N. (1968). Spain under the Bourbons, 1700–1833: A collection of documents. Macmillan & Co. pp. 100–02 
  70. ^ The Battle of Cartagena de Indias”. Grandes Batallas. 2017年9月30日閲覧。
  71. ^ Smollett, Tobias and Roscoe, Thomas. The miscellaneous works of Tobias Smollett, London, 1844. Contains Smollett's long version of Expedition to Carthagena, p. 606.
  72. ^ Ford, Douglas. Admiral Vernon and the navy: a memoir and vindication"", London, 1907, p. 154. Also, The London Gazette, Number 8015, May 1741, p. 1, "... the two Regiments of Harrison and Wentworth, and the six Regiments Marines landed without opposition.".
  73. ^ Offen Lee, Gooch's American Regiment, 1740–1742, America's First Marines, Fortis Press, ISBN 978-0-9777884-1-5, pp. 37–38.
  74. ^ Offen Lee, Gooch's American Regiment, 1740–1742, America's First Marines, Fortis Press, ISBN 978-0-9777884-1-5, p. 31.
  75. ^ Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol. II, pp. 93–94. Also, Clowes, W. Laird. The Royal Navy, a history from the earliest times to present, London, 1898, Vol. III, pp. 71–72. Smollett: Miscellaneous works, p. 606.
  76. ^ Smollett: Miscellaneous works, p. 606.
  77. ^ Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 66.
  78. ^ Fortesque, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 66–68. Beatson, Robert., Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol. I, p. 101.
  79. ^ Ibañez, I.R.. Mobilizing Resources for war: the intelligence systems during the War of Jenkins' Ear, University College London, 2008, p. 179.
  80. ^ Fortesque, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 67. Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Vol.I, p. 102.
  81. ^ 土嚢と似たようなものだったが、砂ではなく羊毛が積まれており、高さ5フィートで直径15インチだった。Duane, William. A Military Dictionary: Or, Explanation of the Several Systems of Discipline, Philadelphia, 1810, p. 639.
  82. ^ Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, MacMillan, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 70.
  83. ^ Knowles, Charles.An Account of the expedition to Carthagena, London, 1743, p. 45. Similarly, The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. 11, 1741, p. 331. Also, Fortesque, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 72.
  84. ^ Samuel, Arthur Michael. The Mancroft Essays, US, 1923, pp. 236–42, 'Admiral Vernon, "...now reinforced by twenty-five ships of the line and 9,000 soldiers...of the six thousand that had been landed more than half were either dead or dying. Lord Mahon. History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, Vol. III, Boston, 1853, p. 64, "... he found, in less than two days, his effective force (emphasis added) dwindle from 6600 to 3200 men." Similarly, Tindal, The continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England V.7, p. 509, "... they were reduced from 6,645 to 3,200, of whom 1200 were Americans, and unfit for service.".
  85. ^ Smollett, Tobias George and Hume, David. History of England, Vol. II, London, 1848, p. 394, "...each proved more eager for the disgrace of his rival than zealous for the honour of the nation.". Also, Rodger, N. A. M.. The Command of the Ocean, ISBN 0-393-06050-0 New York, 2005, p. 237. "... his ruthless exploitation of the army, his unscrupulous skill at claiming credit for every success and blaming the soldiers for every failure, eventually destroyed any possibility of harmonious combined operations." Similarly, Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 79, "Nevertheless, it was Vernon who was mainly responsible for the fatal friction between the army and the navy.".
  86. ^ Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, pp. 73–74. Similarly, Hart, Francis Russel. Admirals of the Caribbean, Boston, 1922, p. 151. "So great were the losses to the troops through disease and battle that not over one third of the land troops appear to have returned with the fleet to Jamaica.".
  87. ^ Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, pp. 72–79.
  88. ^ Meisel Ujueta, Alfonso (1982). Blas de Lezo: vida legendaria del marino Vasco. Barranquilla, Colombia: Litografía Dovel,. p. 1982 
  89. ^ "..departing May 20th, five ships were burnt due to a lack of crew. Another sank on its way to Jamaica". Don Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta un Ejemplo Del Espíritu Militar Españolでは計50隻が失われたと記されている。
  90. ^ Pares, Richard. War and Trade in the West Indies, Routledge, 1963 ISBN 0-7146-1943-4, pp. 92–93. Offen Lee, Gooch's American Regiment, 1740–1742, America's First Marines, Fortis Press, ISBN 978-0-9777884-1-5, pp. 3, 63–64.
  91. ^ Conway, Stephens. War, state, and society in mid-eighteenth-century Britain and Ireland, Oxford, 2006, ISBN 0-19-925375-7, p. 230.
  92. ^ Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, MacMillan, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 76. Also, Marshall, P.J. and Low, A.M..The Oxford history of the British Empire: The eighteenth century, Oxford, 2001, ISBN 0-19-924677-7, p. 278では損失が"four-fifths"(5分の4)に達したという。
  93. ^ Navy Records Society (Great Britain) Publications of the Navy Records Society Vol. XXXIII, Naval Songs and Ballards,1907, pp. 181–84. It has specific details about the fleets that correspond to other sources such as "Thirty ships of the line...", "Don Blas with six ships...".
  94. ^ Membrillo Becerra, Francisco Javier (2011). La Batalla de Cartagena de Indias. pp. 267–75. ISBN 978-84-615-3894-2. http://www.labatalladecartagenadeindias.com 
  95. ^ Victoria, Pablo (2005). El día que España derrotó a Inglaterra: de cómo Blas de Lezo, tuerto, manco y cojo, venció en Cartagena de Indias a la otra "Armada Invencible". Altera. p. 262. ISBN 8441435111 
  96. ^ 当時のロンドンの反応、およびウォルポールとヴァーノンの対立についてはFord, Douglas. Admiral Vernon and the Navy: A Memoir and Vindication London, MCMVII, pp. 141–45, "The debate in Parliament was one the most exciting and memorable ever heard...the climax lay in Walpole's alleged misconduct in relation to the war, and that, in turn, practically meant his failure to give proper support to Admiral Vernon....But Walpole's victory was of the sort that presages ultimate defeat."; p. 147, "In January, 1742, Pulteney again marshalled his forces, and moved for the appointment of a committee to examine papers capable of affording evidence as to the conduct of the war with Spain."を参照。ウォルポールは1742年2月初に辞任した。
  97. ^ Browning, Reed. The War of the Austrian Succession, New York, 1993 ISBN 0-312-12561-5, pp. 58–66, " 'now America must be fought for in Europe', Britain's Lord Hardwicke. If Britain could not prevail where it could muster all its maritime advantages, what fatality might await it when it engaged-as now it must-under severe disadvantages?".
  98. ^ Dull, Jonathan R.. The Age of the Ship of the Line: The British and French Navies, 1650–1815, University of Nebraska Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-8032-1930-4, p. 47. Conway, Stephens. War, state, and society in mid-eighteenth-century Britain and Ireland, Oxford, 2006, ISBN 0-19-925375-7, p. 14, "... arguments between the naval and military commanders made effective cooperation impossible.". その敵意はジャマイカのウィリアム・トレローニー英語版総督とサー・チャローナー・オーグル英語版がお互いに剣を振るうほどであった。Fortesque, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 76.
  99. ^ Fortescue, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 75.ロイヤル・スコッツ連隊、第6歩兵連隊、第27歩兵連隊のことである。
  100. ^ Hill, J.R., ed.. The Oxford illustrated history of the Royal Navy, Oxford, ISBN 0-19-860527-7, 1995, p. 140, Baugh, D.A. Health, Victuals, Discipline and Morale p. 141, "In early 1742, only 3,000 of 6,600 on Sir Chanon Ogle's large West India squadron were fit for duty.".
  101. ^ Duncan, Francis. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, London, 1879, Vol.1, p.123,"...so reduced was this force in two years by disaster and disease, that not a tenth part returned to England...'thus ended in shame, disappointment, and loss, the most important, most expensive, and best concerted expedition that Great Britain was ever engaged in'...". So too, Fortescue, J.W.. A History of the British Army, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 76. "Of the regiments that had sailed from St. Helen's under Cathcart in all the pride and confidence of strength, nine in every ten had perished.". Coxe, William. Memoirs of the kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, Volume 3, London 1815. Coxeは遠征全体の損害を2万人としたが、Reed Browning, p. 382ではそれは無理があるとした。
  102. ^ Rodger, p. 238.
  103. ^ Conway, Stephens. War, state, and society in mid-eighteenth-century Britain and Ireland, Oxford, 2006, ISBN 0-19-925375-7, p. 16.
  104. ^ Browning, Reed The War of the Austrian Succession, New York, 1993 ISBN 0-312-12561-5, pp. 80–81.
  105. ^ Alehouseエールを売る酒場のこと。
  106. ^ Admiral Vernon's memorial at Westminster Abbey

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